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召集:7月24日-29日,multi-day hiking Juan de Fuca Marine Trail

发表于 2017-7-17 22:42:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Trial: Juan de Fuca Marine Trail (感谢Mechanic couple这条线路day hiking的踩点和强力推荐,以及营地的介绍)
http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks ... de_fuca/hiking.html

There are four trailheads to the Juan de Fuca Marine Trail at Juan de Fuca East (China Beach), Sombrio Beach, Parkinson Creek and Botanical Beach. Day and multi-day hiking trips can begin at any of these trailheads, which also offer many day-use opportunities.

Trip Reports (BP):
泥濘,聽濤,看海,完美夢 - Juan De Fuca June 5-9
让我在四月的泥水里打个滚——4月7号到10号的Juan De Fuca游记
May 25-26 Juan De Fuca (Sombrio Beach and Botanical Beach)

Weather forecast:
https://www.theweathernetwork.co ... lumbia/port-renfrew

Tide forecast:

http://www.tides4fishing.com/ca/ ... renfrew#_tide_table

住Campground at Goldstream Provincial Park
营地距离JDF大概61公里,营地条件极好,shower, toilet flush etc. (JDF附近的其他营地不提供淋浴,干厕)

7月24日(周一),乘Ferry Tsawwassen-Swartz Bay 9:00am etd (1 hour 35 minutes), 开车到Goldstream Provincial Park Campground(41公里,大约35mins), 抵达营地大概时间11:30am.


开车到14号公路verify two GPS coordinates.

7月25日(周二)至7月28日(周五)day hiking. 两个方案供选择

方案一,多日休闲型(全线47公里,遗漏最难的一段Bear Beach to Chin Beach 12公里)

7月25日(周二),Botanical Beach TH出发,低潮观看tide pools(tide lowest at 0.3m 9:05am), 徒步至Parkinson Creek TH,10公里。(预先停一辆车至Parkinson Creek TH)

7月26日(周三),Sombrio Beach TH出发,徒步至Parkinson Creek TH,8公里 (预先停一辆车至Parkinson Creek TH)。
note: "A slope failure at Beach Cut-Off #5 (Sombrio Beach-West) has made the West Sombrio alternate trail (located between kilometre 29.3 and 29.9) inaccessible from the east end. "该处需要低潮通过 low tide:0.5m at 9:45am

7月27日(周四),Sombrio Beach TH出发,至log road/14 junction, 约10-12公里(预先停一辆车至log road/14 junction, GPS coordinates: 48°28'28"N, 124°13'48"W,to be verified).

7月28日(周五),China Beach TH出发,至Bear Trail/14分叉junction, 徒步10公里左右(预先停一辆车至Bear Trail/14分叉junction, GPS coordinates: 48°27'17"N, 124°10'17"W, to be verified)or Bear Trail/14主路 Junction, GPS coordinates: 48°27'30"N, 124°10'09"W, to be verified。

7月25日(周二),China Beach TH出发,走到Sombrio Beach TH, 29公里(预先放一辆车在Sombrio Beach TH)。

地图上标明Most Difficult一段 Bear Beach to Chin Beach 12公里,见下面的描述:
而从Bear Beach到Chin Beach的道路则艰辛很多,一路上估计上下高差为100米左右的山包约为9-10个,其他小山包就无法一一记得,这段累积爬高估计为900-1000米,

7月26日(周三),Sombrio Beach TH出发,徒步至Parkinson Creek TH,8公里(预先放一辆车在Parkinson Creek TH)。

7月27日(周四),Parkinson Creek TH出发,徒步至Botanical Beach TH, 10公里(预先放一辆车在Botanical Beach TH)。

7月28日(周五),灵活,Sombrio Beach闲逛,Botanical Beach低潮看漂亮tide pools,退潮后pools中各式海洋生物留存其中。
Botanical Beach affords visitors with access to uniquely rich tide pools and shoreline trails with fantastic geological features. The extensive variety of marine flora and fauna in this colourful intertidal zone includes red, purple and orange starfish and sea urchins, white gooseneck barnacles, blue mussels and green sea anemones and sea cucumbers. Coralline algae, periwinkles, chitons and sea stars can also be seen at Botanical Beach.

