发表于 2006-6-7 17:13:49
Re: 提醒:作为一个non-profit club,这样是否妥当?
... 既然是non-profit俱乐部,就不能通过做广告来收集资金...
Generally speaking: Non-profit organizations and Charitable orgranizations can carryout normal business activities to earn money so that they have resources to achieve their goals.
Also, there are fundings available from the government, e.g. Gaming committee (I can't remeber the exact name). If organizations are able to meet their criteria, the government will release the fundings (not bad at all). :lol:
There are specific tax acts governing these two types of organizations. The acts are quite complicate. For further information you may refer to Canada Revenue Agency's web site. :idea:
If the organization cannot meet the specific tax acts, it will loose its non-profit organization status. Needless to say, the directors will face serious tax consequences. :cry:
Alex Yim |