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发表于 2015-9-3 17:07:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
嘿,朋友,我又开始讲故事了,把我的开心和经历和你分享。 你只管听,不许发声音。 :D  :D  :D  :D

我这个游记很可能很多都会是我的独行游记。  俱乐部的同学包括LULU都出于关心给过我忠告,我自己也知道独行很不安全。  但是,我里面有另一个我----I - 俺 ,我总拗不过她。   

就如那个I 她现在要写游记一样,我也是拗不过她。 所以就写了。   

至于那游记最后会写成什么样,就如我的第一个游记我不知道它的结局会是怎样一样,我也不知道。   到时候,我和你就都知道啦。   :D  :D  :D

I have a long time friend who cannot read Chinese , so for him ,I tell the story in English as well .

Hi , my friend , I begin to tell my story again . I want you share my happiness and my experience as well . You just listen , no comments please .  

This journal most probably will about my solo hiking . Many friends include Lulu advised me already for my safety reason and myself also know well how unsafe it is to hike alone .  But inside me there is an “I ”who always persuade me to go her direction instead of my direction .

Now "I" want to write this journal , so i have listen to "I" , and i am writing now.  

I do not know how will be the ending of my this journal ,same as i neither knew the end of my first journal.  But ,you and me will finally know the end.
:D  :D
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-3 18:23:49 | 显示全部楼层


鸭鸭又开始学步了。  我这个路盲这次从SQUAMISH 跳过 WHISTLER 直接进军 PEMBERTON.   

本来周三约好朋友去爬CROWN的,但是因为下雨就去不成了。 于是就想去一个下雨也问题不大的地方。  我劝别人下雨天尽量不要出行,但是自己就是拗不过那个I。 我知道那个I 总是临时来告诉我她要想干什么。   这不,周二晚上上班的时候她就拿定雷打不动的主意了-----去JOFFREY LAKES BACKPACKING.   

我这辈子从来没有一个人BACKPACKING 过,但这个想法其实早在入夏时就隐隐约约在里 面出了萌芽,思想的萌芽经过时间的孕育很多时候会最后成熟为现实。

晚上11点下班回家,就开始打打包。 动作非常的快。  第二天一早出发。 一个人去尝试一生的第一次BACKPACKING 去了!

I begin to adventure again.  Though i am not good at driving and hiking directions , but i directly aim at pemberton this time.  Before i only adventure in squamish.  Even never went to whistler.   

I was planning to go to crown with some friends on wednesday, but it is rain, so i have to give up the plan.  I thought about to go somewhere that does not matter so mucih even it is wet.   Once i told others try not to go hiking in rain day, but i myself cannot follow the rule either.  "I" often to let me know what she want to do in no advance .  This time she just let me know that she want to go backpacking at joffrey lakes by tuesday evening when i was working.

I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED SOLO BACKPACKING BEFORE.  ACTUALLY i got this idea in the beginning of this summer.  Most probably an idea can become reality it let it take time.  

I finished work at 11pm . Got home , got packed.  And got up next morning ,  go.......   my virgin backpacking.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-3 18:40:38 | 显示全部楼层


这个季节去那里路很好开,等下雪结冰了,路就没那么好开了。  过了PEMBERTON 的麦当劳 再继续往前开7KM ,到右边一个白色的小教堂那里就转进右边的那条到ILLOETT的路上去。 再继续开大约20分钟,就到停车场了。停车场在路的右边。   离停车场2KM的地方有提示牌。  所以路很好找。  要付5¥的过夜费。  放钱的地方要往TRAIL 走5米。  我找了半天不知道钱应该放哪里,就像找不到黑牙的烟囱一样。  最后是别人告诉我的。  唉,瞧瞧,我这样的人还一个人去山上过夜呢。   


先后有两批背大包的人下来。他们都明确的告诉我,除了他们昨天晚上没有别人在山上过夜了。     其实,我这个问题问的很傻,那个地方哪会有人要住两夜的。

All the way what i ask is not about the lakes ---if they are beautiful or not ,  neither is about the peak-t--if i can get ,to the top or not , neither is about the bear.  The only question i ask is ------if there are still some people backpacking up there.

