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[跟风Tim]攀登美国本土最高峰Mt Whitney/Paria Canyon - Buckskin Gulch

发表于 2014-2-19 19:17:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在facebook看见Tim贴出的有关阿省hi友们准备爬美国本土最高峰Mt Whitney/Paria Canyon - Buckskin Gulch的相关事项,转过来。我们要不要也跟风一下(或者选不同的时间去爬)? :wink:



打算9或10月份花一周左右的时间去爬美国本土最高峰Mt Whitney。Mt Whitney高4400米,位于风景漂亮的Sierra-Neveda山脉中:http://www.mount-whitney.com/

如果拿不到Mt Whitney的许可,就试试Paria Canyon-Buckskin Gulch。PCBG是一段很窄的峡谷,多个徒步资料把它评为世界最漂亮的徒步路线之一。
http://www.thehikeguy.com/2010/0 ... ing-buckskin-gulch/

这两个地方的徒步许可都很难弄到,如果都不行,我们就去大峡谷的Havasu Falls和Zion国家公园的Subway徒步:http://www.abouthavasufalls.com/havasu.html


我们走非技术性的Mt Whitney trail登顶。 Mt Whitney Trail的许可有day use许可也有overnight许可,考虑到攀登Mt Whitney单程17公里,我们需要overnight许可。


Du Min的链接说Mt Whitney的许可申请必需在3月15好号之前收到:http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/in ... cid=stelprdb5150055。所以我们要尽快把时间定下来,把申请寄出去。

http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/in ... cid=stelprdb5150055


Mt Whitney的trailhead在Mt Whitney Portal, 海拔2,550米左右。从trailhead往里走6公里左右到达海拔3,150米处的Outpost营地。从Outpost营地继续前行4公里到达海拔3,658米的Trail营地。从登顶那天的路程来看,第一晚在trail营地露营较好,从高反的角度看,第一晚在Outpost营地露营较好。



Min Du

 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-3 19:20:26 | 显示全部楼层
Tim抽得二个签都中了,他可以让给我们温哥华的朋友七个位置,谢谢TIM!! :gd:  :kx: 现在我还不知道九月份是否有假(希望!),有没有队友愿意组织张落此事?谢谢!

Tim said they have until April 30th to accept the permit...
发表于 2014-4-3 19:48:38 | 显示全部楼层
Sept is good for me but such a big effort to head down there.  :roll:
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-4 07:04:49 | 显示全部楼层
Messg from Tim, many thanks to him!

The permit is for Monday, Sept 22nd. It's an overnight trip. We are going to take a week off and we are discussing what to do after the climb. We couldn't make the decision before because we didn't know when we were going to get the permit (you are allowed to picked 15 starting dates on the lottery). You still need me to pick up the permit as it is not transferable; however we can list you guys in our permits as in the lottery we only listed half of the member names in the two lottery tickets.

We have until April 30th to accept the permit
发表于 2014-4-5 10:51:42 | 显示全部楼层
Tim抽得二个签都中了,他可以让给我们温哥华的朋友七个位置,谢谢TIM!! :gd:  :kx: 现在我还不知道九月份是否有假(希望!),有没有队友愿意组织张落此事?谢谢!

Tim said they have until April 30th to accept the permit...

I am in.

I was there about 12 yrs ago and could not reach the summit because of day hiking. The trail is good and the hard thing is no water along the trail.

There are a lot good places to stop along the Highway 395, Yosemite, Mammoth Lake, Lake Tahoe.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-27 15:58:31 | 显示全部楼层

Messg from Tim, many thanks to him!

The permit is for Monday, Sept 22nd. It's an overnight trip. We are going to take a week off and we are discussing what to do after the climb. We couldn't make the decision before because we didn't know when we were going to get the permit (you are allowed to picked 15 starting dates on the lottery). You still need me to pick up the permit as it is not transferable; however we can list you guys in our permits as in the lottery we only listed half of the member names in the two lottery tickets.

We have until April 30th to accept the permit
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