March 25, 2016
这个复活节的长周末,北美户外的大部队随着露露的三天穿湖行都走了,我们这些留守城里没时间玩的同学们只好流着哈喇子想象着那些在小木屋里享受的美食 :P :P
没有三天时间去尽情地在雪地里打滚,我们只能抽出一天的时间,去爬北岸狮子湾的Mt. Harvey.
Mount Harvey, 1,652 m (5,420 ft), is a mountain in the Britannia Range of the North Shore Mountains just northeast of the Village of Lions Bay, British Columbia, Canada.
Mount Harvey Trail
Popular trail from Lions Bay
Total Distance: 13.7 km (return)
Estimated Time: 7 hours
Average Grade: 20.5%
Structure: Linear - Return
Elevation Gain: 1405 m
Start Elevation: 240 m
Max Elevation: 1645 m
Starts in Lions Bay, same location as The Lions (Binkert) Trail.
Start as per the Lions trail. After ~40 minutes along the gravel/forest roads (bearing right at every major intersection), the Mt. Harvey trail angles off to the left. If you make it to a small cascade of water on Alberta Creek, you have gone too far - back track 20m. Look for a carved post "Harvey" marking the trail. There is also a pile of rocks on the forest road itself that should mark the spot.
The first 20 minutes or so of the trail climbs quite steeply along the side of Alberta Creek. Numerous old yellow ropes are tied to the trees to help you along. These ropes have been there so long that the trees have started to grow around them. After about 20 minutes, a spur trail forms to the right and leads to a view of a small falls down Alberta Creek, about 20m from the main trail.
The trail climbs steadily, switchbacking up the second growth forest. The path is easy to follow and the trail is marked well with the usual red diamonds on the trees. After about an hour of steady uphill you break out of this stretch of uphill and are greeted with the first views of the West Lion.
The path to the summit is to your left (north) as you break out into this clearing. It is somewhat overgrown in this meadow area, but should still be easily visible. Follow this trail as it traverses a ridge and climbs towards the summit. Soon you are out of the trees and on more exposed walk. There are a few spots that might be considered a slight scramble where hands are needed, but it is not at all technical.
After ~30 minutes from the meadow you will be on the summit. Fantastic views of Howe Sound, the Lions, and Brunswick Mountain greet you. After taking in the summit either retrace your steps or connect with the Howe Sound Crest trail and make a loop over to Brunswick or the Lions.
这天早上,化石大哥载着小麦同学接上我一起到了西温教堂集合,加上DavidS接过来的Grace同学正好一车,00 同学临时有事不能来,遗憾。然后出发到了trail head,正好8:00am开爬。
一路无风无雨也无浪,虽然没有大太阳,天气是多云,我们走过了logging 路,到了林子,开始上林子的斜坡。走了大约半个小时有多,后面的DavidS 小腿抽筋,经过商量,决定我们先走,他在后面慢慢走,确认他可以后,我们继续前进,后来沟通知道,David自己先行下山,坐出租车返回西温停车场然后回家,回家前还惦记着要等我们回来好把Grace 送回家,真是一位好同学。
我一直想上Mt Harvey, 以前一直没有机会,而且我总觉得那个是牛人才能上的高峰,我只能高山仰止。前一阵扭伤了膝盖,休息了几个月,虽然没有什么大碍,但是体能直线下降,信心不足,练习了几次BCMC/GG后,感觉还行,即使走得慢一些,应该能走下来,这才敢跟化石,Grace尤其是小麦同学一起走。今天的天气其实还不错的,虽然多云,但是太阳偶尔会露个小脸,鼓励我们前行。
最后,我们在下午5点整回到trail head,共计花了9个小时。对于我而言,主要是花在下坡的时间比较多,总是下意识地照顾受过伤的左腿,谢谢化石大哥一直在前面等我,看不见我的时候,会大声地唱歌,让我知道他的存在,谢谢!
这个登顶,对于牛人来说,是一小步,对于我来说,是一大步!这句话,是我说的,嘿嘿! |