There were totally two group of backpacking people came back from MT.  They both told me that there was no other group backpacking up there.la   Actually later i found my question is very silly because there will be no one who will spend two nights up there.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-3 18:51:19 | 显示全部楼层


我本来不喜欢BACKPACKING,因为不喜欢背那么重的包,更不喜欢睡睡袋。 这人真的是很MENTAL的,不喜欢的东西有一天就突然就喜欢了。   

以很匀速的速度爬,但还是爬的跟爬GG一样,出大汗了。 不到一个小时就到了第二个湖。 再20分钟就到了第三个湖,然后再20分钟就到了营地。  好像是小菜一碟。 :D  :D

I did not like backpacking , because the bag is too heavy to carry and also if do not like sleep in the sleeping bag.  Human being are very mental, one day you can suddenly like something that you never liked.   

I was hiking in a very steady speed, but still i sweat a lot as if i was doing grouse grind.   It took me less than one hour to get to the second lake, took another 20 minites to the third lake ,and another 20 minites to the camp site.  Just like a piece of cake.
发表于 2015-9-3 21:45:49 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-5 20:23:57 | 显示全部楼层


一路时不时地下着小雨。  当我到达营地的时候,雨急急地下起来,感觉好像不会停了。   我就想起从前同学说的可以先搭外帐,再搭内帐,实地开始操作起这些野外作业来。  等帐篷搭好了。雨却停下来了。   看看这么漂亮的营地成了我一个人的家,感觉一下就成了亿万富翁。  只要一个背包,一个帐篷,你就可以拥有最美丽的,最完美的家。

It was raining on and off.  When i got to the camp site, it rain harder , seems like it would never stop.  So, i began to set up my tent .  I set up the out cover first .   When i finished set up the tent , it stop rain.   Looking at what i have ----my perfect most beautiful home ----  with an amazing lake in front and majestic glacier mountain on back ,  with great peace and rich flavour, with abundant nature energy and numerous space for imagination........-----I felt suddenly i am rich like an millionare. only with a bag and a tent.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-5 20:45:32 | 显示全部楼层


那时候大概是一点钟,我就开始烧中饭,烧的是面疙瘩。吃了两口就实在吃不下去了(后来回到家我才知道那不是面粉,是淀粉,朋友送我的时候说是面粉,我就以为是面粉。)。  我就想是我没爬够山,所以没胃口,就想去找个山爬爬,开开胃口。

我家门前是那个美丽的碧绿的高山冰湖,我家后面是雪山。上面有年久的冰川。   我可没想过要去接近那冰川,根本做梦都没想。  只是想去爬个山开开胃口。 家门后面有条很明确的TRAIL往那雪山上去。   我就想去往那里爬上去去高处看看湖。   湖边有一些游客,但往山上去没看见有人。  我就想我去爬爬看看,如果路不好走就撤回来。

IT was one O'CLOCK , so i began cook lunch.  but i took srarch as powder by mistake so the lunch taste very bad.   I thought i did not get enough exercise so that i had no appetite.  So i went to find mountain to climb to gain my appetite.  

