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发表于 2016-6-6 07:09:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Terence Byrne,一个75岁的白人老先生。  精干的身材,白净的皮肤,西方人的文化,说话直视你的眼睛,一字一句。   
他爬了11年的GG,今天他要爬2-3次。  他最多的记录是一天8次,去年在Mutiple GG Day 他爬了7次。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-6 20:14:15 | 显示全部楼层


i went to GG early morning at 6aM TODAY.  I have a timer and also I have GG App.  I use the timer first , and it only got a short BEE. Usually after short bee follow a long bee sound.   and the person before me also was doubting if the timer works because he heard only a short bee too.   

So, I want double insurance for I have APP.  

AS I trying to retreat to the outside of the gate where the App starts, two white skin women right away got excited.   

stay tuned!
发表于 2016-6-6 20:34:10 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-6 22:37:40 | 显示全部楼层


one woman wear orange top whose size is almost double as mine said : "no! You cannot do that ! That's cheating !"  And another 1.5 size as mine in gray top said :"yes ,you cannot do that ! It's cheating " .  They behaved like they just had caught a thief !   and the orange said :"what's your name ?" As if she is a policeman !  I hate it !  It's ridiculous ! But I am too Chinese that I told her my name though I really hate it .   I want to explain why I want to use App after I used the timer ,but they told me that the net was not working today and the timer would not work ,and they them self use APP instead of timer , but they just would not permit me to use the APP for I already used the timer .  They keep saying it is cheating !     Oh , my god !
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-6 22:41:38 | 显示全部楼层


I could not laugh ,neither could I cry .   For the way they think is ridiculous to me . But the way they behaved like they are the worriers of Grouse grind which is my love too.
发表于 2016-6-6 23:31:37 | 显示全部楼层

***I do not like your judgmental comments
***I have reason to use both timer and app as I thought timer might be not working this time.
***It is up to Grouse Mountain to make a better timer/app to avoid confusing.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-7 09:46:48 | 显示全部楼层


"Ok", I finally was defeated by two of them . I give up to further explain ,because people are unreasonable when they make up their mind .  I am not a good fighter in Chinese , nevertheless in English .  "I do not use APP ! Ok ?! ". I guess if I do not say that they would keep watching at me for that is totally intolerable for them if I "cheat" .    So, now I start walking and they start walking too .  

If I could walk faster ,I want beat them with speed .   But ...... They are wolves and I am still a sheep after 2 and half years .  Could I be a wolf one day ?
发表于 2016-6-7 10:14:36 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [分享]

"Ok", I finally was defeated by two of them . I give up to further explain ,because people are unreasonable when they make up their mind .  I am not a good fighter in Chinese , nevertheless in English .  "I do not use APP ! Ok ?! ". I guess if I do not say that they would keep watching at me for that is totally intolerable for them if I "cheat" .    So, now I start walking and they start walking too .  

If I could walk faster ,I want beat them with speed .   But ...... They are wolves and I am still a sheep after 2 and half years .  Could I be a wolf one day ?

my ld is on your side and he likes you, he said you are being yourself and he is impressed by your English composition & phrasing   :wink:
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-7 12:48:50 | 显示全部楼层


谢谢Lulu和Gordon的夸奖 !   说说我为什么开始用英文说书。    那天我上班休息时间,手机在上面充电,没东西玩了,就去玩那台单位的我好久没碰的电脑。  突然就想写那天的那个我本来不想写的故事。    但是单位的电脑没有中文大字,于是我就用英文写。   写完第一段。   后来就觉得试试用英文写的感觉也很不错。  于是就变成现在这样说英文书了。 我做事都很随意的,也很冲动。   冲动来了,我往往都是要去做的。  一直都是这样。
发表于 2016-6-8 15:20:10 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [分享]

"Ok", I finally was defeated by two of them . I give up to further explain ,because people are unreasonable when they make up their mind .  I am not a good fighter in Chinese , nevertheless in English .  "I do not use APP ! Ok ?! ". I guess if I do not say that they would keep watching at me for that is totally intolerable for them if I "cheat" .    So, now I start walking and they start walking too .  

If I could walk faster ,I want beat them with speed .   But ...... They are wolves and I am still a sheep after 2 and half years .  Could I be a wolf one day ?

my ld is on your side and he likes you, he said you are being yourself and he is impressed by your English composition & phrasing   :wink:[/quote]

一定是酒后写作! :shock:  :P  :shock:  :P
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-8 21:20:13 | 显示全部楼层


I got to the top , swept the time card ,still only heard one short bee,no long bee.   One of our classmates told me that I am in the nearest mountain to Everest .  It seems like I only need another 8 or 9 climbs to be on Everest .   So,I was interested in the game .  Wa! it's only could be a dream for me to be on the Everest .  So, being on the Everest in a game could be fun.    So, today the one climb do matters to me .   

I went into the hall , look for my name one that screen that shows everyone's time .   My name was not there .  And there's only 4-5 people's name on the screen .  The orange and the gray were just near me .   So, I said :" see, I have no time ".they said it's because the net did not work .   I said "because you guys did not allow me to use the app " .  They said "no, you cannot use both, it's cheating."  I said " cheating for what ?  " they said :" you will get 2 counts while actually you only climbed one " .  The orange said :" I check your record , your record shows that one day you have two times while actually you only did one .  The one you use timer show your name in small letter while the another one you use App shows your name in big letter . That's why I know you cheated once ."   I said " I was not cheating same as I am not cheating today .  ".   She still kept saying those kind of ........ So ,I just show her that I was not listening . And at last I said " it's just an excercise !  ".   

Later they came to talk to me again that I can ask the worker to try to find my today's time .  I said "no, I do not need it . It's easy for me to do one more time than to find my time .  And actually I will do another two times today .  And I did 8 times in one day ."  Then the orange became friendly to me and told me :" you should participate in the multiple GG day" . I said : " NO, thanks .  But I will do it when I am ready for 11times !"
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-9 17:00:12 | 显示全部楼层


第二次比第一次有一点点进步,还是没有进60,其实体力是不如第一次,但快一点的诀窍是全程没有停下,没有喝一滴水,把体力全消耗了,反正一会不再爬了。下回第一爬如果能做到不停留,不喝水,也许能进60。 今天看来还是没有运用好策略。请各位大侠指正!

以上是66岁的David LUO 今天爬了两次GG--62分钟和61分52秒 后自己的总结。   

我刚被人逮住“Cheating”。, 这个David老将今天又在为进升60分钟之列而苦苦奋斗。   很多中国人都在国内为金子房子妻子妾子孩子奋斗,我们为这一年花掉我们130个大洋的GG奋斗。  谁比谁更傻?   

David! 2年半前我刚出道不久,第一次认识这个人,他给了我太深刻的印象 Stay Tuned!
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-10 16:30:19 | 显示全部楼层


想当年,俺刚出道不久,大部队去Baker那里爬山。  那时候俺还没有Lulu夫妻快,那两夫妻那时候属于快队,俺跟不住,俺只在龙尾巴部位混。 老将David 自告奋勇殿后。   被殿后的也是David。  为方便起见我们就叫他David2 。    一路开走都很Boring,在树线里走,什么景色都见不到。  终于到了一个小瀑布,于是,大家当它是稀奇宝贝,争抢着拍照。  快队的以速度为乐,慢队的就破瓶子破摔,也借着景拍照偷懒。  历朝历代都如此。  上个朝代如此,本朝代如此,未来的朝代也躲不过。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-11 11:55:17 | 显示全部楼层


大家在小瀑布那里搞各种把戏,殿后的和被殿后的2 David 就到了。  一会儿我就看见David 2 在 羊肠小道别一个小晃荡, 还好他稳住了,要不摔下去也真不是好玩的。  我心里就想: 这是个危险分子,俺离他远点。  

那时候Lulu定了最后的折返时间,3点或是4点俺记不清了。  俺也到了顶。  然后大家就都下撤了。  下撤途中遇见还想往上爬的David 2 。  无奈他只能下撤。  

俺刚出道的时候思想还比较革命。  总认为殿后是最光荣的事情。  一心要努力做个殿后的报答Lulu的付出。   渐渐的思想就被腐化了,现在偶尔很不情愿地垫一次后。   

当初的时候,没经验,就不知道老Hiker有老Hiker的是处,即便他们有时候爬的很慢。  当初的时候俺不知道等人你可以在某些位置等,不必非得跟在人家脚后跟看他小孩似的怎么走路。

不过话说回来,如果不是因为当初俺菜菜鸟一点经验没有,非要盯着David2 怎么下山, 俺今天也不会说这个书。   

那一次给他殿后之后,我是看见David2 能躲就躲。  

他怎么下山的? 且听下回分解。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-12 23:26:44 | 显示全部楼层


话说大部队到顶后就开始各个施展独家绝技飞奔下雪山。  想当年俺下山的时候就开始精力特别旺盛,不管是雪山还是不是雪山都喜欢飞奔而下。  也许经过两年的折腾膝盖是有点不如从前了,也许是心理作用,当初初出牛犊不怕虎,一点不懂,无知者无畏,所以膝盖仿佛也强壮的很。   现在开始有知有觉,于是跑不起来了。   

大家都走了,天也马上快黑起来了,就剩下David2 一个人了。  我就不放心他一个人在最后了。 于是我就给他殿后。  

David 遇见几个老外跟他询问什么,他就停下来很耐心地和他们说话。 我心急啊。  .......   我就喊他快走。  他下雪山很慢,很小心, 那坡越来越陡,他就得横着脚下, 这样下当然比脚直着下累很多。 于是没过多久他就累的有点不行了。  开始的时候我叫他象我一样滑,他怕滑,他好像也试了,感觉不好,所以他不滑,到后来他腿走累了,他就开始学我的样子滑, 那雪滑不太动,得用手杖一推一推的推滑。   没多久他这样也滑累了。  最后我看见他脸朝下爬下来。  我这辈子就见这一次有人这样下雪山的。   

