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发表于 2006-7-17 19:04:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. Whole Skyline Trail(from Manning to Skagit) ~21km +sidetrip--Hozameen Ridge Trail(from Junction with skyline Trail to the US border, Round Trip:~8km) total ~30km,800 elevation gain

这条线风景很美,一般都是在Mowich Camp(~10km)扎营,但Mowich Camp风景一般,我又想到一公里以外的Hozameen Ridge扎营,但那是open ridge没有水源,只能依靠有可能还没有化的几片雪地或从Mowich Camp补充满水去。或者就在Mowich Camp扎营,第二天走到Junction with Hozameen Ridge trail,把背包放那里,走Hozameen Ridge trail到the US border再回来继续走到Skagit,这样的话,第二天走19 km. 因为不是round trip所以要先放部分车在Skegit Trailhead.

参见103 hikes的#85 & #103 plus Hozameen Ridge Trail leading to the US border

此route我有GPS waypoints, download here:

2.Salal Creek & Athelney Pass: ~30km, 800 elevation gain

参见103 hikes的#3

2006.07.15 :Trailhead Unchanged, Flagging Added, Trimming Needed: Trailhead is unchanged from 2005 as road hasn't been extended. First km of trail to creek is in excellent shape. Dave Graham and I reflagged many sections of trail up to the first campsite. Flagging on creek flats west of first camp isn't perfect--some meandering. More flagging is needed as we used 2 new rolls and ran out. We turned around about 0.5km east of the first camp.
Water level is high, and a flooded side channel forced us to detour into the forest just south of the canyon. Steep and severe bushwacking took place on an unmarked route. More high water just north of the canyon made us detour again. Two large and closely spaced cairns indicate start of this detour--the more northerly cairn leads directly onto the flagged detour (short bushwack). This route goes through two dense slide alder sections. These sections are flagged and footbed is obvious if you look carefully, but more flagging and clearing is needed.

Salal Creek Road (Road S25)

How To Find: Turn right at the top of the hill to access Salal Creek Road. No waterbars. Active logging in area as of September 2005. A 14km long trail goes along Salal Creek to Athelney Pass.

At +5.9km, straight ahead ends after 0.1km. Turn right to go to road end at +6.5km.

The trail can be picked up at the end of the road.
2006.07.15 No extension so far, 2WD to end: Road was recently graded and is easy 2WD to end. If raining, road bed will be very soft and you'll need high clearance. Otherwise standard car clearance should be ok. Road end has not been extended since the final 2005 bulletin. Salal Creek trailhead is still intact


Any suggestion? or other ideas?

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-17 19:27:13 | 显示全部楼层

Salal Creek Trail:

Athelney Pass down to left, looking south down Salal Creek

Markings: Flagged route, with faintly beaten path

Access To: Athelney Pass, Icemaker, Ochre Peak, Mt. Guthrum

How To Find: Trail goes from upper Lillooet logging roads to Athelney Pass. It is 14 km and 800 m. elevation gain from the end of the road. At a moderate pace, it will take about 6 hours to reach the pass.

Km 0 - UTM 680 130 - Start : From Upper Lillooet Main. At the top of the climb above the Lillooet River, UTM 675 135, turn off the Upper Lillooet mainline onto the spur road to the north. There is no signage for the road. From here, the road continues for 6.5 km. Keep on main ignoring initial spurs. At 5.9km, go right to road's end. As of September 2005, the road is 2WD high clearance with active logging and road building.

Km 6.5 UTM ? - End of Road: From the current end of the road (September 4, 2005), bear 340 degrees. The trail heads north and is between the flagged road boundaries. Follow pink flagging on a pleasant faint trail to the creek, about 1km. At an alder-choked stream crossing, UTM 666 190, the route breaks out onto the gravel flats beside Salal Creek. Go north on creek bed another 1km. Where it rounds a corner, look for two small flagged trees on the embankment and climb the gravel bank. Follow flagged route through the trees. Route goes north and rejoins the main fork mostly on gravel flats. In a canyon section, watch for spectacular views of the north face of Plinth Peak to the south. Just south of the canyon, an unmarked steep and heavy bushwack may be needed if water levels are high. Just north past the canyon, there is a flagged detour (if water is high) into the woods marked with two closely spaced large cairns on the east side of the creek. After the flagged detour north of the canyon, the trail follows a flagged route through scrubby alpine growth to a small campsite (large cairn) above the confluence with the north fork of Salal Creek.

