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加拿大Swiss Arms卡宾枪主2月27日10:00PM前必须自首

发表于 2014-2-27 13:24:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
加拿大RCMP宣布原来是non-restricted类的Swiss Arms卡宾枪($3,000 - $4,000)被重新归类为Prohibited Firearm.  所有枪主必须今天立即向卖主或警察上缴枪械,迟于10:00PM将被视为刑事犯罪。

Swiss Arms Confiscated

Effective 10:00 pm eastern tonight the RCMP has reclassified the Swiss Arms Classic Green carbine from non-restricted (and restricted) to prohibited status. There are approximately 1,000 -1,800 of these firearms in the public. The government will not be offering compensation and will be demanding that the firearms, which cost between $3,000 - $4,000 be surrendered. The government is suggesting that all affected firearms owners contact the distributers from which the firearms were purchased for reimbursement.

来源:http://globalnews.ca/news/103849 ... ighter-gun-control/
发表于 2014-2-27 18:20:20 | 显示全部楼层
这东西是Sig550还是Sig556?奇怪的是,警察有权利demand公民的私人财产而完全不通过议会立法,这还真是挺有力度,跟国内有一拼了。马里兰和纽约州ban掉大容量弹夹,好歹还给了一段时间的grease time,至少主人还有机会把东西卖出去。

话说美国一样,貌似管的松,本质没区别。这点和国内各种打脸政策完全一样。之前的lighting trigger,还有Ruger 的弹簧复位bump fire,还有电动凸轮辅助扳机什么的,都被ATF先通过后推翻给毙掉了。其实1936,1968和1986三次NFA也都是不带grandfather in的,只有1994年克林顿的突击武器禁令加了祖父条款。弹夹容量更是争夺焦点,提到这个我又想起来有个笑话来了:1911最大的价值不是收藏也不是什么出色的性能,而是7发子弹的容量(8发子弹的就非常的不幸了)。想想纽约马里兰什么的,加州已经不算最悲剧了。考虑到不少议员都在研究着ban掉半自动枪械,最保险的搭配应该是一支转轮手枪和一支转轮步枪。


 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-27 21:29:27 | 显示全部楼层
这东西是Sig550还是Sig556?奇怪的是,警察有权利demand公民的私人财产而完全不通过议会立法,这还真是挺有力度,跟国内有一拼了。马里兰和纽约州ban掉大容量弹夹,好歹还给了一段时间的grease time,至少主人还有机会把东西卖出去。

话说美国一样,貌似管的松,本质没区别。这点和国内各种打脸政策完全一样。之前的lighting trigger,还有Ruger 的弹簧复位bump fire,还有电动凸轮辅助扳机什么的,都被ATF先通过后推翻给毙掉了。其实1936,1968和1986三次NFA也都是不带grandfather in的,只有1994年克林顿的突击武器禁令加了祖父条款。弹夹容量更是争夺焦点,提到这个我又想起来有个笑话来了:1911最大的价值不是收藏也不是什么出色的性能,而是7发子弹的容量(8发子弹的就非常的不幸了)。想想纽约马里兰什么的,加州已经不算最悲剧了。考虑到不少议员都在研究着ban掉半自动枪械,最保险的搭配应该是一支转轮手枪和一支转轮步枪。

这次报道说内政部长没有被consulted, 这么说麻烦大了,要么部长没搞清楚就签了字,要么RCMP欺骗部长,有人该辞职了
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-27 22:52:49 | 显示全部楼层
A) CanadaAmmo鼓励Swith Arm枪主:
1. 参加律师Ed Burlew的集体诉讼(But first join the class action lawsuit being start by Lawyer Ed Burlew)
2. 把枪暂时交给他们或有Prohibited License的枪店, 不要交给RCMP。

B) CanadaAmmo号召大家给MP, PM, Public Safety Minister写信施加压力
1) 找到本选区的MP通讯地址: http://www.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/C ... lCode.aspx?Menu=HOC
2) 总理办公室地址
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900
Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

C)NFA(加拿大枪械协会)和律师Solomon Friedman正在提出Section 74 Hearing(听证会)对RCMP这一行为进行调查。

D)拥枪律师Solomon Friedman在Sun News上接受采访抨击突然收缴已流通十多年没有犯罪记录的Swith Arm武器的做法:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?fe ... p;amp;v=M8DCDZO_dsU

E)主流报纸National Post刊登相关消息,指出内政部长Blaney没有被Consulted, 难道他是被误导了?
http://fullcomment.nationalpost. ... gun-owners-worried/

F)大家可以去请愿网站http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/the-rcmp-abuses-c-68.html点击“Sign the Petition"要求政府干预RCMP做法.今天下午才开通之内,已有近2300人请愿。

E) CGN不少网友正讨论举行各地游行
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-27 23:01:29 | 显示全部楼层

加拿大是联邦警察RCMP, 上面任命,和中国一样, 不像美国治安官Sheriff是当地选出来的,所以RCMP不用考虑公民的利益。美国一些地区的Sheriff最近公开表示他们不会强制执行某些争议大的控枪法案,这在加拿大是不可思意的。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-28 10:15:49 | 显示全部楼层


(网友质疑 - 公共安全部长Blaney签字时难道没有看他在签署什么文件?)

国会议员Jim Hillyer的回应:
I am writing on behalf of Jim Hillyer, MP for Lethbridge to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail regarding the RCMP’s reclassification of a line of Swiss-imported firearms.

It will be given to Mr. Hillyer for his attention.

