楼主 |
发表于 2016-10-1 19:28:58
小組Weekday去可以碰碰運氣, 看看能不能拿到daily permit. 上次我們去時便有人拿到當天發的許可證.
http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/ok ... ?cid=fsbdev3_053607
[quote]Due to the overwhelming popularity of this unique area, all overnight visitors must obtain a limited entry FEE permit for trips planned between May 15 and October 31. Demand for overnight permits far exceeds the number available, therefore advance reservations are highly recommended. A pre-season lottery is held in February through early March of each year to allocate the majority of permits.  Following the pre-season lottery, remaining permits are available on a first come, first served basis through the recreation.gov advance reservation system. A small number of permits are available on an unreserved daily walk-in basis. [/quote]
I got Colchuck zone permit. Thank you. |