In front of my house is the beautiful deep green glacier lake, on the back of my house is the glacier mountain.  I never dreamed to be near the glacier.  I only want to do some hiking to have good appetite and to see the lake from high spot.   There is an obvious trail leading toward the glacier MT.  There are several chinese touring beside the lake, but I did not see anybody up the MT.   I was thinking just go up as safe as possible, otherwise go back right away.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-5 21:16:27 | 显示全部楼层


一开始那上去的路很好走,看到我家门前的湖也更漂亮了。 我就朝山上湖边的一群中国游客喊,人家根本不理我。  唉,没办法,很多人不知道湖是用来从高处观赏的道理。  


前面有了高人,我就来了信心。  只要我能爬就尽管爬着好了。  如果一个人就要想想很多的后果。   我比他们爬的快,所以最后我追上了他们,于是我们三个结伴,就看到了很美的三个湖, 还意想不到的和千年的冰川做了一次亲密的接触。  如果就我一个人,我最多到三分之二就回转了,没胆量上去。  我先在边上拍个照,马上就作贼一样溜回安全地带。  然后那两个高人上去拍照,他们拍完照,又继续前进到里面那个冰川缝隙里钻进去拍照,我先是叫他们别这样做,太危险,后来,自己也忍不住诱惑,也爬到那里去拍照去了。疯了!   然后,我赶紧溜,催命似地催那两个高手赶紧逃命。。。。。。。那冰川可不是好玩的!

At begin the trail is quite easy , so i call the people beside the lake , but they just neglect me.   Many people do not know the simple truth that the lakes are better viewed from the top .  

Later i saw two people ahead of me.  I am lucky again as always , i met two supermen again.   

Beause there are people near me, do the same thing as i do, so I became as brave as i am.   Otherwise i would stop at the two third the way we actually got.   

I was faster than them , so i catcmhed up them , and three of us become a more strong team , and finally unresistably , we got to the glacier where we did not expect to.  It is unressitable!   and one step by one step , it atracted us towars her.   It was snowing harder and harder when we go nearer and nearer to  her----the all mighty beauty!
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-6 12:57:47 | 显示全部楼层



7KM 到LAKE ANN.  LAKE 也没看到,都在雾里。 继续前进,去看冰川,前方的路越走越窄小,到最后只剩下四个人前行,路也基本没有路了。  领队DAVID 说离冰川大概还有一百米。  可是都是雾,看不见冰川l。  所以决定止步。  我说等五分钟,等奇迹发生。  我又是一路祷告上来的。  等了约十分钟,奇迹好像不会发生。我们就返回了。  

回到湖边,看见湖了。  很失望,那个湖一点不好看。  想不明白,为什么这么多人来这湖边露营。  根本就是一个很普通的湖。  

POSTER 的任务还是要完成。 于是我就背对着湖开始摆POSE,让海泉湾的大相机稍微发挥点作用。  那些小手机也要派派用场。  

我正摆着动作的时候,突然我看见前面天空中出现了奇迹---海市蜃楼一样的东西。   于是。。。。。。。  奇迹一样的美景出现了。  庐山的真面目让我们看到了。   不虚此行。    谢谢DAVID和YIN 组织活动.   

海泉湾你要开贴也行,你要在这里发照片也行,随意。   我就发我喜欢的自己的照片。  谢谢你的摄影。

GOD SAID :  only if you you believe in me , i will give you more than what you ask for.   

we went to mt baker lake ann.   at begining there are 12 of us .   After 7KM HIKING we got to the lake ann.  But the lake was covered by the fog.  We did not see it .  We keep go forward to see a great glacier that was said 2km ahead.  
the trail became more and more difficult and at last only left four of us .    At last there seems like have no trail.   And our leader DAVID told us that the glacier is only 100 metres away that covered with fog.   Because it is not safe , so we stop there.  And I ask to wait for five minites to see if some miracle will happen for i was praying all the way up.   
After ten minites , we gave up , and return.   
we thought that will be our day.

