
楼主 |
发表于 2006-7-4 08:13:21
BC basemap viewer
Go to http://maps.gov.bc.ca/
Then click open the "Provincial Basemap" hotlink.
You need to click the "Layers" tab at the top, then click open the "Base Map Layers" folder, then select the info you want added to the view. The thing is, you generally want EVERYTHING in the "Base Map Layers" section, but because the info is scale-sensitive, you can't access it all until you're in to about 1:100,00 scale or tighter. Hassle... But you can get to "tight" scale quickly by clicking on the map at about the location you want [to save moving a lot afterwards], then (after it reloads) re-entering the scale at (say) 1:96,000 in the box lower left and clicking to "GO" button, and making your complete selections after the re-load finishes.
Reminder: keep the 3rd "Grids and Images" tab ("TRIM Orthomosaic") OFF so as to remove photo-overlays which interfere with visibility in some areas. |