本周日(April,9,2017)Flora Peak in Chilliwack雪鞋hiking (夏季路线)
Distance(round trip): <15km
Elevation Gain: <1300m
http://forums.clubtread.com/27-b ... 7-a.html#post776250
Flora Peak"夏季路线"十七人行(09/May/2015)
再見艷陽天 - 2010年2月6日Flora Peak愉快的雪鞋行
Driving direction:
Travelling east on Highway 1, take Exit 119(Sardis,Cultus Lake). Driving south through Sardis and Vedder Crossing to the bridge over the river, which is known as Chilliwack River upsteam of the bridge, Vedder River downstream. Turn left and zero your Odometer here. This is Chilliwack River Road. Drive east for 40km, and just after crossing Post Creek, park on the roadside.
集合時間: / 集合地点:
***司機與乘客可以自行安排接載時間, 地點(集合时间早,司机辛苦,个人建议如果司机不顺路的话自己解决;安排好的车辆和人员请跟贴说明一下)集合时间地点是本周日6:00am Production Skytrain Station, Free Parking on both sides of Production Way (See details in the map below)
描述: 红线为 Free Parking 区域,no time limit, 准确集合位置见 Meeting area 箭头所指
报名新同学者请务必填写下面链接里的表格:(向潘博士学习的,很好的有效管理和安全的召集方法, 谢谢!!)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsh ... XRGaTZvaWc6MQ#gid=0
***请慎重报名,谢绝占位, 请跟贴报名***
***團隊精神 - 共進共退,友爱互助。
***义工组织活动费时费心,希望报名参加的朋友们有空也能在北美户外分享一些相关点滴图文, 有take有give有share.
1. 戶外活動有風險,一切組織和活動屬自願,責任自負。
2. 一切計劃會跟據當時天氣, 環境作靈活變動, 隊友應跟隨整體行進, 不可單獨行動。
3. 一定要三人一組結伴同行。每組備對講機一部, 否則每組定要保持在視線範圍之內。
4. 我们是结伴同行的性质,要求每位队友都要各自做好做足功课自己首先照顾好自己,了解行车和爬山的路线,不会手机导航的要自学,不能盲目随从,召集贴里有详细的相关信息,请每位队友细读, 并留意召集贴的更新。
司機注意: 如閣下持有Novice牌(Class 7), 除非在一名年滿25歲持有Class 1 - 5的人仕陪同, 否則只可接載一名乘客, 也一定是掛上"N"字標誌。請參閱 ICBC網站
1> lunch & snacks
2>防水Hiking boots+小冰爪 or 大冰爪+MSR雪鞋(不要用不安全的钢管雪鞋)
3> 2升水 (用保温瓶带点热水)
4> 2對手套+保暖帽
5> quick dry base layer 和一套御寒保暖衣服(e.g. 中间层+羽绒服)
6> 防雨防风外套
7> 头灯/手电筒
8> Day hiking背包及rain cover
9> 防晒霜
11> Gaiters,防雪防湿鞋湿裤又能防脏
12> 哨子
13> 登山杖 +snow basket
14> 急救包,emergency blanket
需要CARPOOL的朋友准备两双鞋(一双是登山鞋),在开始Hiking前和结束后,换上干净的鞋,这样省去车主打扫车内卫生,谢谢!还可以再准备一双备用的袜子。爬完山,能让脚舒服一下也是种享受 .
手套很有用, 保暖防寒, 要防水/快干的, 建议备两双.
Info from Bivouac:
Flora Peak(1952M)
Ranges: Pacific Cordillera / Cascade Range / Canadian Cascades / Skagit Range
Flora Peak is the highest point of a pleasant, alpine ridge 2km N of Chilliwack Lake. A hiking trail leads to the saddle 500m SE of the peak before dropping to Flora Lake, 1km E of the peak and 730m lower. Flora Peak is easily ascended via its SE slopes from the saddle. In winter, there is a good ski descent from the open ridgecrest W of Flora Peak. The slopes further E and immediately S of the peak are steep and largely treeless and bare rock, sliding readily and funneling into a narrow canyon- a hazardous area receiving full S exposure and heating from mid-winter sun.
There are gargoyle features NW of the peak. If Flora Peak were steeper, there would be good climbing on it. Near its summit, the rock is blocky, well jointed and clean.
5718 Vedder Rd
Chilliwack, BC V2R 3N3