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楼主: yin G

Tundra Lake Aug.31-Sept.02, 2013 寻梦记

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-8 12:54:23 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 好热闹

威武, 竟然云开见日.

八仙过海, 好厉害!

真是人算不如天算哪, 长周末还下了几回阵雨, 紫湖晴空少云 :sx:


要是谁能仔细描述整个行程个人负重, 地势和所用时间, 那是再好不过了!

狐大侠, 按你的速度,从起点到木屋,你需5。5 -6小时,木屋到紫湖来回,至少9小时,从木屋回程5小时就够了。Angella写错了,他们用了5个多小时。木屋保护很好,可以住人,不想露营,就可省去帐篷。这样负重不会超过35磅。一路水原丰富,不用背太多水。
发表于 2013-9-8 18:33:03 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 好热闹

yin G
威武, 竟然云开见日.

八仙过海, 好厉害!

真是人算不如天算哪, 长周末还下了几回阵雨, 紫湖晴空少云 :sx:


要是谁能仔细描述整个行程个人负重, 地势和所用时间, 那是再好不过了!

狐大侠, 按你的速度,从起点到木屋,你需5。5 -6小时,木屋到紫湖来回,至少9小时,从木屋回程5小时就够了。Angella写错了,他们用了5个多小时。木屋保护很好,可以住人,不想露营,就可省去帐篷。这样负重不会超过35磅。一路水原丰富,不用背太多水。[/quote]

The 2nd team, rested at the 2nd washed out (crossing the creek) for about 50 min, and another 1/2 hr at the Lizzie lake where the campsite is.  Other than these, we stopped for blue berry from here or there few times, and made few other short breaks on the way from Cabin to trail head.  We met a couple went for two days Tundra hike, they hiked really fast and really light in their day packs.   If you plan for a two day trip, pack really light.  It may be a good idea to camp at the trail head by the road the night before the hike, it's not a designated ground for camping though.  We met two hikers camped there in the morning when we arrived the Trail head.  There is a water source from the creek few meters away.

It took us about 7+ hours hiking from the trail head to the cabin the first day, including about two hours we spent on wrong treks/turns.

Have Fun, meeting Tundra lake is definitely a reward.
发表于 2013-9-8 21:13:31 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 好热闹

yin G
威武, 竟然云开见日.

八仙过海, 好厉害!

真是人算不如天算哪, 长周末还下了几回阵雨, 紫湖晴空少云 :sx:


要是谁能仔细描述整个行程个人负重, 地势和所用时间, 那是再好不过了!

狐大侠, 按你的速度,从起点到木屋,你需5。5 -6小时,木屋到紫湖来回,至少9小时,从木屋回程5小时就够了。Angella写错了,他们用了5个多小时。木屋保护很好,可以住人,不想露营,就可省去帐篷。这样负重不会超过35磅。一路水原丰富,不用背太多水。[/quote]

你们的速度14km需5 -6小时, What the trail looks like--> BCMC or MT Brunswick, Golden Ear before panoroma ridge?

木屋到紫湖来回22km,至少9小时. Is the trail looks like ELsay peak trail with a lots of boulders or like MT Outram close to the summit?

The ideal plan for me is stay trailhead for the 1st night then start early the next day up to Tundra lake then back to the cabin stay a night, the 2nd day back.

I need help to calculate the load and speed, otherwise, I have to carry a heavy backpack and spend 3 days or 72+hours there.
发表于 2013-9-8 21:22:54 | 显示全部楼层
first day : golden ear
second  day:  mountain elsay

2-day is possible but not that enjoyble , unless you just want to chanllege your fitness level
发表于 2013-9-8 21:23:11 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 好热闹

[quote]yin G
威武, 竟然云开见日.

八仙过海, 好厉害!

真是人算不如天算哪, 长周末还下了几回阵雨, 紫湖晴空少云 :sx:


要是谁能仔细描述整个行程个人负重, 地势和所用时间, 那是再好不过了!

狐大侠, 按你的速度,从起点到木屋,你需5。5 -6小时,木屋到紫湖来回,至少9小时,从木屋回程5小时就够了。Angella写错了,他们用了5个多小时。木屋保护很好,可以住人,不想露营,就可省去帐篷。这样负重不会超过35磅。一路水原丰富,不用背太多水。[/quote]

The 2nd team, rested at the 2nd washed out (crossing the creek) for about 50 min, and another 1/2 hr at the Lizzie lake where the campsite is.  Other than these, we stopped for blue berry from here or there few times, and made few other short breaks on the way from Cabin to trail head.  We met a couple went for two days Tundra hike, they hiked really fast and really light in their day packs.   If you plan for a two day trip, pack really light.  It may be a good idea to camp at the trail head by the road the night before the hike, it's not a designated ground for camping though.  We met two hikers camped there in the morning when we arrived the Trail head.  There is a water source from the creek few meters away.