7月25日(周二),Botanical Beach TH出发,低潮观看tide pools(tide lowest at 0.3m 9:05am), 徒步至Parkinson Creek TH,10公里。(预先停一辆车至Parkinson Creek TH)

7月26日(周三),China Beach TH出发,至log road/14 junction, 约20公里(预先停一辆车至log road/14 junction, GPS coordinates: 48°28'28"N, 124°13'48"W,to be verified)。

7月27日(周四),log road/14 junction出发,徒步至Parkinson Creek TH,约18公里(预先放一辆车在Parkinson Creek TH)
note: "A slope failure at Beach Cut-Off #5 (Sombrio Beach-West) has made the West Sombrio alternate trail (located between kilometre 29.3 and 29.9) inaccessible from the east end. "该处需要低潮通过 lowest tide:0.5m at 9:45am, highest tide 2.9m at 4:55pm, passable tide below 2.6m.

7月28日(周五),灵活,Sombrio Beach闲逛,Botanical Beach低潮看漂亮tide pools,退潮后pools中各式海洋生物留存其中。


***團隊精神 - 共進共退,友爱互助。
***义工组织活动费时费心,希望报名参加的朋友们有空也能在北美户外分享一些相关点滴图文, 有take有give有share.

1. 戶外活動有風險,一切組織和活動屬自願,責任自負。

2. 一切計劃會跟據當時天氣, 環境作靈活變動, 隊友應跟隨整體行進, 不可單獨行動。

3. 一定要三人一組結伴同行。每組備對講機一部, 否則每組定要保持在視線範圍之內。

4. 我们是结伴同行的性质,要求每位队友都要各自做好做足功课自己首先照顾好自己,了解行车和爬山的路线,不会手机导航的要自学,不能盲目随从,召集贴里有详细的相关信息,请每位队友细读, 并留意召集贴的更新

司機注意: 如閣下持有Novice牌(Class 7), 除非在一名年滿25歲持有Class 1 - 5的人仕陪同, 否則只可接載一名乘客, 也一定是掛上"N"字標誌。請參閱 ICBC網站


1> lunch & snacks
2> 防水Hiking boots,过溪鞋
3> 1升水(JDF沿路水源充足,沿路小溪可以补水)
4> 一對手套+hat
5> quick dry base layer 和一套御寒保暖衣服(e.g. 中间层+羽绒服)
6> 防雨防风外套
7> 头灯/手电筒
8> Day hiking背包及rain cover
9> 防晒霜
11> Gaiters,防雪防湿鞋湿裤又能防脏
12> 哨子
13> 登山杖
14> 雨具
15>防蚊(宽松的长衣长裤;inset repellent;防蚊纱衣)



Sign in:
Grace Guan*1;


191.11 KB, 下载次数: 71

 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-17 23:34:50 | 显示全部楼层
Screenshot 2017-07-18 00.30.25.png
发表于 2017-7-18 09:39:22 | 显示全部楼层
I would recommend:

From Botanical Beach TH to Parkingson Creek and back.

From Sombrio Beach TH to Chin Beach and back.

* Car break-in in Sombrio Beach and China Beach parking lot do happen.

* Lot of Ups and Downs between Chin and Bear Beach.

From China Beach TH to Bear Beach.
发表于 2017-7-18 09:43:31 | 显示全部楼层
Parkinson TH parking is rather remote and you do see bears in the area more often. In fact the whole JDF trail has less human traffic than WCT. Just be mindful of wildlife.
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-18 13:32:41 | 显示全部楼层
I would recommend:

From Botanical Beach TH to Parkingson Creek and back.

From Sombrio Beach TH to Chin Beach and back.

* Car break-in in Sombrio Beach and China Beach parking lot do happen.

* Lot of Ups and Downs between Chin and Bear Beach.

From China Beach TH to Bear Beach.

