发表于 2006-6-7 01:47:08
能找到west coast trail 的GPS图吗?
Topo Canada上就有。不过去那里用带GPS么?如果带恐怕需要锂电池,否则用不了太久。你要带音箱恐怕也要带锂电池。 :D[/quote]
带上这个就行了,只可惜太贵了,要130刀+税。 :(
- The world's highest-efficiency thin-film solar panel
- Charges most consumer electronics through barrel connector or 12V lighter adapter
- 80% lighter and 65% smaller than our Eliminator 5W panel - folds to the size of a paperback novel
- Can generate power even while strapped to tents and backpacks
- Works even in low light conditions
- Weights only 13 oz
- Converts sunlight to continuously charge Powerbox or electronics
- Includes: 12V lighter plug (male) and 12V lighter outlet (female), carrying sleeve that attaches to PowerBox 800, barrel connector to charge PowerBox 800, battery clips and extension cord