发表于 2014-7-20 11:19:50
7:11am, on the way to TR of ending. Taxi@$55,付小费$5, Lulu鄙视我小气,东部人民费用高,小费也高,自己又从口袋里掏出$5给了司机....
当时想起行前读游记时看到的这一段,shuttle司机there is so nice! 借用今天早上看到天蓝蓝写的"Thank forward" :lol:
Our driver, and the taxi company proprietor, Ivan Pittman was a classic Newfie character; incredibly polite, friendly, and with a sharp sense of humour. He told us all about the local towns, his long career in operating the regional ambulance service, and about his ‘retirement’ projects in small business. After helping us unload our packs, he took a group photo at the trailhead as we began the 3 km walk to the tour boat. …….. As we approached the boat tour terminal, my sister-in-law Aden noticed that Mike’s boots were trailing little pieces of foam from the midsoles. Closer inspection revealed that his Police-issue all leather, Gore-Tex lined hikers, issued circa 1988, had dried out from lack of use and the midsoles had completely disintegrated during the 3km hike. There was simply no way to fix these boots. They were finished. A duct tape repair job would not hold up to the rocky climb up the end of the gorge that day, or the following three days of sodden peat and sphagnum bogs. Fortunately we were able to change our reservation to the next boat at 1pm, and to get Ivan to come back to shuttle us to and from the rental car so Mike could retrieve his Salomon XA Pro’s. We all had our doubts about these shoes, as low-cut footwear were specifically not recommended due to the rugged and wet terrain on the plateau. However there was no option as the nearest decent outdoor store was on the opposite side of the province in St. John’s. At this point I want to especially commend Ivan, who saw our situation and offered to charge us for only a one-way taxi ride. Given our predicament, he could have just as easily charged us the extra $36 and doubled his profit, and we would have had no option. Kudos to him. |