kit的炉子和单卖的炉子应该是一样的,都是MSR的牌子韩国造。买kit好象不如炉子加后面的一套titan锅好,贵$16多一个杯子。还要看看货色再说。原来想买primus的炉子一个就是看中是Made in Sweden,现在还是比较喜欢欧洲货 :oops: 那天看的时候Primus的小罐气全都卖光了,所以感觉应该是销量也不错。没看过评价。
two replies i got from CT about MSR Titan Kettle and Pocket Rocket Stove Kit
It's an ok deal..about standard for a Ti pot and a cannister stove. Just remember, fancy schmancy cooking is hard to do in thin walled Ti where the heat transfer is very quick. Best used for boiled water type meals.
I went with the SnowPeaks setup a couple of years ago for an ultra-compact and light cookset to take on day hikes. I've happily used the stove ever since for all my packpacking trips combined with a set of coated Evernew pots and lids: