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75km HBC Heritage Trail backpacking

发表于 2016-5-21 14:11:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
想今年BP走一下这条75km HBC Heritage Trail

这条HBC 1849 Heritage Trail的背景历史很有意思:

哈德逊湾公司(英文:The Hudson's Bay Company,HBC;法文:Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson),於1670年註冊成立,是北美最早成立的商业股份公司,也是全世界最早成立的公司之一。公司曾是全世界最大的地主。。。。

这条HBC trail的由来:原来英属BC的皮毛等资源的交易路线是南下到美国的关口(Fort Okanagan),再顺哥伦比亚河出海,当1846年英美同意划定全长4000公里的以北纬49度线(49th parallel north)美加边界后,美国的关口对BC商人关闭,HBC公司只好另辟新路,原来想走陡险的Fraser Canyon路线(也就是后来建加拿大国家铁路的路线中每公里平均死亡六到七名中国筑路工人的那段),结果第一试就死了七十头马也未成功,只好放弃,随后在当地的first nation帮助下找到这条路线带来了希望(Fort Hope也因此成立得名),这条路线也是艰辛的路线,马负重九十磅左右,马甚至于人也不少因严酷的气候变化/受伤/过度劳累等死于非命。那段时间HBC的雇员的平均寿命也只有45岁。当时HBC的一位主贸易商在Deer Camp也被倒树砸中帐蓬而死.................

HBC Heritage Trail

This weekend marks the official re-opening of the Hudson's Bay Heritage Trail, a
75-km hiking and horse trail between Hope and Tulameen that follows an old
fur-trading route.

Check out the press coverage in the Chilliwack Progress:


Read more about the trail on the Hope Mountain Centre website, where you can
learn more about the history, as well as download maps and GPS data for the


You can also check out the map of the trail the next time you're in the Blue
Moose in Hope.

Many thanks to the Hope Mountain Centre for all their hard work in
re-establishing this trail and upgrading it for use by hikers. The onus is now
on all of you to get out there and hike it and ensure its future!
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-14 15:08:20 | 显示全部楼层
Sowaqua Creek FSR out

There's a washout at kilometre 12 http://hopemountain.org/trails/hbc-heritage-trail/ (click on "Trail Access and Directions"). I'm told that it's "passable" in a pickup truck but unsure how long that will be. Anyone considering hiking the HBC Heritage Trail from that direction may expect to have to hike an extra eight kilometres.
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