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2017年加拿大日长周末三天Backpacking@lake lovely water

发表于 2017-6-25 12:15:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
加拿大日长周末三天Backpacking@lake lovely water

因为要订Jet boat穿越Squamish River,请大家尽快报名我好尽快定下热门的Jet Boat(已和船主Jay通来电话了定八点的船需要尽快向他确定人数),同时也坚决拒绝反对占位.(报名会很快截止)



集合时间:本周六(7月1号)  6:30AM
St. David United Church 停车场 本周日(7月1号)6:30am
1525 Taylor Way , West Vancouver , BC V7S 1N5

Carpool fee: $20 + Jet boat round trip:~ $50

报名者请务必填写下面链接里的表格:(向潘博士学习的,很好的有效管理和安全的召集方法, 谢谢!!)

https://docs.google.com/spreadsh ... XRGaTZvaWc6MQ#gid=0

***團隊精神 - 共進共退,友爱互助。
***义工组织活动费时费心,希望报名参加的朋友们有空也能在北美户外分享一些相关点滴图文, 有take有give有share.

1. 戶外活動有風險,一切組織和活動屬自願,責任自負。

2. 一切計劃會跟據當時天氣, 環境作靈活變動, 隊友應跟隨整體行進, 不可單獨行動。

3. 一定要三人一組結伴同行。每組備對講機一部, 否則每組定要保持在視線範圍之內。

4. 我们是结伴同行的性质,要求每位队友都要各自做好做足功课自己首先照顾好自己,了解行车和爬山的路线,不会手机导航的要自学,不能盲目随从,召集贴里有详细的相关信息,请每位队友细读, 并留意召集贴的更新

司機注意: 如閣下持有Novice牌(Class 7), 除非在一名年滿25歲持有Class 1 - 5的人仕陪同, 否則只可接載一名乘客, 也一定是掛上"N"字標誌。請參閱 ICBC網站


1> 50升以上背包及防水罩
2> 高帮防水hiking boots +Hiking pole+microspikes(or Crampons)
3> 防雨防风又透气外套和防水/快干裤子
4> 御寒保暖衣服
5> 更换的base layer和泳衣
6> 手套,帽子和备用袜子
8> 帐篷+睡垫+睡袋
9> 防水贮藏袋
10> Trail Runner or 营地鞋
11>带备7餐(3中2早2晚,早晚煮食,中午路餐)+ snack +extra food
12> 2升水
14> 净水过滤器
15> 绳子+dry sack(所有食物均要装袋,睡觉前所有食物都要挂起来以防熊防鼠)
16> 头灯/手电筒
17> 防晒霜、墨镜 +防蚊(宽松的长衣长裤;inset repellent;防蚊纱衣)
20> 大垃圾袋两个, 其实结实的塑料袋若干
21> 手机、相机、GPS、充电宝等
22> 基本急救用品
23> 现金 $$ :wink:
 楼主| 发表于 2017-6-25 12:28:14 | 显示全部楼层
Lake Lovely Water 比 Grouse Grind 還要陡峭, 所有參加者須背重三十磅+行走或攀爬達5至6小時之久 (中途有休息), 湖边木屋旁的camping site有限,好象只有6个pad?  我们可能会在sandspit扎营.

The jet boat boarding is in Brackendale, 5 mins pass Squamish downtown.

Driving direction:
Sea-to-sky northbound
Left turn on Mamquam Rd
Right turn onto Government Rd northbound
Drive straight forward untill meet Judd Rd.
Turn left (westbound) untill meet Brennan Rd
Turn left, drive to the end of Brennan Rd & park at Fisherman Dock

info from Bivouac:
Lake Lovely Water Trail

Access To: ACC Cabin at Lake Lovely Water, and Tantalus Range.

Condition: Steep and spectacular. Aside from the lowest sections which are a thrash through a clearcut, the trail is in pretty good condition. It is similar in length and ruggedness to the Wedgemount Lake Trail in Garibaldi Park. Parties carrying heavy packs should allow about 3-4 hours to reach the Tantalus Hut. Travelling to the Red Tit Hut is feasible, but is a long day.

General Route: From the Squamish River up through old growth to Lake Lovely Water.

How To Find: Take an unmarked dirt road at Mile 9.1 on the Squamish Main. The road winds its way ~1km to the E bank of the Squamish River. At the river, there is a cable across the river for water surveying and shortly afterwards the road ends at the river bank. To cross the river requires a boat because the cable car is private. The cable car is normally locked on the E side but the lock is frequently vandalized and the car hijacked and left on the W side (and locked by the hijackers). Other crossing practices involve hanging off the cable in a climbing harness using self-made pulley systems and sliding hand-over-hand along the main cable or hanging off steel rescue carabiner (one inch or larger jaw) with climbing sling backup and sliding slowly hand-over-hand. The most extreme was performed by ace climber Peter Croft- standing on the main cable and using as a handhold the smaller cable above which holds the aircraft beacons. Not to be repeated as the cables sway and tend towards a horizontal plane in the middle. The river is ~300m wide and a plunge will be fatal.

