楼主 |
发表于 2014-8-27 22:42:42
Day 1 Aug. 17, Sunrise parking lot to Fire Creek Campground (9:35am- 1:45pm, 距离7.8miles, 提升660英尺, 下降2560英尺)
Day2 Aug. 18, Fire Creek Campground to Yellowstone Cliffs Campground, side trip to Natural Bridge one way 0.7 mile (9:08am-5:02pm, 距离10.5miles, 提升2840英尺, 下降2600英尺)
Day3 Aug. 19, Yellowstone Cliffs Campground to Carbon River Campground (8:35am-11:20am, 距离4.5miles, 下降2605英尺), side trip to Seattle Park/Spray Park 来回7.6mile,提升估计3000多英尺)
Day4 Aug. 20, Carbon River Campground to Mystic Campground (9:13am-12:45pm, 距离5miles, 提升2900英尺, 下降300英尺)
Day5, Aug. 21, Mystic Campground to Sunrise parking lot, side trip to Skyscrape Mtn(8:38am-approx. 4:35pm,距离10miles, 提升2300英尺, 下降1700英尺)
距离/提升/下降均为估算,没有开GPS记录,详细数据等Kathy的GPS track record。
整条北环线,小道标识完整,无需GPS, 跟随标识走即可。
Northern Loop