天都已经蒙蒙黑了。 我到不知道我们两个人是不是会迷路。  下完陡坡就看见Lulu他们在等我们。  后来走那较平的羊肠小道David倒是一点不慢,因为天黑了,大家就赶紧赶路,头灯也用上了,这是我唯一的一次赶路用头灯。   

在看见David 出山的时候,那是他开始要圆他的Ridge美梦。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-13 23:02:11 | 显示全部楼层


去年2月份,经过一年半的不断锻炼,我们的泥腿也慢慢开始变成钢筋水泥腿了。 开始和原来让我们闻风丧胆的小猫小麦小心翼翼的靠近。 于是就有了第一次的雪山Panorama Ridge 之行。  那中间一直都没见David 2 出来参加活动过。  


David 2 就突然冒出来了,他说有慢队,他要求参加慢队。 还说,迷你猫这次我们再一起走。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-14 13:56:03 | 显示全部楼层


吓得我赶紧缩进头。 马上宣称: 本次活动没有慢队。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-19 11:33:36 | 显示全部楼层


昨天龙同学爬了五次GG。  我刚才在菜场买菜,看见我队伍前面的一个80岁左右的老太太篮子里购了约5-6斤的菜。我想这对于她也够厉害的。  于是我就开始和她搭讪。  

她88岁,她先生89岁。  周五他们刚爬了Dam Mt 。 当然是坐缆车上去的。  过两天他们要去Garibaldi Lake。   他们30-40的时候经常背50磅的大包走没有路的路。 最高的山爬过的是BC省最高的山好像是叫wardingTon 什么的。   可能我没听清楚。 但她说是BC省最高的山不会错。   

问她:您膝盖有过问题吗?  她笑笑,用诚实的态度对我说:有。  但她说:不管它,照爬。  有时候不得不找物理师进行治疗。  

最后她对我说:Keep going!
 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-19 17:45:37 | 显示全部楼层


但是,那天David 还是来了。  我们快队的拔腿就开始你追我赶,David就后面自己一个人走。 我们上了顶,听说David到了Meadow就回转了。 所以他没有实现上Ridge的愿望。 因为迷你猫没有奉献精神。

一年以后,再次看见David出山是在GG群里,我记得他第一次再现的时候他说他GG爬了67分钟。   想当初我们爬进70分钟也是费了九牛二虎之力的。  想必他这一年一定是进深山老林苦练功夫去了。  然后,就看见他在群里表示他的梦想……Ridge。   迷你猫再次没有奉献精神呢。  自己偷偷去了一趟没让David知道。 还是坚决要躲着他呢。   自我批判!      

后来,军师揭竿起义,挑战一日双峰,从者众,以致派生两峰队,拔牙不怕痛队,只上Ridge不屑黑牙队。   终于David找到了他的上Ridge实现他66岁理想的队伍。 他上了Ridge的顶! 而且看到了迷你猫上了八次都没看到的半化的Garibaldi 湖!   

我知道David的下一个目标是GG突破60分钟。  凭他的毅力他一定可以的!
发表于 2016-6-19 21:32:11 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [分享]

但是,那天David 还是来了。  我们快队的拔腿就开始你追我赶,David就后面自己一个人走。 我们上了顶,听说David到了Meadow就回转了。 所以他没有实现上Ridge的愿望。 因为迷你猫没有奉献精神。

一年以后,再次看见David出山是在GG群里,我记得他第一次再现的时候他说他GG爬了67分钟。   想当初我们爬进70分钟也是费了九牛二虎之力的。  想必他这一年一定是进深山老林苦练功夫去了。  然后,就看见他在群里表示他的梦想……Ridge。   迷你猫再次没有奉献精神呢。  自己偷偷去了一趟没让David知道。 还是坚决要躲着他呢。   自我批判!      

后来,军师揭竿起义,挑战一日双峰,从者众,以致派生两峰队,拔牙不怕痛队,只上Ridge不屑黑牙队。   终于David找到了他的上Ridge实现他66岁理想的队伍。 他上了Ridge的顶! 而且看到了迷你猫上了八次都没看到的半化的Garibaldi 湖!   

我知道David的下一个目标是GG突破60分钟。  凭他的毅力他一定可以的!

谢谢你的激将法,60分钟GG我今年是一定要破的。可惜这几天没有去爬GG,倒是抽空去了一趟Sloquet野温泉然后再爬Joffre 三个湖。6月底7月份要出远门,8月中要走WCT,我就把GG60分的目标定在9月和10月吧。我最近连续爬几次GG的体会是爬其他山的时候体力明显增加了不少,同样是爬Ridge,现在爬比一年前爬要感觉轻松多了,尽管我已经又老了一些。所以对我来说增加体能是第一重要,提高速度则次之。
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