But we saw the lake .  lake ann which is just as plain as normal.   i just cannot understand why there are so many people come to camp here.  i was disappointed ,honestly.   
but i still should take some pictures with this poor lady ---lake ann.   As i stood there with my back towards the lake , i saw something unrreal at the sky before me.   And i almost shout at that monent.  We saw the miracle happen ,  a miracle bigger than what we expected what i prayed.    we see the true beauty around lake ann.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-7 10:09:36 | 显示全部楼层


事情全部完成了才下午四点。  又开始下雨,那两个高人也回去了。 山谷里就剩下我和我的帐篷。  帐篷周围有成群 的恼人的小虫子,于是就干脆钻进帐篷,闭门不出了。   

想,这样的天气,这么晚了,十有八九是不会有人来露营了。  今天晚上一生至此最艰巨的任务出现了。  暴风雪,大石崩,这些可能性还非常小,但也是可能。 熊,比熊还可怕的是鬼。  半夜里如果听到鬼叫鬼哭鬼笑的,那会怎么样?  就是这些都不出现。  光你整个晚上怕的睡不着,想这些事情都把自己想的怕死。   

其实,我可以重新打好包,回去的。  可是那个I就是不肯回去。她说,她行的! 再怎么可怕她都可以挺过去的。 而且这是她必须修的一个功课。  明天黎明她还要看像梦莲湖一样的美景。  所以,无论如何,不回。

It's only 4PM when i finished everything.  It began rain again. And my two team worker went home. There were only me and my tent in the big valley. There were lots of small flies around my tent. So i got into the tent .  
Thinking it was quite late and no one would come to camp. The most challenging siuationg in my life is coming. Huge snowing, rock blasting, those will rarelly happen, but still will be possible. BEAR!  GHOST!  If GHOSTS screaming, cring , laughing in the midnight just beside you, how terrified it will be.  Even no ghost ,no bear ,no anything , you still will be scared to death just thinking all those things all the night in dark big valley.   WILL YOU?   HAHA ,NOT YOU ,MAYBE.    :D

Actually i could still pack my staff and go back at that time.  But "I" insist to stay .  She said she can make it ! And it is a challenge tusk that she must come over.  Besides, there will be stunning view like the one at lake moraine waiting ahead in the coming  dawn.  So, whatever, stay.
发表于 2015-9-8 10:10:41 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-8 11:06:46 | 显示全部楼层


叫你别发声的,为什么发声音呢?   看来是在催我快点讲故事了。  呵呵,俺不是说书人吗?  说书的就是要卖关子的。  俺,开贴有开贴的规矩---快! 说书有说书的规矩---关键时刻打住! :D  :D  :D


外面美景当前,可是又冷又湿又累又困。 昨晚没睡够。  就干脆睡觉啦。 我就盘算:  就算我真能睡,撑足了也就只能睡12个小时。 那我会在早上4点醒来。 那还有2个半小时的可怕黑夜要挺过去。   可是,不管了,先享受再说。 我就真的睡着了。  大概五点的样子,外面有人喊叫,还是中国人。  我好像捡了元宝,可开心了。  因为喊叫的一定是来露营的。  出去一看,一问,不是。 他们是要回去的。 白高兴一场。  

这回我是彻底死心的,彻底做好自己一个人过这个漆黑可怕的夜晚了。  我还是可以逃回去的呀,这差不多是我最后逃回去的机会了。 可是那个I就是要接受这样的挑战。  唉,我一点办法也没有。  乖乖的听她摆布。  这个时候就是听天由命的时候。

你猜接下去怎么着?   。。。。。嘻嘻。。。。。。我又睡着了。。。。。 :D  :D  :D
It was cold and wet, and i was tired and sleepy.  So, even there is beatiflul scenery around me , i chose to sleep. For i did not get enough sleep last night.  I was calculating: even i could sleep the longest time i could , i only could sleep for 12hours. SO I will wake up at 4am when it will be still 2 and half hour darkness ahead .   darkness is one of the big frighten enemy of human being.   But nevertherless, I chose to enjoy the moment first .  SO I did fall asleep.   
At about 5pm, some people shout loud outside and i was woke by the shout.  They are chinese. I was so happy, for i thought they must come to camp otherwise they will not shout.  Unfortunately, they are not for camp.  Only day hiking.  