It took us about 7+ hours hiking from the trail head to the cabin the first day, including about two hours we spent on wrong treks/turns.

Have Fun, meeting Tundra lake is definitely a reward.[/quote]

Water from Lizzie lake, long lake, and iceberg lake is clean, drink it directly from filtering system without boiling should be ok.

Do you remember time you spend between Lizzie lake and long lake, and Long lake to iceberg lake?

How about from iceberg lake to Tundra lake?

Thank you in advance.
发表于 2013-9-8 21:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
first day : golden ear
second  day:  mountain elsay

2-day is possible but not that enjoyble , unless you just want to chanllege your fitness level

Awesome, Golden Ear and MT Elsay :D

Thank you!
发表于 2013-9-8 21:40:39 | 显示全部楼层
3-day hiking hours for fast hiker, assuming you don't spend much time on looking trail  and weather is perfect.
day 1- 5h
day 2 -9h
day 3 - 4h

if you combine day 1 and day 2, it will be very chanlleging, take you more than15 hours is very possible.  strongly recommend you stay your first night somewhere in the middle of the first day,around 5km?  as angel said there are 2 potential places could be camping site.
be careful and have a safe, fun trip.
发表于 2013-9-9 19:08:04 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 好热闹

[quote]yin G
威武, 竟然云开见日.

八仙过海, 好厉害!

真是人算不如天算哪, 长周末还下了几回阵雨, 紫湖晴空少云 :sx:


要是谁能仔细描述整个行程个人负重, 地势和所用时间, 那是再好不过了!

狐大侠, 按你的速度,从起点到木屋,你需5。5 -6小时,木屋到紫湖来回,至少9小时,从木屋回程5小时就够了。Angella写错了,他们用了5个多小时。木屋保护很好,可以住人,不想露营,就可省去帐篷。这样负重不会超过35磅。一路水原丰富,不用背太多水。[/quote]

The 2nd team, rested at the 2nd washed out (crossing the creek) for about 50 min, and another 1/2 hr at the Lizzie lake where the campsite is.  Other than these, we stopped for blue berry from here or there few times, and made few other short breaks on the way from Cabin to trail head.  We met a couple went for two days Tundra hike, they hiked really fast and really light in their day packs.   If you plan for a two day trip, pack really light.  It may be a good idea to camp at the trail head by the road the night before the hike, it's not a designated ground for camping though.  We met two hikers camped there in the morning when we arrived the Trail head.  There is a water source from the creek few meters away.

It took us about 7+ hours hiking from the trail head to the cabin the first day, including about two hours we spent on wrong treks/turns.

Have Fun, meeting Tundra lake is definitely a reward.[/quote]

Water from Lizzie lake, long lake, and iceberg lake is clean, drink it directly from filtering system without boiling should be ok.

Do you remember time you spend between Lizzie lake and long lake, and Long lake to iceberg lake?

How about from iceberg lake to Tundra lake?

Thank you in advance.[/quote]

Hi beijihu,

>>Water from Lizzie lake, long lake, and iceberg lake is clean, >>drink it directly from filtering system without boiling should >>be ok.

There are water sources along the way, it's ok not to bring water filter to reduce weight, boiling it or using one of those water purification pill is highly recommend it.

>>Do you remember time you spend between Lizzie lake and >>long lake, and Long lake to iceberg lake?  
>>How about from iceberg lake to Tundra lake?

I don't remember the timing we spent, and I am hesitated to give you a number.  The challenge of the hike, is crossing over sized wood logs, and boulders with heavy back pack. Aim for light weight if possible less than 25 pounds that may help to cut traveling time if you plan for a two day trip.  I would not recommend to travel at night, as it's difficult for route finding in the middle of boulders.  

If I were to compare the difficulty of Boulder field with Elsay, I would say it was much more difficult to travel with heavy pack.  I hiked the Elsay a week before this trip, it was a lot more difficult hiking the Tundra  with heavy pack than the Elsay day trip.

get to run now, send me text if there are more questions.
发表于 2013-9-10 17:10:39 | 显示全部楼层

Ready to go

Thank you very much Kitty and Angelbella.
发表于 2013-9-10 21:41:37 | 显示全部楼层
画家呢?望眼欲穿的等着看画家的作品呢 :wink:
发表于 2013-9-10 21:42:37 | 显示全部楼层

Re: Ready to go

Thank you very much Kitty and Angelbella.

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