我们去2部车,用于TH之间的Ferry, 尽量走单程,这样更多时间停留看景
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-18 13:51:47 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-18 16:53:48 | 显示全部楼层
tide forecaster
Screenshot 2017-07-18 17.39.34.png
Screenshot 2017-07-18 17.38.55.png
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-18 17:02:02 | 显示全部楼层
photos taken by Mechanic during day hiking @ Botanical Beach

bear hunting seafood

bear hunting seafood

bear hunting seafood

bear hunting seafood

tide pools

tide pools

tide pools

tide pools
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-18 17:16:10 | 显示全部楼层
Reserved two sites

Thank you for using the BC Parks, Discover Camping Reservation Service. Your reservation has been CREATED. The details of this reservation transaction are listed below.

To ensure an enjoyable experience, please take a moment to read the Important Information below.

Park Information
Park: Goldstream Provincial Park
Directions: Goldstream Provincial Park is located 16 km northwest of Victoria on southern Vancouver Island on the Trans Canada Hwy (Hwy 1). There are separate entrances for the main campground, group campsite and day use area: - Visitors coming to the campground now must use Amy Road via Westshore Parkway to get to the campground. The Westshore Parkway intersection is just south of the old (now closed) Sooke Lake Road intersection and the first traffic signal after the Spencer Road intersection on Trans Canada Hwy 1. - The entrance to the day-use area is at the junction of Trans Canada Hwy 1 and Finlayson Arm Road. - The entrance to the group campsite is off the Trans Canada Hwy 1 opposite the now closed Sooke Lake Road intersection. Nearby communities include: Victoria, Langford, Duncan, Colwood, Metchosin, Sooke.

Reservation Information: Created
Booking Number:        IN17-93029501
Arriving:        Mon 24-Jul-17
Departing:        Sat 29-Jul-17
Booking Type:        Camping reservation, site specific
Site Number:        9A
Site Type:        Campsite
Number of Adult:        4
Service Type:        Standard
Arrival Procedure:        Check in at gatehouse, or refer to signs at the park entrance, upon arrival. (In some parks the attendant will come around in the evening to register your party).

Thank you for using the BC Parks, Discover Camping Reservation Service. Your reservation has been CREATED. The details of this reservation transaction are listed below.

To ensure an enjoyable experience, please take a moment to read the Important Information below.

Park Information
Park: Goldstream Provincial Park
Directions: Goldstream Provincial Park is located 16 km northwest of Victoria on southern Vancouver Island on the Trans Canada Hwy (Hwy 1). There are separate entrances for the main campground, group campsite and day use area: - Visitors coming to the campground now must use Amy Road via Westshore Parkway to get to the campground. The Westshore Parkway intersection is just south of the old (now closed) Sooke Lake Road intersection and the first traffic signal after the Spencer Road intersection on Trans Canada Hwy 1. - The entrance to the day-use area is at the junction of Trans Canada Hwy 1 and Finlayson Arm Road. - The entrance to the group campsite is off the Trans Canada Hwy 1 opposite the now closed Sooke Lake Road intersection. Nearby communities include: Victoria, Langford, Duncan, Colwood, Metchosin, Sooke.

Reservation Information: Created
Booking Number:        IN17-93029505
Arriving:        Mon 24-Jul-17
Departing:        Sat 29-Jul-17
Booking Type:        Camping reservation, site specific
Site Number:        9B
Site Type:        Campsite
Number of Adult:        4
Service Type:        Standard
Arrival Procedure:        Check in at gatehouse, or refer to signs at the park entrance, upon arrival. (In some parks the attendant will come around in the evening to register your party).
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-18 20:08:30 | 显示全部楼层
road trip attraction:
Sooke Potholes Provincial Park

breakfast and brunch offered at http://sookeharbourhouse.com/
1528 Whiffen Spit Road, Sooke, BC  V9Z 0T4, Canada
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-18 21:20:44 | 显示全部楼层
GPS coordinates to be verified on 24 July 2017
Bear Trail/14分叉junction, GPS coordinates: 48°27'17"N, 124°10'17"W

