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8月20号 - Howe Sound Crest Trail (HSCT)

发表于 2014-8-19 07:03:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Howe Sound Crest Trail (HSCT)
Celebrating summer of 2014 by hiking classic local scenic path.
*including one-hour stop at 15km (~Hat Pass) to pick blue berries... 为什么不? 8)

Runs from Cypress Bowl and goes north along the eastern crest of Howe Sound, then east of Brunswick and over Hat Pass and down to Deeks Lake and out to Highway 99.

Distance: 25.5 km
Elevation gain: 2,080 m
Elevation loss: -2,910 m
Average Slope: 16%
Start Elevation: 920m
End Elevation: 90m
Max Elevation: 1,603m

:!: For your safety group size is limited.

GPS file and more here:

http://www.viewweather.com/w7929 ... itish_columbia.html

NOTE: if minimum safety levels are not met, the trip will be canceled, last minute cancellations do occur.

ALTHOUGH the organizer of this trip has received training in mountaineering and alpine/crevasse rescue, he is NOT a professional mountaineer, guide or trained first aid attendant. The function of the organizer is only to organize the trip, ensure it gets underway and be familiar or have knowledge of the access to the area, the route or routes. Participants on a trip are responsible for their own safety and are expected to have the necessary skills, experience, fitness, suitable first aid supplies and appropriate equipment in good working order.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-19 07:04:50 | 显示全部楼层
:arrow: How To Register for this trip:
1) Must be fit: recent 3 months Grouse Grind time 60 min or better  AND have a vehicle.
2) Must have hiked with organizer before, NO exceptions.
3) Reply to this post.
*all trip coordination is emailed to the address that you provided to the trip's organizer, you are responsible to check it often.

1. PanShiBo
2. Vera
3. reserved
发表于 2014-8-19 08:26:27 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-8-19 09:32:19 | 显示全部楼层
支持!! 很想参加,但最近事多锻炼不足体能有待提高,等待明年加入!

不过这里快队的朋友们没有问题,强烈向你们推荐这条local hiking的经典路线 :lol:
发表于 2014-8-19 12:08:33 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-19 13:22:07 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-19 14:37:47 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [分享]


没错! 8)

PHOTO: "2013-09-07/08 Brunswick Lake and beyond"

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-20 21:25:29 | 显示全部楼层
第48次博士组织的活动刚结束!一切都顺利! 8)

Total Time: 06:58 - 20:11  ( 13h13m )
Bugs: 0
Rain:  0 mm
Wind: 0 km/h

发表于 2014-8-21 23:02:48 | 显示全部楼层


1. Deeks Lake 的trail周围有很多raspberry,特别诱人,因为没有蚊虫,博士便决定停步,现摘现吃。本来以为只有蓝莓可采,没想到有这样的bonus,特过瘾!
2.蓝莓一直可以摘到Deeks Lake,只要你愿意。反正我是一路吃。因为一直听说这个trail特别难,所以博士看我刚上路就吃,就说不行,说你这样吃法,转眼一小时就过去了,那怎么行?我口头上答应了,可还是忍不住,就偷偷地摘。啊哈,这就是跟在队伍后面的好处,因为领队看不见。(众所周知,博士总是在前面带队的。)
4.路上我们看到一个五六人的小组,行进缓慢,同样的单程trail,3天的backpacking。可是一路上很少水源,要一直走到Brunswick Lake。打招呼分开后,我们还时不时地在为他们担心,觉得在这样的天气,如果水不够的话,很容易dehydrated,会增加很多不安全的因素。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-23 07:14:29 | 显示全部楼层
After having completed this hike the first and probably the last time, to my tastes, the trail, I can say, is a so-so (马马虎虎): approaching degree of being a disappointment. First off, 2,900 m elevation loss in one day, often jerking over uneven path (slippery roots, small loose rocks, grass or all combined) is never good for any knees. If you do decide to go, have a solid reason why. But the views are OK on the first half only, second half is plain boring downhill through the bottom of a non-impressive valley. I mean, it is more than 10 km like that!  Few lakes and a lot of juicy wild berries on the way, true, somehow make it a bit different. Heavy tourist traffic through the area (mostly beginners doing it overnight or even over two nights) leave an impact - remnants of burned fires and waste. In my opinion, there are many much better options to spend summer day outdoors. Just hiking around the south half will do: Harvey, Brunswick, Lions, Hanover, St. Mark's and some of their combinations (e.g. Brunswick-Harvey) will be better in terms of overall satisfaction, I think.  Even though I don't believe this trail deserves the fame as it is now, here are some tips for those who may come to see it at different angle and enjoy. After all,  "If you don't open the letter you won't know what has been written" D980.2


1. Exact distance of the trail is 25.5 km.

2. Elevation gain is 2,080 m - be ready for it.

3. Elevation loss is almost 3 km  (2,900 m) - your knees will let you know about that, I am sure.

4. To carry GPS is much better than not to carry GPS. Trust me. 8)

5. Carry 100% charged AND turned-off cellphone .

6. First good running water next to the trail is found only after ~15km - at the Small Lake that is.

7. Take mental note about your progress: Magnesia meadows emergency shelter is half way, distance wise. Elevation gain ends after Hat Pass. From there it is all the way down.

8. Don't attempt the trail in or immediately following period of wet weather.

9. Trail in places is narrow, edges are often covered by grass therefore not seen, imprecise footing can cause bad consequences.

10. DO NOT trust any fixed ropes/chains over there. Especially on the "traverse".

11. Contrary to common sense, starting too early is a bad idea, it makes the trip much longer! Deprived from sleep and walking first part in the complete darkness under headlamp makes one tired right away from the start. The earlier you start, the longer time the trip takes, ultimate case is no sleeping at all, obviously. Sleep well, start at 07:00 am, you should make it before sunset (*summer time, of course. assuming your GG time is ~60 min).

12. Never separate from your partners. Never let your partners separate. Have a leader and a sweeper. Everyone else should be between those two at all times. Sweeper has to be able to see leader most of the time.

13. Do not burn your partners by setting fast speed. This is not the place to demonstrate your fitness level ( Grouse Grind is )

14. Know Alpine Walk technique - focus on being effective by not being too fast: every step takes minimum energy possible. The faster you move the more energy you waste. ( in physics, energy_needed ~ m*v***3 )

15. Be ready to deal with emergency. It is very possible and every year people do get into a situation over there. This is a no-return hike. Not everywhere is a cell phone reception. Have a Plan: be ready to spend an unexpected  night there, possibly assisting injured friend. Let your emergency contact know your latest return time.

16. Never hike trails above your abilities: HSCT is not the place to test you limits. Mistakes will be expensive.

17. Watch how much liquid you drink - too much water intake will break you electrolyte balance leading to foggy mind and causing poor decisions. Take preventive measures - a simple and effective one is to carry dry fruits/nuts. I find salted dry tomato slices to work excellently - it also keeps thirst level at check. (*food dehydrator is a good investment for that matter - if you regularly hike routes 5h and longer )

PHOTO: Enormous chain and the worn rope create fake illusion of safety, grabbing those will not save your life if you slip: too much slack will propel you down before it gets tight. Even if you manage to hold (unlikely), nobody will be able to pull you back up (Cliffhanger tried and failed, as we know from famous movie).

Be safe. 8)
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