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2月21,22号 Alpine Workshop. Snow Camping Skills (FULL)

发表于 2013-12-19 10:24:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alpine Workshop - Snow Camping Skills



Develop confidence in your (snow) camping skills and forget huts forever.

:!: For your safety group size is limited.

- meet at the Seymour Trail head, Sat afternoon (~13:00-14:00)
- move in location (2nd pk, 3-4 hrs)
- set the camp
- skills to develop : essential gear review, attaching tent to snow, basic alpine knots purpose and technique (waterline, figure eight on a bight, rewoven figure eight)
- sunrise Sunday - light breakfast, pack and go home

Microspikes or/and Crampons
Snow Camping gear (incl. tent, sleeping bag, pad, cooking stuff)
Snow shovel

Meeting Place: North Van - Seymour Trailhead ( map : http://goo.gl/maps/IJaey )
Meeting Time: will be emailed to registered hikers Friday before 17:00
Carpool Fee: $5 (if riding from downtown)
About Carpool: http://goo.gl/l71rs

Weather: http://www.viewweather.com/w7945 ... itish_columbia.html

NOTE: if minimum safety levels are not met, the trip will be canceled, last minute cancellations do occur.

ALTHOUGH the organizer of this trip has received training in mountaineering and alpine/crevasse rescue, he is NOT a professional mountaineer, guide or trained first aid attendant. The function of the organizer is only to organize the trip, ensure it gets underway and be familiar or have knowledge of the access to the area, the route or routes. Participants on a trip are responsible for their own safety and are expected to have the necessary skills, experience, fitness, suitable first aid supplies and appropriate equipment in good working order.

:arrow: How To Register for this trip:
1) Must be member of the club
2) Have emergency contacts on file ( http://goo.gl/BWqMl ) AND be confirmed ( check your email )
3) Reply to this post : drive or carpool

*All trip coordination is emailed to the address that you provided to trip organizer, you are responsible to check it often.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-19 10:25:57 | 显示全部楼层


PLEASE REVIEW OUR SAFETY PROTOCOL (except item 3): http://goo.gl/8vNxmW

1. PanShiBo
2. vera (backup driver)
3. Jesse
4. Igor (driver)
发表于 2013-12-19 10:39:05 | 显示全部楼层


Vera & Jesse 2 ppl. Drive. Thanks.
发表于 2013-12-19 20:25:38 | 显示全部楼层
報名1人, 可開車, 謝謝組織!
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-20 13:19:44 | 显示全部楼层



New snow / ice on the mountain road will make driving unsafe. Trip had to be cancelled.

Metro Vancouver
10:50 AM PST Friday 20 December 2013
Snowfall warning for
Metro Vancouver continued

Up to 15 cm total amounts of snow inland and over higher terrain. Lesser amounts near the coast.

A cold air mass in combination with moisture from a Pacific low pressure system is giving snow to the British Columbia South Coast. As of 10:00 AM this morning, 5 to 10 cm of snow has been reported over most of the region. Snow is changing to rain near the immediate coast. However, further inland and over higher terrain, additional snowfall accumulations of 2 to 5 cm are expected before tapering off to drizzle this afternoon.

Meanwhile, the same frontal system is expected to give another 5 cm of snow over Central Coast - inland sections early this afternoon.

http://weather.gc.ca/warnings/re ... #bc42-72cwvr-082600

Happy Holidays!


 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 07:18:57 | 显示全部楼层

The trip is now back on Schedule!

The trip is now back on Schedule!

Become free: develop confidence in your (snow) camping skills and forget huts forever.

Destination: Mt. Strachan
Date: Feb-21,22 2014.
Leaving Friday afternoon, camping on real summit, coming back Sat noon time.

Bonus: practice 10 fundamental alpine knots: their purpose, usage and technique. 8)

Weather: http://www.viewweather.com/w7947 ... itish_columbia.html

Avalanches: http://www.avalanche.ca/cac/bulletins/latest/north-shore

Applicable Alpine Tips:
17. It is not the outside air temperature that makes you cold
18. Attaching tent to the snow - reliable snow anchor
19. Compression sack

:arrow: NOTE:  As always, if safety levels are below acceptable criteria, trip will be cancelled, last minute cancellations do occur.
发表于 2014-2-17 07:26:04 | 显示全部楼层


2 ppl please. Jesse & Vera.
Thanks a lot.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 08:07:21 | 显示全部楼层


Trip is now full. Registration closed.

Comprehensive Map here: http://goo.gl/maps/TztIZ 8)
str ge.JPG
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-18 10:49:07 | 显示全部楼层



Forecast for Fri-Sat vary from a "78% probability of light rainfall, moderate sleet and snowfall" to "A mix of sun and cloud. Low plus 2. High 6." Go figure.

If conditions don't look safe will execute Plan B - snow camping on Little Goat or Thunderbird Ridge. This way the approach will be a luxury walk after riding a gondola. 8)

"..A mix of sun and cloud. Low plus 2. High 6..." http://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/bc-74_metric_e.ht


"..78% probability of light rainfall, moderate sleet and snowfall.." http://www.viewweather.com/w885

发表于 2014-2-18 12:41:18 | 显示全部楼层


OK. Thanks. Doesn't really matter where to go. We follow and try our best to enjoy it.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-18 16:47:53 | 显示全部楼层
Avalanche forecast for Friday is what we always want to see:  Low-Low! 8)


 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-19 08:13:56 | 显示全部楼层

Alpine Tip 2

Alpine Tip 2: Know when to turn back

Every single disaster had to cross the last point of return.

Always know when it is time to turn back. Even if the summit is only 20 meters away, go home.

Probably the most important alpine skill, it takes certain level of discipline and a strong will. Climbing history is full of sad evidences of what happens when this  rule is ignored.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-19 10:56:30 | 显示全部楼层

Travel Plan released


 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-22 15:55:48 | 显示全部楼层

After mt. Rohr's -20C tent temps, Strachan's -10C (=home freezer inside's) felt super warm like Hawaiian beach. 8)

 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-22 19:37:24 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-23 05:12:21 | 显示全部楼层

Alpine Tip 10

Alpine Tip 10 - Winter Sleeping Bag one size longer

In winter, have you ever found your boots solid frozen when left outside for the night?

To avoid hours of delay cursing in pain trying to get your feet inside, next night keep your boots with you in your sleeping bag.

For this reason your winter sleeping bag has to be one size longer to accommodate you and your boots, wrapped in plastic bags.

This method proven to work well below -20C.  8)

 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-24 13:08:57 | 显示全部楼层
一个完美方式来花星期五晚上 8)

发表于 2014-2-27 19:16:36 | 显示全部楼层

[分享]snow camping


在Keith's Hut曾经一秒也不愿离开小木屋的我,之后读到领队的经验之谈,才知道是否能够有享受的感觉完全在于自己是否准备充分,也才理解了Jinsi说她”非常暖和“的原因。那就照着做呗,不能创新,照着样学的能力也还是有的。而且这是家门口的山,trail也不那么长,完全可以”善待“一下自己。从Brunswick湖不到20磅的backpack,到Keith Hut不到30磅,这次的露营我的包是37磅,因为我不想发抖地站在雪地里看星星,也不想只等着队友给我送来开水,当然忘了记忆卡和驾照等都是我的不良记录,我这次决定刷新一下自己(可是大家都知道,一旦给了别人”粗心“的印象,要想改变,难度大极了!)我是这样做的,愿和菜鸟级的共享:

1. 准备清单, 而且列出每一个single piece (上次我也列了单子,写了”相机“,可是却忘了把记忆卡从电脑里拔出来,结果可想而知)。
2. 清单分门别类。比如说,camping的”睡袋/睡垫/帐篷/booties/“等在一类,食物一类,first aid kit/battery/lighter/match/mouth spray/mp3/头灯等等在一类,出发前要穿戴好的专门也在一类,放在另外的包里(比如衣服/gaitor/poles,etc)。
3. 打包的时候,每放进去一个,就做一个记号,只要还没放进去的,就不能划掉(我曾经以为记住了,想着就在车里,下车前一拿就行,结果把墨镜忘在车里)。这次我就是这样做的,下车前把单子拿出来再次看看没划掉的那几个是否已在包里。效果很让人满意。
4. 把在hiking的路上有可能要用到的放在头包或者外面/侧面的包里,这样很方便,又可以节省时间,特别在时间有限的情况下很有用,而且减少因为自己慢而带来的负疚感(这在group的活动里是菜鸟级的人常有的感觉,反正我是这样)。
5. 用压缩袋。以前我只是习惯把睡袋放压缩袋,这次衣服/袜子等凡是适合的都放在另一个压缩袋里,大大节约了空间,结果我的包竟然还有不小的余地(我的包是50+15的),这让我很是得意了一下。

那怎么才能享受呢?带全必须的东西是基本的,可是不见得就会特别开心。比如说睡觉,如果你带两个睡袋,那就特别温暖,根本不需要缩成一团或者什么热水杯之类;还有,我总是带两个帽子(一薄一厚,而且可以系上的,这样睡觉的时候不会掉下来),保证暖和;带上MP3,耳机,这样想听的时候,在被窝里有音乐陪伴,棒极了。另外,带保温瓶,到营地后,搭好帐篷,一般都是又累又渴,这会儿你就可以先享受,先坐在被窝里吃(保温瓶里的pasta还是热的)/喝(我会冲一杯热咖啡,因为我还有另外一升的thermos),同时抓点零食(比如mixed nuts等),这样真的很享受,吃完了,也得到了休息,又不冷了,这时候什么时候想烧点热水,都行。这时烧的水是为了第二天的早晨的咖啡准备的。否则,一大早,从被窝里起来铲雪烧水,在我看来那可不是什么惬意的事。


最后说一说手套。我这样平时四肢血液循环就不好的人,在暖气的房间里,手脚也常常是冷的,所以以前我不相信手套会多有用,认为对本来就不热的东西,手套怎能提温呢?凡事都要付出代价,一次冻伤后,通过前后使用不同的手套,我终于在差别面前低下了头,真是不服不行。对我个人而言,从里到外戴三副手套(薄的完全紧合手型的五指手套+MEC BlackDiamond的Mitten外形但是里面半截五指分开的手套+Goretex的外护手套),在-20℃的情况下我的手也不会冷。

雪地露营,有趣的一点一滴真是说来话长。Hiking是辛苦又快乐的,但是没必要的时候不需要让自己受罪。我的宗旨是只要可以更舒服,为什么不呢?我会不断追而求之. . . . . .
发表于 2014-3-6 16:00:47 | 显示全部楼层
great education center... :favor:
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