Bear Trail/14主路 Junction, GPS coordinates: 48°27'30"N, 124°10'09"W

log road/14 junction, GPS coordinates: 48°28'28"N, 124°13'48"W
2017-07-18 22.06.09.png
2017-07-18 22.04.23.png
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-18 21:57:30 | 显示全部楼层
Goldstream Provincial Park Campground附近地图(吃喝采购便利,pub, coffee shop, costco, etc.)
Ma Miller's Pub
Screenshot 2017-07-18 22.53.22.png
发表于 2017-7-21 08:31:45 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-21 21:34:30 | 显示全部楼层
Carpool 费用:

车Ferry费用:$228.8 for 2部车(57.2*2*2)


油费(估计每辆车里程达700公里),按照实际发生费用,除以10后为司机的share, 乘客的share为司机的双倍。(即:司机share A, 乘客share 2A.)
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-21 21:54:27 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for using the BC Parks, Discover Camping Reservation Service. Your reservation has been CREATED. The details of this reservation transaction are listed below.

To ensure an enjoyable experience, please take a moment to read the Important Information below.

Park Information
Park: Goldstream Provincial Park
Directions: Goldstream Provincial Park is located 16 km northwest of Victoria on southern Vancouver Island on the Trans Canada Hwy (Hwy 1). There are separate entrances for the main campground, group campsite and day use area: - Visitors coming to the campground now must use Amy Road via Westshore Parkway to get to the campground. The Westshore Parkway intersection is just south of the old (now closed) Sooke Lake Road intersection and the first traffic signal after the Spencer Road intersection on Trans Canada Hwy 1. - The entrance to the day-use area is at the junction of Trans Canada Hwy 1 and Finlayson Arm Road. - The entrance to the group campsite is off the Trans Canada Hwy 1 opposite the now closed Sooke Lake Road intersection. Nearby communities include: Victoria, Langford, Duncan, Colwood, Metchosin, Sooke.

Reservation Information: Created
Booking Number:        IN17-93029501
Arriving:        Mon 24-Jul-17
Departing:        Sat 29-Jul-17
Booking Type:        Camping reservation, site specific
Site Number:        9A
Site Type:        Campsite
Number of Adult:        4
Service Type:        Standard
Arrival Procedure:        Check in at gatehouse, or refer to signs at the park entrance, upon arrival. (In some parks the attendant will come around in the evening to register your party).
Payment Information
Date        Transaction
Mon 17-Jul-17        WebNewReservation                       
Item Name        Quantity        Unit Price        Amount
ReservationFee        3        $6.00        $18.00
CampDeposit-35        5        $35.00        $175.00
GST/PST                        $.90
Total                        $193.90
Payment Received:
Mon 17-Jul-17        Beanstream Credit Card                        $368.90

Important Information
For a complete list of front country reservation policies, please visit: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/reserve/frontcountry.html
Reservations and modifications cannot be accepted less than 2 days prior to your arrival date in most cases.
A modification or cancellation to a reservation will incur a charge of $6.00 plus tax.
Any transactions made through the call centre incur a $5.00 plus tax, surcharge.
Cancellations, shortened stays, and delays of arrival made within 7 days of the arrival date, will incur the cost of one night's campsite fee per campsite reservation.
Cancellations made on the date of arrival will forfeit two night's accommodations.
Change restrictions apply to bookings reserved on the maximum reservation window – 4 months in advance of arrival.
Transfers of reservation from one park to another park are not permitted. This transaction would be considered a cancellation and a new reservation.
Reservations will be held until 11:00am the morning AFTER the first reserved night. If you do not claim the site or cancel the reservation by the 11:00 am deadline, it is considered a No-show and there will be no refund of fees.
Arriving at the park with more people or vehicles then stated in the above reservation may result in additional fees, or unavailability of additional accommodation.
For park specific information, including updates, fire bans and condition reports, please visit the specific park page on BC Parks' website: www.bcparks.ca
Changing the name on a booking is not permitted. Customers may be subject to an ID verification check.
Reservations are not permitted to be resold. Reservations that are found advertised for resale, or that are deemed to have been resold to a third party, will be canceled without a refund.
Double-sites sold together, only one transaction fee (reservation and cancel) is applied. Penalties will be applied to both sides of the double-site for changes or cancellations made within one week prior to the arrival date.
When double-sites are sold individually, transaction and penalty charges apply to each side of the double-site. (User (camping) Fees apply to each side of the site regardless if they are booked together or separately).

