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搜救队正在找这位小伙子,也在找知情者!他的名字叫Liang Jin

发表于 2015-1-5 16:06:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
搜救队正在找这位小伙子,也在找知情者!他的名字叫Liang Jin,希望有知情者联系他们!


(I know I'm posting this in the trip report section, but it's the highest traffic and most likely to get views.)

http://www.northshorerescue.com/ ... tigation-liang-jin/

http://mediareleases.vpd.ca/2015/01/04/missing-21-year-old-man/The Vancouver Police and North Shore Rescue are asking for the public’s help to find a missing 21-year-old man, Liang Jin.
Mr. Jin is described as Asian, 5’6″ tall, with a slim build. It is believed he may be wearing a black Salomon brand backpack with white stripes on the straps. Leon may have traveled by public transit as his bicycle was found by his family in the downtown apartment he lives in.
Liang, who also goes by the name Leon Joy, last made contact by text message with his father on the morning of December 31st. In the text message he said he was going hiking, but gave no indication where. He has not been heard from or seen since. Further investigation of his computer and internet search history has shown that Liang was researching hikes/locations on the North Shore prior to going missing. As such, NSR has been activated to conduct search operations in the Lynn Headwaters, Hanes Valley, and Grouse areas, as weather permits.
We are asking the public to please report any sightings of the Liang Jim to police through 911. While the investigation has indicated a possibility of the North Shore, he may be elsewhere.  If you have seen him, or think you may have, please contact police immediately as any information is critical.
We also ask that you share this information and his photo with any of your friends, family, acquaintances who may have been hiking (anywhere in Metro Vancouver) since December 31st.
发表于 2015-1-5 18:39:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-5 22:26:13 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-6 18:16:42 | 显示全部楼层
失踪六天了,今天的电视报纸的新闻都有报导,和我家小孩同龄 :cry:



失蹤青年金亮(Liang Jin),亦名Leon Joy。他在臉書介紹自己來自上海,在2011年至2014在卑詩大學讀地球及海洋科學,臉書上有很多他遊山玩水的相片,相信他熱愛戶外活動。其朋友在臉書上留言,稱金亮的父母非常擔心兒子安危。




重點搜索Hanes Valley

北岸搜救隊目前鎖定一處野外地方Hanes Valley為重點搜救地點,搜救隊表示,該處地點本來已經偏僻,而華青失蹤時間已過了數日,亦懷疑失蹤者沒有充足設備,沒有攜帶露營工具,只帶了一個背包,加上連日高山下大雪,令情況十分嚴峻。搜救隊雖盡全力搜救,但受到天氣影響,昨日的搜救行動並無發現,今日早上會繼續展開搜救行動。

當局雖然未能百分百確定他前往北岸,但搜救重點會以北岸Hanes Valley為主,稍後可能會將搜救範圍擴至Lynn Headwaters及Grouse等地。

发表于 2015-1-6 20:18:23 | 显示全部楼层



好像警方和北岸搜救队确定这年轻人12月31曰出行,而且目标区在Hanes valley or grouse mountain.


搜救工作人员联系电话:604-717-2534 提供可能的线索。
发表于 2015-1-6 21:41:28 | 显示全部楼层


刚才电视新闻里面说, 北岸搜救队已经停止搜救行动了。
发表于 2015-1-6 22:02:26 | 显示全部楼层
有部电影Eight Days to Live (2006)从真实的故事改编的。

发表于 2015-1-6 23:11:27 | 显示全部楼层
UPDATE: North Shore Rescue calls off search for missing Vancouver man

Vancouver, BC, Canada / (CKNW AM) AM980
Liza Yuzda
January 06, 2015 06:26 pm

A Vancouver family is facing another night of uncertainty as North Shore Search and Rescue calls of the search for missing 21 year old hiker, Liang Jin.

Spokesman Bruce Moffat says 38 members and two helicopters scoured the mountainous trails on Vancouver’s North Shore for two days after the family reported him missing on Sunday.

“We were pretty happy with the coverage on the ground with the ground teams that we had, quite a lot of air time, so just off the phone with the Vancouver Police, we are handing the investigation back to them to try and find any more clues that could actually place him on the North Shore.”

Moffat says the only information they have is a text to his father on December 31st that said he was going hiking, but didn’t say where.

Updated 7:00 pm January 6, 2015

For a second day rescue teams from around Metro Vancouver are scoured the North Shore mountains but still have found no signs of a Vancouver man last heard from December 31st.

North Shore Rescue’s Bruce Moffat says 38 people searched the Lynn Headwater area by foot and air for any sign 21 year old Liang Jin was there.

“Searching low and now high. We’ve had people go up to Lynn Lake so any place that he would have made a decision to turn or not to turn -we’ve pretty much covered those off and we’re continunig to cover those off today.”

But he says they are going on scant information.

“Translink is reviewing tapes to try and confirm where did he get on a bus and possibly where did he get off we don’t even have confirmation that he made it to the N
orth Shore.”

The last text Jin sent to his father said he was going hiking.

Moffat says a hiker reported a set of footprints in the area after Jin went missing but there is no way to confirm who the prints belong to.
发表于 2015-1-7 06:32:13 | 显示全部楼层





The movie "Eight days to live" 有一段搜救行动在相反的方向。第七天才发现新的线索,警方已经放弃搜救,是母亲的坚持救了儿子的命。

May god bless him.
发表于 2015-1-7 19:42:14 | 显示全部楼层

January 7 2015 Vancouversun new updates

North Shore Rescue is seeking help from hikers after reports of a possible sighting of Liang Jin on the Howe Sound Crest trail near Cypress ski resort on New Year's Eve.

Team leader Mike Danks said Wednesday that they received a tip from a person that a couple had indicated they ran into a male hiker at about 9:30 p.m. that evening.

"We're reaching out to the public to get more information," said Danks of Jin, who also goes by the name Leon Joy and last made contact by text message with his father on the morning of Dec. 31.

It's believed he went hiking somewhere on the North Shore but he left his hiking boots and his warm clothes at home. His family reported him missing on Saturday.

"As it stands now, the search has been suspended until we get further information that gives us a target area that we can focus on," said Danks. "That's why we need to speak to this couple."

Jin is described as Asian, 5'6″ tall, with a slim build. It is believed he may be wearing a black Salomon brand backpack with white stripes on the straps. He may have travelled by public transit as his bicycle was found by his family in the downtown apartment he lives in.

发表于 2015-1-8 21:18:36 | 显示全部楼层
Please Do Not Put Yourself at Risk

'Today NSR was conducting flights in the Hanes Valley and came across two individuals who were searching for Liang Jin. Liang has been missing since Dec 31st.

These two individuals (friends of Liang’s) were in terrain that was dangerous and they were not prepared for the conditions. They were putting themselves at risk and likely would not have made it out without the assistance of NSR and being flown out in the helicopter.

We understand the motivation – if a friend or loved one is missing – you want to go search. We want to go search – its what we do.'


http://www.northshorerescue.com/ ... t-yourself-at-risk/
 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-18 15:47:24 | 显示全部楼层
Liang Jin's body has now been found.

Story here:


So sad!
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