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楼主: RobinLuo


发表于 2018-12-13 10:20:56 | 显示全部楼层
附件是2018-2019登山季许可证价格,Normal Route 旺季许可证每人950美元,使用当地登山公司服务时,许可证价格为每人800美金。


130.85 KB, 下载次数: 6

发表于 2018-12-13 12:12:14 | 显示全部楼层


Alps 3人四季帐
Robin, Laowei, Chanel
Alps 2人四季帐
Vincent, 大连五驴
Alps 2人四季帐
Susan, Millie
MSR Universal炉具
Laowei(share with Robin, Chanel)
MSR Windpro II炉具
Susan (share with Millie)
MSR Windpro II炉具
大连五驴(share with Vincent)
MSR 8oz气罐
Robin, Laowei
platypus 4L净水器

1,  WanchaiBoz和挥戈是单人帐,自行携带自用帐篷、自用炉具。
2,  为了便于煮食,每个帐篷准备一个炉头,整个团队5个炉头,互为备份,每人带自己的锅。炉头要防风且可以使用倒置气罐,这样在低温大风情况下依然可以正常使用。
3,  常温下8oz气罐可以烧开大约15升水,融雪时按照减半甚至1/3计算,平均每人每天半罐气,全程按5罐准备。如果Lanko在营地不能提供所有的饮用热水,则每人需要再多带1罐气。想洗澡泡脚的同学另带,自己算哈。
4,  担心饮用水卫生的同学,可以自带净水药片,在Basecamp以上使用。



16.18 KB, 下载次数: 7

发表于 2018-12-18 15:04:33 | 显示全部楼层
All about Argentina
Capital city:
Buenos Aires
Argentine Peso (ARS)
Local time:
GMT - 3
Telephone code:
+ 54
Closed on Saturday and Sunday.

入境要求:https://www.iatatravelcentre.com ... mport%20regulations

CustomsImport regulations:
Free import (passengers under 18 years are allowed to import half the quantities to follow, except for immigrants as mentioned in 3. who are entitled to import the whole quantities).
residents, returning to Argentina after a stay of less than 1 year in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay or Uruguay and tourists coming from these countries and persons arriving on a contract basis for a stay of less than 1 year: up to (the equivalent of) a total amount of USD 100.-:
1 liter of alcoholic beverages;
200 cigarettes and 25 cigars;
2 kilograms of food.
residents, returning to Argentina after a stay of less than 1 year in countries other than mentioned in 1. and tourists coming from countries other than stated in 1. : up to (the equivalent of) a total amount of USD 300.-:
2 liters of alcoholic beverages;
400 cigarettes and 50 cigars;
5 kilograms of food.
residents returning to Argentina after a stay abroad of less than 1 year, immigrants and persons arriving on a contract basis for a stay of 1 year or more: up to (the equivalent of) a total amount of USD 300.-:
2 liters of alcoholic beverages;
400 cigarettes and 50 cigars;
5 kilograms of food. Applicable once a calendar year, except for those mentioned in 3. for whom a period of up to 5 years applies.

Prohibited: it is not permitted for any passenger to import the following as part of their accompanied baggage:
1. meat or meat products from any animal species (incl. sausages, cold cuts, ham);
2. dairy products or dairy bi-products;
3. bee products (honey, wax, etc);
4. fresh fruit and vegetables; flowers and plants with fruits, ornamental plants, trees or parts of trees, bulbs, seeds, rhizomes, buds etc;
5. insects, bacteria, fungi, viruses or any other micro-organisms for research or other uses;
6. semen, biological products used in veterinary medicine;
7. animal feed;
8. soil.