Park Use Regulations
Pets/domestic animals must be on a leash at all times and are not allowed in beach areas or park buildings. You are responsible for your pet’s behaviour and must dispose of their excrement properly.
Natural resources in the park may not be collected or destroyed.
Please remain on established trails and roadways to avoid trampling vegetation.
Check in time is after 1:00 pm on the day of arrival and check out time is 11:00 am on the day of departure.
Quiet time begins at 10:00 pm and ends at 7:00 am. During these hours, please ask your group to respect the comfort and enjoyment of other park users. No electronic sound devices may be used during the quiet period.
Generator use is only permitted between the hours of 9:00 am to 11:00 am and from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
When fires are permitted, they are allowed in designated fire rings only. Please check BC Parks’ website for updates on fire bans and closures.
Alcohol consumption is only permitted in your campsite by people 19 years of age or older.
Anything with an odor could attract wildlife to the site. Place garbage in bins and store all food supplies safely.

Hours of Operation:
Check in:        1:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Check out:        11:00 am
Quiet time:        10:00 pm - 7:00 am

Thank you for using the BC Parks, Discover Camping Reservation Service. Your reservation has been CREATED. The details of this reservation transaction are listed below.

To ensure an enjoyable experience, please take a moment to read the Important Information below.

Park Information
Park: Goldstream Provincial Park
Directions: Goldstream Provincial Park is located 16 km northwest of Victoria on southern Vancouver Island on the Trans Canada Hwy (Hwy 1). There are separate entrances for the main campground, group campsite and day use area: - Visitors coming to the campground now must use Amy Road via Westshore Parkway to get to the campground. The Westshore Parkway intersection is just south of the old (now closed) Sooke Lake Road intersection and the first traffic signal after the Spencer Road intersection on Trans Canada Hwy 1. - The entrance to the day-use area is at the junction of Trans Canada Hwy 1 and Finlayson Arm Road. - The entrance to the group campsite is off the Trans Canada Hwy 1 opposite the now closed Sooke Lake Road intersection. Nearby communities include: Victoria, Langford, Duncan, Colwood, Metchosin, Sooke.

Reservation Information: Created
Booking Number:        IN17-93029505
Arriving:        Mon 24-Jul-17
Departing:        Sat 29-Jul-17
Booking Type:        Camping reservation, site specific
Site Number:        9B
Site Type:        Campsite
Number of Adult:        4
Service Type:        Standard
Arrival Procedure:        Check in at gatehouse, or refer to signs at the park entrance, upon arrival. (In some parks the attendant will come around in the evening to register your party).
Payment Information
Date        Transaction
Mon 17-Jul-17        WebNewReservation                       
Item Name        Quantity        Unit Price        Amount
CampDeposit-35        5        $35.00        $175.00
GST/PST                        $.00
Total                        $175.00
Payment Received:
Mon 17-Jul-17        Beanstream Credit Card                        $368.90
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-22 13:26:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-22 14:35:36 | 显示全部楼层

Trail Notices
Slide damage in the vicinity of kilometre 26.3 has resulted in a minor re-route. The area is passable, but visitors are advised to use caution.

A slope failure at Beach Cut-Off #5 (Sombrio Beach-West) has made the West Sombrio alternate trail (located between kilometre 29.3 and 29.9) inaccessible from the east end. Hikers traveling in either direction need to plan accordingly by using tide tables to pass the West Sombrio bluff. Please review the Juan de Fuca hiking page and the trail map. [PDF 192KB]
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-22 20:07:33 | 显示全部楼层
每日路线,根据Trail update和潮汐,做了调整。
 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-22 20:54:19 | 显示全部楼层
meeting time for 2 cars: 8:15am, 24 July;
meeting place: BC Ferries Tsawwassen Terminal, 1 Ferry Causeway, Delta, BC V4M 4G6

Goldstream campground, Langford, BC V0R
GPS coordinates: 48.460442, -123.558599 (48°27'37.6"N 123°33'31.0"W)
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