The Government of Canada is very troubled by the situation that has arisen with Swiss Arms rifles. This decision was made by bureaucrats, not the Minister.

The Minister has therefore ordered an urgent review of this unfortunate decision.

All options are on the table to ensure that no firearms owner who acted in good faith suffers any consequences as a result of this situation.

All of these options are being explored on an urgent basis.

Thank you for taking the time to write and share your concerns.


Kent Prestage

For Jim Hillyer, MP

国会议员Chris Warkentin的回应

Thank you for your letter regarding the Swiss Arms Classic Green.

We are looking into this matter on an urgent basis. Our government is standing up for law-abiding gun owners.

Minister Blaney will take appropriate action to ensure that firearms owners who acted in good faith are not penalized as a result of the actions of others.

Thank you, once again, for sharing your thoughts on this matter. Please feel free to contact me with any future comments or questions.


Chris Warkentin, MP

Peace River
发表于 2014-2-28 10:52:52 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-28 13:07:23 | 显示全部楼层

更严重的问题是RCMP可以自行其事收缴某类枪,下次就可以宣布收缴其他类型的枪。 完全不通过国会,长此以往会如何?多伦多星报报道.50口径和另一批Semi-auto在下一批名单上。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-28 14:45:11 | 显示全部楼层
公共安全部长Steven Blaney刚才就RCMP突然收缴Swith Arm步枪一事发表声明,见保守党网站:



February 28, 2014


Conservatives have always stood up for law-abiding gun owners.

That’s why I was troubled to learn of a decision made by unelected bureaucrats to prohibit a number of rifles imported from Switzerland.

I want to assure you that I will not let law-abiding gun owners suffer as a result of this situation.

These now “prohibited” firearms had been classified as non-restricted for more than a decade. The RCMP has no idea how many of these rifles exist, and they have not announced any plan on how to deal with those who purchased these firearms lawfully.

I want to assure you all options are on the table to fix this situation. I will also be taking steps to make sure this never happens again.

The actions of these bureaucrats are absolutely unacceptable and I will be announcing concrete measures in the coming days.

Our Conservative Government is on your side — and we will always stand up for the rights of law-abiding firearms owners.

Thank you once again for your years of loyal support.


Steven Blaney
MP, Levis-Bellechasse
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-28 16:58:45 | 显示全部楼层

加拿大武器协会要求RCMP总监Bob Paulson辞职


NFA calls for RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson to resign

Canada's National Firearms Association is demanding the resignation of RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson. "Enough is enough," said NFA President Sheldon Clare. "The RCMP's banning of a Swiss Arms rifle this week without presenting any evidence that this firearm is a threat to public safety was the last straw. We're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore."

NFA Executive Vice President, Shawn Bevins said, "I've been awake for thirty-six hours trying to stay ahead of the more than 200,000 hits on our social media pages in response to the Alert we posted, two days ago. The government has allowed the RCMP to poke this hornet's nest one too many times and it's time for Prime Minister Harper and Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney to show the RCMP Commissioner who is in charge.

Former RCMP member and Alberta Director for the NFA, Dennis Young agrees that Commissioner Paulson has exceeded his best before date. "My eight month long investigation into the High River Gun Grab, the illegal kicking in of more than 1,900 doors, the unwarranted search of these homes, the seizure of 609 firearms and accessories, and the cover-up that is still underway has convinced me that the Commissioner is either out of control or has lost control. Instead of holding the RCMP officers who broke into these homes to account, he rewarded this incompetence by promoting the officer in charge of the High River mess by promoting her to Commanding Officer of all of Alberta."

"The RCMP have been reclassifying firearms unilaterally with the support of the Conservative Government since 2006 and it has to stop," demanded Blair Hagen, NFA Executive VP of Communications. "Access to information records show that RCMP have an aggressive firearms reclassification agenda, and that these arbitrary gun prohibitions will not stop with the Swiss Arms series of rifles. These rifles were approved for import by the RCMP have been sold in Canada for over a decade. There has never been a crime or incident of violence committed with one of these rifles. The dealers who sold them and the people that own them have obeyed the law every step of the way. It's not fair to penalize them now. Not only are Canada's licenced gun owners subject to daily criminal activity checks by police computer systems, research proves that gun owners are also the safest people in Canada."

"We are encouraged by the Conservative Government's speedy response to the RCMP's Swiss Arms rifle ban (see attached) but it's not good enough to fix this problem one rifle at a time. The government has to show the RCMP who is running things. The best way to do this is to replace the man who is embarrassing the government by overstepping his authority and showing a complete lack of respect and understanding for our fundamental property rights and Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

For more information contact:

Blair Hagen, Executive VP Communications, 604-753-8682 Blair@nfa.ca

Sheldon Clare, President, 250-981-1841 Sheldon@nfa.ca

Shawn Bevins, Executive VP, 819-313-2887 shawn@nfa.ca

Dennis R. Young, Alberta, NFA, International Director, 587-360-1111 dennis@nfa.ca

Canada's NFA toll-free number - 1-877-818-0393 NFA Website: www.nfa.ca [img][/img]
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-28 21:15:35 | 显示全部楼层
Brian 在媒体上要求开除警察总监Bob Paulson ,原因是除了这次的事件,还包括High River的非法收缴枪支行为,以及RCMP内部性骚扰问题。

http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/vid ... mmish/3272438235001
发表于 2014-3-1 05:24:19 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-3 20:52:31 | 显示全部楼层
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