So, use a canoe and hide and lock it to a tree on W side. (Some were left stranded when their unlocked canoe was stolen.) All possibilities carry an air of adventure which is why most people now fly in and out. If crossing by canoe, it is possible to put in upstream of the cable tower and ferry across to sand bars on W side. The landing on the west side is easy, about 300m upstream from the cable car. There is a trail from the sandy beach that joins the other trail (from the cable car) in a clearcut. Crossing normally requires two paddlers and experience is recommended. From the cable tower on W side, the trail leads upstream for a short distance before it angles away from the river.

The lower part of the Lake Lovely Water trail crosses private land and was logged in 1995. The parking area on the E bank of the river is Squamish Indian Band territory. There is no longer a formal agreement with the band that permits parking, so parking is at own risk.

History: On a historical note: In 1961, the ACC had an agreement with Moses Billy to ferry climbers across the river in his dugout canoe. Today, to make arrangements for the jet boat service contact Jay Bicknell (604-815-9647). For cabin arrangements contact Alpine Club of Canada.


爬山划船到尽兴,八月七,八日Lake Lovely Water之行

Backpacking:8月的5,6,7号 Lake Lovely Water胜利归来

https://www.theoutbound.com/cana ... o-lake-lovely-water


info quoted from Bivouac
Lake Lovely Water Trail (Lake Lovelywater Trail)
Length: 4 km   
Condition: Steep and spectacular. Aside from the lowest sections which are a thrash through a clearcut, the trail is in pretty good condition.
General Route: From the Squamish River up through old growth to Lake Lovely Water.
How to Find: Take an unmarked dirt road at Mile 9.1 on the Squamish Main. The road winds its way ~1km to the E bank of the Squamish River. At the river, there is a cable across the river for water surveying and shortly afterwards the road ends at the river bank. River is usually crossed by canoe. The parking area on the E bank of the river is Squamish Indian Band territory, so parking is at own risk.
Description: It is similar in length and ruggedness to the Wedgemount Lake Trail in Garibaldi Park. Parties carrying heavy packs should allow about 3-4 hours to reach the Tantalus Hut. Travel to the Jim Haberl Hut is a long day.
It is much more common to use a canoe than to use the cable car. It may be advised to hide the paddles separate from the canoe, or lock the canoe to a tree on W side. (Some were left stranded when their unlocked canoe was stolen.) If crossing by canoe, it is possible to put in upstream of the cable tower and ferry across to sand bars on W side. The landing on the west side is easy, about 300m upstream from the cable car. There is a trail from the sandy beach that joins the other trail (from the cable car) in a clearcut. Crossing normally requires two paddlers and experience is recommended. From the cable tower on W side, the trail leads upstream for a short distance before it angles away from the river. Unfortunately many people now fly in and out, and thus never experience the spectacular beauty of the trail. The lower part of the Lake Lovely Water trail crosses private land and was logged in 1995.  
2005:THE KEY POINT IN NAVIGATING DOWN FROM THE HUT TO LAKE LOVELY WATER. When descending, patiently keep traversing east below Mt. Serratus taking care not to drop into cliffs above the Russian Army Camp, the large flats braided with streams seen below the ring of cliffs. Once around the south ridge of Mt. Serratus follow the easiest line south-eastward toward small lakes at GR 798 149 on the Cheakumus River Map. Watch for cairns and pick up the trail at the little col just east and slightly above the lakes.

Weather forecast for Lake Lovely Water
https://www.yr.no/place/Canada/B ... /Lake_Lovely_Water/
发表于 2017-6-25 17:27:15 | 显示全部楼层


报名一人,carpool please. 多谢了!
 楼主| 发表于 2017-6-27 07:53:06 | 显示全部楼层
收到squamish river jet的回信,准备今天晚上定船,报名请从速,我打过电话问湖边木屋情况,回复是整个夏天全满,只有weekday有可能定到,我们这次住木屋没戏了,湖边扎营也很好。

Hi Gloria,

This is Kat. I do Jay's bookings for him.

We have a few other groups going out on Saturday, so I cannot confirm the 8am departure just yet. It will be sometime between 8 and 9:40, but I will have to let you know later. The 5 pm pick up on Monday should be alright, but I will confirm this time later this week as well.

The cost is $50 per person for the return trip. We require a 50% deposit to confirm your trip. This is fully refundable if cancelled 48 hours prior to departure. This can be paid by e-transfer or credit card, with the balance due upon departure.

We depart from the Watershed Bar & Grill (41101 Government Road, Brackendale, BC) You can park in the lot across from the Watershed Grill. Walk approximately 100 metres up stream from the Watershed (on the dyke), and you will see a little path down to the river. This is where the driver will meet you.

Please provide me with a cell number.



cel 604-815-9647
toll free 1-866-466-2628
P.O. Box 86
Garibaldi High B.C.
发表于 2017-6-27 18:45:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2017-6-28 15:22:34 | 显示全部楼层
已定jet boat,希望这次能在木屋房campsites扎营 :lol:

 楼主| 发表于 2017-6-29 12:25:14 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Gloria,

Thanks for the confirmation of 5. Please meet at the spot listed in my previous email at 8 am.



cel 604-815-9647
toll free 1-866-466-2628
P.O. Box 86
Garibaldi High B.C.
发表于 2019-7-18 11:53:48 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢Lulu 信息满满的
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