So, i thought there will be no hope that someone will be my company for the night.   This is the last chance for my to retrieve.  But "I",said NO.  She was way stronger than me , so what i can do is just leave everything to GOD.

What's happen next ?   nothing, i just went sleep again.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-10 09:59:14 | 显示全部楼层


一觉醒来,天快黑了。 大概七点多一点。 七点40太阳下山。 外面淅淅沥沥地小雨着。 我想,在天完全黑之前,出去松动一下筋骨,等天黑了,就在帐篷里冬眠了。不管外面发生任何事情,都和帐篷同生死共命运了。  未知数总让我很兴奋。 这个不知道怎么过的夜晚让我很兴奋。

When I woke up, it was almost dark.  IT's about 7pm.  And the sundown will be at 740pm. I need to strech out a little bit before it is totally dark.  After it is totally dark , i will stay in my tent all night till morning.  Whatever happen ,i will never leave my tent.  As you know, things unkonw always make me excited , that's why i live and i breathe.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-10 10:47:24 | 显示全部楼层


昨天周三,我们三个人的周三爬山小组,去爬了CROWN.  地还是很湿,不是很正确的决定。 下次尽量改正。  我们坐第一趟缆车上去,路上堵车再加修路改道行走,所以一个同学迟到一趟缆车,910AM 起步。 因为,我下午3PM还有上班,于是,一路急行军,没有停留。  总共来回4小时17分钟,吃饭加'观景“另外15分钟。   最后跑步追赶上最近一趟缆车。 到车里大概2点。  赶上上班还绰绰有余。   上班也照样可以正式爬山了。    :D  :D  :D  没有风景。风景都罩在雾里。  欠他们一次。 下次再去!

Yesterday three of us as a "wednesday hiking group " went to crown.  It is wet , i did not make a very correct dicision.  Try to change.   We plan to got the first gondola , but because of the traffic , one of us is late .  so we began at 910am.  For i need to go back work at 3pm, so we went fast and didn't make any stop. It totally take us 4hours and 17 MINITES .  THE distance total is 9.66 KM and the total elevationg gain is 950M.   It is a great job.   At last we ran to catch the gondola and got to the car at 2pm.  So, from now on , i can hiking and working in one day. that's awesome.   no scenery . the scenery was all covered in the fog. and no miracle this time.  so i owe both of them one chance.  go next time again in a sunny bright day.


 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-10 23:11:05 | 显示全部楼层


出乎完全的意外,像是看到奇迹一样,我走出帐篷,居然看到我的左边的营位搭起了一个三四个人的大帐篷。  简直就是绝处逢生。  那个帐篷给我带来的惊喜可真的一辈子不多。  一下子它好像就给我带来了99%的安全感。 原来我的安全感只有1%.   我要在1%的安全感里求生 存。  

那个帐篷的主人也是一个人。  他正还在忙着完成最后的帐篷搭建工作。  都顾不上和我说话,因为天马上就要黑了,而且他说他非常的饿。  
他一定也是和我一样很怕一个人在这种地方过夜的,所以才找个这个离我最近的营位。   他说他在山下的时候犹豫了很久才决定上来的。  
他是意大利人,在澳大利亚定居,来温哥华短住。 他说HIKING只是他的其中的一项爱好而已,他有非常多的爱好。所以特别忙。 他大约三十岁。

聊了一会天就黑了。  他问我明天做什么打算,我说没打算。 我说,你明天什么打算,他说,他想去WEDGEMOUNT LAKE.  我想了想,就是,那我给你做个伴,那个地方我去过,就再跟你去一趟好了。 反正我就喜欢爬山。  爬山的人有个伴比SOLO强很多。   
于是,他说他累死了。 要马上睡觉了。  那时天也基本黑了。  我就又钻回我的帐篷了。我们说好早上最早8点叫他起床。因为他说他喜欢睡懒觉。

Unexpectly , like a miracle, i saw a tent right at the site nearest to mine.   It save my life.  The happiness i got when i saw the tent is one of the rare ones.   It suddenly brought 99% safety.   I only had 1% safety before that and i wanted to suvive with this 1% safety.  
The owner of the tent is alone too.  He was busy finishing set up the tent even had no time to talk to me for it was getting dark .  He said he was starving .   

