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发表于 2019-5-29 11:11:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Baden Powell Centennial Trail是溫哥華一條比較出名的trail,西起西溫horseshoe bay,東至北溫的deep cove,橫跨西溫和北溫,全長48公里。
  • Eagle Bluff觀看360度溫哥華全景
  • 登頂海拔1200多米的Black Mountain
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  • 經Cleveland Dam跨過Capilano river
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  • Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge
  • 最後經過Quarry Rock觀景點到達Deep Cove

一天要走完這條trail也不是一件很容易的事情,大部分人選擇的是一天走其中的一段。溫哥華本地著名的Knee Knacker (http://kneeknacker.com/)是一個一年一度的越野跑賽事,比賽的線路基本上就是沿著這條線路,比賽關門時間10個小時。Knee Knacker吸引了很多本地的越野愛好者參加,每年都需要抽籤才可以獲得參加的資格。

相比Knee Knacker,溫哥華100公里越野跑是一個比較小眾的賽事,是由本地的越野跑愛好者發起的民間的賽事(背景見下)。賽事完全是自補給、自導航。一天跑完Knee Knacker已經不是很容易,而溫哥華100公裏越野跑則需要把Knee Knacker的線路跑一個來回,難度可想而知。組織者很自豪地稱之為世界上最難的100公里越野跑,可能稍微有點誇張,不過難度的確很大。

比賽早上5點衝Deep Cove出發,橫跨北溫、西溫到達horseshoe bay的Whyte Lake Trailhead,然後掉頭返回,原路回到Deep Cove起點。

The Hardest 100 Km Trail Run Anywhere.
This run began as a love of the North Shore mountain trails in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and as a challenge to those looking for more than the usual ultra event. Very few have accomplished it before (7 in 2005, 6 in 2006, 4 in 2007, 8 in 2008, 2 in 2009, 8 in 2010, 9 in 2011, 7 in 2012 - some of these are repeat offenders). And now the time has come to challenge it once again in 2013.

This is a serious event for individuals with a pure quest to experience the love of the trail at its most challenging. If you’re only ready for part of the run, come along and support the ultra distance runners (50 km and beyond). Begin at any quarter mark of the trail and complete as many quarters as you wish.
If you have been wanting to try a night run this is your chance to see just what the experience is like. Expect the section from Cleveland Dam to Deep Cove to be run through the night with the slowest runner taking about 9 hours by that time. You will be asked to join up with a group as they pass through each section. There may be one group or more but we want you to stay together with at least one other runner when possible.
The Vancouver 100 (formerly The Double) is perhaps the hardest 100 Km trail run anywhere. This is a very technical course with monster hills to climb and descend and with amazing views to match. Conditions on race day are expected to be favourable although there will likely still be snow on much of the upper sections from Km 32 to Km 40 on the way out.

The Vancouver 100 is designed to test the best long distance trail runner. Expect your time to be longer on this course than any other 100 Km event you will have previously completed. Participants should be confident in their uphill and downhill running abilities on rocky, rooty, muddy, snowy and potentially treacherous trails.
The Differences
This event follows the guidelines provided by Club Fat Ass for safe and successful, informal endurance sports events:
  • It is free for members. Sign up as a Club Fat Ass member!
  • It is hosted by a Club Fat Ass member
  • It is informal. Participants should not expect aid nor course marking.
  • It is environmentally friendly. No trace of the event should remain after the event.

Runners who have trained on the course have a distinct competitive advantage.

 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-29 11:53:25 | 显示全部楼层

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