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为了六年前的一次 Hiking: 天公造美, 雪後賞金松 - 9月28-30日遊North Cascades Map

发表于 2013-10-21 19:11:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1.This trip was Jinsi’s 1st trip with this club, 6 yrs ago. This trip report is the best for Maple Pass hiking. To get back the passed time, I went back there yesterday to catch the last moment of 金松.

2.Larch 金松:

I have learned a little about larches. There are two species of larch, Alpine and Western. Alpine larch grows at high altitude, say above 5000ft. It grows everywhere. Western larch grows at low altitude, even sea level, but only in a few states, WA, Idaho, Montana and BC. Both turn to yellow in fall and leaves gone. Both grow green leaves next spring, just as their other trees. My last wknd trip was kind of late and a lot leaves gone. Jen’s trip one wk earlier was good timing.

3.North Cascade fire last summer.
Pls see 1st pic with black mountains in the distance from 1st pic. They came from the fire of last summer.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-21 19:12:53 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 为了六年前的一次 Hiking: 天公造美, 雪後賞金松 - 9月28-30日遊North Cascades

4.之所以用这个老帖子,是为了寻找照片上的这位"老王",北京人。当年把摔伤的我,从Wedge Mnt 上一点一点的扶下来。本人一直对此不忘。但"老王"很快就"泥牛入海"了。所以在此请认识"老王"者,通告一下,本人不胜感谢。


发表于 2013-10-21 19:32:32 | 显示全部楼层


The leaves are yellower and the sky is bluer.

Also thank u for sharing the blog of "老北京”, so inspiring!
发表于 2013-10-21 21:38:15 | 显示全部楼层
去年是"天公造美, 雪後賞金松"的五週年紀念, 我們舊地重遊, 希望五年後在Maple Pass Loop有緣再聚, 到時你記緊要出席啊!

天公再造美, 碧空帶出秋之彩 – 10月6-8日North Cascades五載尋找金松之旅

五年前天公造美, 讓我們第一次在雪後賞金松。五年後天公再造美, 讓我們在碧空下視覺雙收。一路上金松與五彩璀璨的秋葉交錯穿插, 透過影像鏡頭的絢爛角度, 驚嘆秋色如此多嬌。在Maple Pass Loop的山徑上可俯首低視Lake Ann和Rainy Lake。感覺上這處的草木都較滋潤, 沒有Windy 和Grasshopper般乾涸。

我們以蝸牛的速度前進, 4:45pm才抵達Maple Pass, Gloria替我們四人拍了一張紀念照, 希望五年後可以有緣再聚, 重遊此地。過了Maple Pass就是全下坡, 中途可看到部份Rainy Lake, 再經過很多頗陡的switchbacks, 6:30pm才回到停車場。司機們雖然疲憊, 還要提起精神集中駕駛, 把我們安全帶回家裏。


 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-22 11:30:08 | 显示全部楼层
去年是"天公造美, 雪後賞金松"的五週年紀念, 我們舊地重遊, 希望五年後在Maple Pass Loop有緣再聚, 到時你記緊要出席啊!

天公再造美, 碧空帶出秋之彩 – 10月6-8日North Cascades五載尋找金松之旅

五年前天公造美, 讓我們第一次在雪後賞金松。五年後天公再造美, 讓我們在碧空下視覺雙收。一路上金松與五彩璀璨的秋葉交錯穿插, 透過影像鏡頭的絢爛角度, 驚嘆秋色如此多嬌。在Maple Pass Loop的山徑上可俯首低視Lake Ann和Rainy Lake。感覺上這處的草木都較滋潤, 沒有Windy 和Grasshopper般乾涸。

我們以蝸牛的速度前進, 4:45pm才抵達Maple Pass, Gloria替我們四人拍了一張紀念照, 希望五年後可以有緣再聚, 重遊此地。過了Maple Pass就是全下坡, 中途可看到部份Rainy Lake, 再經過很多頗陡的switchbacks, 6:30pm才回到停車場。司機們雖然疲憊, 還要提起精神集中駕駛, 把我們安全帶回家裏。

Sure, done deal. I missed last yr trip. See u there in 4 yrs.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-22 11:31:12 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [其它]

The leaves are yellower and the sky is bluer.

Also thank u for sharing the blog of "老北京”, so inspiring!

From online diction, “inspiration” means “Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.”

So your “inspiration” is a feeling or an action? For me, when I have tons of time, my plan is to drive all 48 states in the American continent, visit at least one NP/NF/State park for every single state. For driving in China, my solo goal is to drive in Yunnan. That pal, my former class mate, had another one: http://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=18575059. I am to post this one separately.
发表于 2013-10-22 18:38:44 | 显示全部楼层
Good times! Thanks for sharing! :D
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