楼主 |
发表于 2015-9-7 10:09:36
事情全部完成了才下午四点。 又开始下雨,那两个高人也回去了。 山谷里就剩下我和我的帐篷。 帐篷周围有成群 的恼人的小虫子,于是就干脆钻进帐篷,闭门不出了。
想,这样的天气,这么晚了,十有八九是不会有人来露营了。 今天晚上一生至此最艰巨的任务出现了。 暴风雪,大石崩,这些可能性还非常小,但也是可能。 熊,比熊还可怕的是鬼。 半夜里如果听到鬼叫鬼哭鬼笑的,那会怎么样? 就是这些都不出现。 光你整个晚上怕的睡不着,想这些事情都把自己想的怕死。
其实,我可以重新打好包,回去的。 可是那个I就是不肯回去。她说,她行的! 再怎么可怕她都可以挺过去的。 而且这是她必须修的一个功课。 明天黎明她还要看像梦莲湖一样的美景。 所以,无论如何,不回。
It's only 4PM when i finished everything. It began rain again. And my two team worker went home. There were only me and my tent in the big valley. There were lots of small flies around my tent. So i got into the tent .
Thinking it was quite late and no one would come to camp. The most challenging siuationg in my life is coming. Huge snowing, rock blasting, those will rarelly happen, but still will be possible. BEAR! GHOST! If GHOSTS screaming, cring , laughing in the midnight just beside you, how terrified it will be. Even no ghost ,no bear ,no anything , you still will be scared to death just thinking all those things all the night in dark big valley. WILL YOU? HAHA ,NOT YOU ,MAYBE. :D
Actually i could still pack my staff and go back at that time. But "I" insist to stay . She said she can make it ! And it is a challenge tusk that she must come over. Besides, there will be stunning view like the one at lake moraine waiting ahead in the coming dawn. So, whatever, stay. |