He must is afraid of spenting night alone in this kind of place alone too.  That's why he chose the site nearest to mine.  He said that he was hesitated for a long time to decide come up here to camp when he was at parking lot.
He is an italian. Live in australia, came to vancouver for visit.  He told me that hiking is just one of his many hobbies. So,he is always very busy. He is about thirty.     

It was dark soon.  He ask me what;s my plan for tomorrow.  I said no plan. And he said he plan to go wedgemount lake .  I said i can go there with him though i had been there once.  Anyway i simply just like hiking on the mountain.  Two people better than solo if not feel so bad with each other.
So, he ask me to wake him up after 8am tomorrow.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-12 11:40:01 | 显示全部楼层


可能是因为早上喝了咖啡,可能因为刚才打了两次盹,可能因为那哗啦啦的流水声,。。。。。  反正我折腾来折腾去就是睡不着,又没信号,否则半夜就找人狂聊,打开IBOOK看HIKING103, 有时候会想一些可怕的外面黑夜里的事情,马上想到隔壁有邻居,就立马不怕了。  终于在大概1点的时候睡着了。 到2点,可能是风吹动了我没有认真弄好的内帐,也可能是那些老鼠,(这个营地很多老鼠,那些装食物的白色的熊桶里就有一个死老鼠,那个放食物的熊柜气味的不得了。  这么漂亮的一个营地缺少管理,真是大打折扣。)。于是,我又醒了,一直到6点多天快要亮的时候瞌睡才重重地袭来,可是,我拼命地把袭来的瞌睡赶走,因为我要去看黎明的湖.

Maybe because i drank the coffee in the morning ,maybe because i had naps ,maybe because the loud sound from the waterfall, i could not fall asleep. There was no signal ,otherwise i would find anyone to talk anything .  I read the hiking 103 at ibook. Somethimes the thought came into my mind about everything in the darkness outside my tent, but as soon as i thought that i had a neighbor, I was not afraid.  I finally fell asleep at 1am, and woke up at 2am maybe by the wind that was blowing my tent or by the mice .  There were lots of mice in the camp site.  I saw a dead one the the food bin.  
Till 6am, the sleeping just came suddenly.  But i had to reject it for i need to see the beautiful lake at dawn.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-12 11:49:34 | 显示全部楼层


满山都是雾,一轮弯弯的皎月挂在那个最高的山峰边上,一如她既往的高洁,又带着迷人的朦胧。  雾是那样的飘洒随性,徐徐地悠悠地洒脱地抹着他或重或轻的笔墨,撩拨着巍然不动看似木讷的高山。  少女一样的湖,睡在雾帐里,一丝体形都看不见。   那雾好像闻到了我凡人的不善气息,突然凶猛地向海浪一样朝我们营地这边狂袭过来,很快接近我的邻居的帐篷,吓得我赶紧溜回帐篷,闭门就寝。  我苦苦等了一夜,就等到这般的美景.

The mountains are surrounded by fog. The moon hang on the side of the highest mountain.  Graceful and dignitiful as she always is. A little blur makes her more misterious than normal. FOG, he si so free and behaves randomly. He is playing with the mountain with his unshaped form ,with his patient pace,with his random love. The lake like a maid ,sound sleeping in the fog , cannot see any shape of her .   As if he smells my human being's ungoodness,   :D ,the fog suddenly come over my direction ,soon cover my neighbor's tent ,and keep coming . I run into my tent and fell asleep right away.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-14 22:17:57 | 显示全部楼层


9月13号。  看见了第一次一生最美的秋色,走在自然的火红的地毯上,比公主还要富贵。 爬上了除了LIONS PEAK之外最难的一个高峰---WilliamS PEAK. 和王子一样威武。 又是一个梦想很轻易的实现了。  

we went to chilliwack williams ridge and peak.  THis peak is quite challenging, it is the second difficult peak besides west lion that i had been.   