Arms and Ammunition regulations:
Firearms & ammunition for sporting purposes are admitted into Argentina if:
- holding a completed "Autorizacion Temporaria de Ingreso Y Egreso de Armas a la Republica Argentina" (temporary authorization to enter and leave Argentina with firearms), obtained at an embassy, or applying on arrival, with the relevant Police Authority, for an "Autorizacion Temporaria de Ingreso y Egreso de Armas a la Republica Argentina.
The application must be supported by the appropriate firearms certificate of the country of residence; and
- traveling with passenger as checked, registered baggage; and
- declared upon arrival. Fee: ARS 200.- (approx. USD 33.-) per firearm.
Wild Fauna and Flora:
The import of certain endangered species of plant, live animals and their products is prohibited or restricted under CITES.
For further details please refer to CITES: [size=1em]www.cites.org.
Export regulations:
Free export without any restriction.
Dogs and cats require an official International Veterinary Certificate or Pet Passport issued with a validity of at least 30 days. For pets arriving from Mercosur Member States it must have a validity of at least 60 days .
Dogs and cats must be submitted to a broad-spectrum treatment against internal and external parasites with products authorized by the Veterinary Authority within 15 days before the issue date of the International Veterinary Certificate.
A rabies vaccination certificate is also required. If the pet is vaccinated for the first time, this has to be done 21 days before the issue date of the International Veterinary Certificate.
Pets younger than 3 months of age do not require a rabies vaccination certificate.
Psittacine birds must be accompanied by an official Health Certificate stating fowl plague and psittacosis have not been diagnosed.
For further details please refer to: [size=1em]http://www.senasa.gov.ar
Baggage Clearance regulations:
Baggage is cleared at the first point of entry in Argentina.
Exempt: baggage of transit passengers with a destination outside of Argentina, if no change of airport is involved.

CurrencyCurrency Import regulations:
Local currency (Argentine Peso-ARS) and foreign currencies: no restrictions. However, amounts exceeding USD 10,000.- (or equivalent) must be declared.
Gold must be declared.
Currency Export regulations:
Local currency (Argentine Peso-ARS) and foreign currencies: prohibited unless exportation is made through authorized financial and foreign exchange entities, for amounts above:
-USD 10,000.- (or equivalent) for travelers aged over 21 or independent minors; or
-USD 2,000.- (or equivalent) for travelers aged between 16 and 21 years; or
-USD 1,000.- (or equivalent) for travelers aged under 16 years.

Airport Tax
No airport tax is levied on passengers upon embarkation at the airport.

发表于 2018-12-18 15:12:16 | 显示全部楼层

https://www.iatatravelcentre.com ... lations-summary.htm

All about Mexico
Capital city:
Mexico City
Mexican Peso (MXN)
Local time:
GMT - 6 / - 8
Telephone code:
+ 52
Closed on Saturday and Sunday.

https://www.iatatravelcentre.com ... mport%20regulations

CustomsImport regulations:
Free import
1. (only for persons over 18 years of age:) 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 200 grams of pipe tobacco;
2. (only for persons over 18 years of age:) 3 liters of wine or liquor (alcoholic beverages);
3. a reasonable quantity of perfume, eau-de-cologne and lotions for personal use;
4. a photo or movie or video camera. One additional camera for passengers residing outside Mexico;
5. 12 rolls of film or video cassettes;
6. goods up to USD 500.-.
Arms and Ammunition regulations:
Firearms and ammunition require import permit and declaration form, to be obtained from Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional ("Secretary of the National Defense"), Estado Mayor 6a. Seccion, Lomas de Sotelo, Mexico D.F.. Airlines must inform (in writing) the customs authorities, at least 24 hours in advance. Further information can be found at: [size=1em]http://www.sedena.gob.mx/.
Wild Fauna and Flora:
The import of certain endangered species of plant, live animals and their products is prohibited or restricted under CITES.
For further details please refer to CITES: [size=1em]www.cites.org
Additional Information on regulations:
- any uncanned foodstuff (e.g. pork) and derivatives.
Import of canned food is permitted, except for pork and derivatives. For full information contact the nearest representation of Mexico.
- earth, plants, parts of them, flowers, fruits, seeds or materials of vegetable origin used as containers, packing or in the manufacture of handicrafts.
It is allowed to import seeds and plants of varieties and species that are beneficial to the nation, having first secured authorization from the Ministry of Agriculture.
Goods imported in addition to the categories above are dutiable, but exempt from import license, if the total value of these additional goods is max. USD 500.- and the value of goods of the same character (e.g. leather goods) included therein is max. USD 100.-. Excluded from these additional goods are articles considered unnecessary luxury goods, e.g. ivory, cutglass, porcelain, electrical appliances etc.
Export regulations:
Free export of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. Prohibited: the export of archaeological relics.

Crew members customs regulations:
- goods for personal use only;
- digital or written manuals and/or documents related to their job, including software;
- 1 laptop or notebook (or similar) and its accessories;
- 1 video camera and its accessories;
- 10 DVDs, 30 CDs and a storage device for any electronic equipment;
- books, magazines and other publications;
- 1 photo camera, 1 mobile phone (or similar), 1 electronic agenda and its accessories;
- 1 piece of luggage or any other items necessary for the transfer of baggage.
Cats and dogs require a veterinary Good Health certificate (the original and a copy), with a maximum validity of 15 days and specifies:
-name and address of person responsible for the pet, and
-that the pet was clinically healthy during prior to departure inspection, and
-that it was treated against internal and external parasites in the last 6 months, and
-date and validity of rabies vaccination, (exempt are pets younger than 3 months), or
-a Rabies Vaccination Certificate (the original and a copy).

