发表于 2014-9-11 16:21:42
我上傳的印記確是2008年的, 主要是看路線的描述.
wta.org的報告已經看過"Bugs were annoyance"也知道.
昨晚用了很多時間閱讀很多印記, 保證行程: 暢順, 愉快, 開心, 有美景看.
其中一個 9月9號2014 報告是在:
Up on the PCT, we turned north, and began to run into more hikers. Lots of blueberry bushes distracted our progress, but we pushed on to Lake Sally Ann.
Surprisingly, we had the lake to ourselves - except for small critters: camp robbers, rodents, and even a fearless trail chicken (grouse) - wandered right into our camp, and stared at us.
No bugs though, which made me very happy. A full moon arose and alpine glow lit up the peaks around us.
我們會在Lake Sally Ann 扎營. 所以說是無蚊子.
這個報告的作者也在這條的trail另外的地方扎營. 有少量蚊子. 但不在我們預定扎營的地方. :aa10:
We headed back to camp, stopping by to get water on Kodak's north east side. Our camp was great - wonderful views - but dry. And somehow, the only place in the area to have mosquitoes still hanging on. |