I saw the beautiful fall color on the mountain .  The natural red carpet with green trees and gray rockies constitute a great picture .  Walking along the red carpet makes me feel that i am a prinecess in the palace.   After the hard brave work, i got to the very top of the peak, felt i am brave and mighty like a prince.  I enexpectly realize my another dream .     There were totally 23 of us led by our leader LULU.   all five of us who dertermined to climb the peak got to the peak.   I think this is a virgin peak for our club.   AND i believe we will conquer more peaks afterwords.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-14 22:29:19 | 显示全部楼层


那个晚上,只睡了一个小时,所以很多时间我都在思想。 有那么一刻,我就问我的上帝,为什么有些事情那么不合理。 为什么您让不合理的事情发生。为什么你就是要让我失去我本不应该失去的东西。  
很快我就得到了答案:  如果没有你昨天的失去,你今天不会在这里。你满意你今天的位置吗?  你愿意用今天的所拥有的去换你昨天本来可以拥有的东西吗? 你过去的失去是为了你今天和将来的得到。如果你再去恨你过去的过去的那些事物,你就不可能得到你将来还会得到的更多的事物。得失得失要顺其自然,苦苦去经营的未必就好。   顷刻之间,年久无法释怀的东西,一下就释怀了。

That night i only slept one hour.  So , most of the time i was thinking.  Once i ask my GOD:  why something unfair happened in my life. How could you let those kind of unjustice thing happen in your world? Why do you just want me to lose something that i should not lose.   

Soon, i got the answer: if you did not lose things yesterday ,you will not be here today.  Are you satisfied with the position you are now ? Are you happy with all the things you get now ?   (sure .  I AM HAPPY ).  DO you like to exchange what you have with the things you could have in the past ?  your lose in the past is for what you get now and in the future.  FORGIVE.  Only you forgive , you can get more in the future.   

It's so hard to forgive ,  but also it's easy to forgive .  

Suddenly i forgave everything that i could not in years.   Thanks GOD.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-14 22:41:28 | 显示全部楼层


因为半夜里时不时有下雨,我就想第二天去WEDGEMOUNT LAKE 会很不安全。因为那个地方最后那个大石坡晴天都不太安全,更何况雨天。 所以我决定第二天是不去了。   I 喜欢守承诺,但涉及到安全问题,这次她还是听从了我。  


我的邻居已经早起床了。拿了个小相机好像已经四处去拍过照了。我就跟他说那个地方不安全,我是不会去了,劝他也别去。 他说他也是不想去了。他说他也是个随时会改变主意的人。  他说他等下爬到上面去看看三个湖。 我可不想这么快就去炒冷饭。 所以我说我就先回去了。  

回来的路上,下了第二个湖后才遇见第一个上来的人。是一个女人。什么装备都没有,天有点细细的小雨,她连防雨的设备都没有。 赫,厉害的女人到处都有。 :D  :D  :D

It was raining now and then.  So , i thought it is not safe to go wedgemount lake . For the big rocky slope there is quite dangerous even in dry weather.  
I went sleep right away.  and woke after 8am while it was raining quite hard.  so i keep lying in bag.  Till about 9am, it began stop rain.  I got up , and my neighbor got up already, had a walk nearby.  I told him that i would not go lake WEDGeMOUNT.  And ask him not to go either for safety reason.  He agreed and decided to go up the hill to see the three lakes as i did.  And i went home instead.  

On the way down , after pass the second lake , i met the first person came up. A single woman without any equipment ,even no raincoat though it was raining .  There are quite a lot brave women out there.    :D
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