The last 7km. to Athelney Pass follows the creek through open country east, then north. Follow the flagging where it climbs off the gravel flats for easier walking through the last few trees. 1 km. of old alpine trail cleared through the rocks leads toward a prominent moraine. Just beyond a couple of new bridges over sidestreams, and between the trail and the creek, lies the shambles of a small mining exploration camp UTM 710 221, built and abandoned in Oct. 1996. Follow the crest of the moraine past a lake and on up to the final turn north into Athelney Pass. The cabin at Athelney Pass UTM 740 248 is on the west side of the creek.

History: Trail construction was organized by Steve Grant, Jayne Hardy and assisted by large BCMC party. Summer 1996.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-17 19:32:03 | 显示全部楼层

Hozameen Ridge Trail

Markings: Beaten path, no trail markers.
Access To: Hozomeen Mountain

Condition: No underbrush or deadfall, runs through open terrain along broad ridgetop. Easy to follow.

General Route: Trail runs along the ridge from the Skyline II trail to Hozomeen Mountain.

How To Find: From the Skyline II trail, cross over Hozameen Ridge. The Hozameen trail branches off at 90 degrees near the highest point. There is a signpost. Once you are on the trail, you climb gradually along the ridge. Providing that there is snow, you can camp anywhere along here. The trail is generally on or near the crest of the ridge. There is generally no water on the open ridge crest but large snow patches may remain into July. Hozomeen Mtn itself has large snowfields.

BTW:Hozameen Mountain在美国境内,属North Cascades山系
 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-17 20:08:35 | 显示全部楼层
Topo maps:

发表于 2006-7-17 20:13:38 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-7-17 20:20:03 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-7-17 20:22:53 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-17 20:26:05 | 显示全部楼层



靓女,我知道你体能很好,但背重还是不一样的,要慢慢来。我还是建议你和其他用双人帐蓬的伙伴share帐蓬, 这样你就可以少背帐蓬了,稍后我可以告诉你哪些参加的同行有双人帐蓬,你选一个联系 :lol:
发表于 2006-7-17 20:28:23 | 显示全部楼层



靓女,我知道你体能很好,但背重还是不一样的,要慢慢来。我还是建议你和其他用双人帐蓬的伙伴share帐蓬, 这样你就可以少背帐蓬了,稍后我可以告诉你哪些参加的同行有双人帐蓬,你选一个联系 :lol:[/quote]

好噢,一定要找帅哥哟 :sm5e:
发表于 2006-7-17 20:35:19 | 显示全部楼层



靓女,我知道你体能很好,但背重还是不一样的,要慢慢来。我还是建议你和其他用双人帐蓬的伙伴share帐蓬, 这样你就可以少背帐蓬了,稍后我可以告诉你哪些参加的同行有双人帐蓬,你选一个联系 :lol:[/quote]

好噢,一定要找帅哥哟 :sm5e:[/quote]

发表于 2006-7-17 20:37:16 | 显示全部楼层



靓女,我知道你体能很好,但背重还是不一样的,要慢慢来。我还是建议你和其他用双人帐蓬的伙伴share帐蓬, 这样你就可以少背帐蓬了,稍后我可以告诉你哪些参加的同行有双人帐蓬,你选一个联系 :lol:[/quote]

好噢,一定要找帅哥哟 :sm5e:[/quote]


发表于 2006-7-17 20:58:18 | 显示全部楼层

好噢,一定要找[z]0/0/帅哥[/z]哟 :sm5e:

看成[z]0/6/师哥[/z]啦 :dh:
发表于 2006-7-17 21:11:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-7-17 21:22:20 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2006-7-17 21:22:33 | 显示全部楼层

老眼昏花,经常看错了。 :dh:
发表于 2006-7-17 21:52:08 | 显示全部楼层

好噢,一定要找[z]0/0/帅哥[/z]哟 :sm5e:

看成[z]0/6/师哥[/z]啦 :dh:[/quote]

发表于 2006-7-17 22:00:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-7-17 22:14:11 | 显示全部楼层



靓女,我知道你体能很好,但背重还是不一样的,要慢慢来。我还是建议你和其他用双人帐蓬的伙伴share帐蓬, 这样你就可以少背帐蓬了,稍后我可以告诉你哪些参加的同行有双人帐蓬,你选一个联系 :lol:[/quote]

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-18 06:33:53 | 显示全部楼层


pls call me @ 778 8586933
发表于 2006-7-18 17:06:30 | 显示全部楼层
一直好想走Whole Skyline Trail。能不能不走sidetrip--Hozameen Ridge Trail?好像挺费体力的。
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