Exempt from presenting a veterinary health certificate are pets which originally departed from Mexico and that have a "Certificado Zoosanitario de Exportacion" (CZE). Pets are subject to veterinary control upon arrival. For detailed information, please refer to: [size=1em]www.senasica.gob.mx
Baggage Clearance regulations:
All baggage in transit and connecting with a domestic flight must be cleared at the first port of entry. Passengers will have to claim their baggage and proceed through customs for inspection.

CurrencyCurrency Import regulations:
Local currency (Mexican Peso-MXN) and foreign currencies: up to USD 10,000.- or equivalent in freely convertible currencies. Higher amounts must be declared on arrival. Exchange into local currency is only allowed at authorized banks.
Currency Export regulations:
Local currency (Mexican Peso-MXN) and foreign currencies: up to USD 10,000.- or equivalent in freely convertible currencies. Higher amounts must have been declared on arrival.

Airport Tax
International Airport Departure Tax/Tourism Tax is levied on passengers departing from Mexico on international flights, which differs per airport and ranges USD 18-29.- each.
Place of payment: airport of departure in Mexico (if not already included in ticket).
1. Children under 2 years of age;
2. Holders of a diplomatic passport (not applicable to nationals of Ecuador).
3. Transit passengers complying with the TWOV conditions;
4. Airline crew traveling on duty;
5. From Tourism Tax: nationals and residents of Mexico.

发表于 2018-12-18 16:09:45 | 显示全部楼层
来自:http://www.mountainmadness.com/a ... _Equipment_List.pdf

MSR Winpro II 炉子、炊具、气罐(当地购买)



299.31 KB, 下载次数: 4

发表于 2018-12-24 12:22:25 | 显示全部楼层
本次活动在Mendoza的住宿酒店位于市中心,酒店名称:NH Mendoza Cordillera,官网显示是4星。

地址:Avda.España, 1324 M5500DWN Mendoza - Argentina
电话:Tel.: +54 26 14416464

发表于 2018-12-24 12:32:28 | 显示全部楼层
NH Mendoza Cordillera酒店附近有家乐福超市Carrefour,走路5分钟左右,超市地址:
Av. Las Heras 306, M5500 Mendoza, Argentina

营业时间:周一至周六 早8:30到晚9:30,周日不营业。

发表于 2018-12-24 12:37:36 | 显示全部楼层
办理登山许可证的地方是省旅游局 Ente Provincial de Turismo,就在Mendoza市中心。
地址:Av. San Martín 1143, M5500 Mendoza, Argentina

距离我们住的NH Mendoza Cordillera酒店也非常近,走路5分钟。

发表于 2018-12-24 12:45:01 | 显示全部楼层
Our store is located in the city of Mendoza, on Espejo 285, two blocks from the Secretary of Tourism, where the Provincial Park Permit is issued.

We are open Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 1:30 pm and from 5 pm to 9 pm

Our company provides the infrastructure, accessories, and gear necessary to guarantee a successful ascent. Our competitive advantage consists in both or professional crew and the variety of products necessary to respond to our clients needs.


发表于 2018-12-24 12:53:27 | 显示全部楼层
我们这次活动的登山服务公司是LANKO ALTAS MONTAÑAS官网:http://www.lanko.com.ar

地址:Gral. Espejo 183, M5500 AFK, Mendoza, Argentina
电话:+54 261 4256174
手机:+54 9 261 5583291 or +54 9 261 5590839


lanko address

lanko address
发表于 2018-12-24 12:55:25 | 显示全部楼层
最后向camp3营地好像没有太多的东西要运输,好像只有冰爪、食物和气罐了,所以也可以考虑在camp 2休整一天,然后一次性上到Camp 3,到时候看天气和大家状况把。


131.03 KB, 下载次数: 17

发表于 2018-12-27 10:33:49 | 显示全部楼层

Laundry Bubbles
地址:Patricias Mendocinas 1359, 5500,Mendoza
电话:0261 425-2457

电话:+54 261 721-5652
地址:Gutiérrez 331, M5500 Mendoza, Argentina
发表于 2019-1-27 23:18:42 | 显示全部楼层


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