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[活动召集]本周末(2月10,11号) Brew Hut overnight snow shoeing

发表于 2007-2-6 15:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


第一天晚上集体吃火锅/喝酒(自愿参加),我带小肥羊底料/炉/火锅,参加者自备火锅原料(optional,比如各类肉片/肉元及可涮的豆制品蔬菜类等等,建议每人一磅肉类,半磅到一磅蔬菜)和酒类(optional,如beer,cider or wine,可用hiking装水容器灌装),其它三餐自备, 響應環保, 請自備碗筷食具。

上次Brew Hut之行的图文游记链接:


活动召集:本周六/周日两天Mt. Brew overnight snow shoeing(2月10,11号 )

领  队:lulululu



1> 4餐主食 及煮食工具,炉头/气也可自带.  
2> HIKINGBOOTS和Snowshoes(再另外加双备用干净鞋子)
3> 2升水
4> 手套
5> 至少1套御寒保暖衣服
6> 防雨防风外套
7> 睡袋,睡垫
8> 头灯/手电筒
9> backpacking背包及rain cover
10> 防晒霜,雪地的紫外线反射很厉害

集合地点:Broadway skytrain station旁边的Safeway停车场。
集合/出发时间:周六(2月10日) 7:00AM

木屋住宿费用:$5 per person per night



这样省去车主打扫车内卫生,谢谢!还可以再准备一双备用的袜子。爬完山,能让脚舒服一下也是种享受 :lol: .






topo map:

发表于 2007-2-6 18:41:31 | 显示全部楼层
上周去ELK Mt.时,雪都结成了冰,很滑,不好走,估计Mt. Laughington也差不多。是不是找个北边的会好些?
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-6 19:48:44 | 显示全部楼层
上周去ELK Mt.时,雪都结成了冰,很滑,不好走,估计Mt. Laughington也差不多。是不是找个北边的会好些?

也行,我走哪里都无所谓,只要能锻炼身体就成,不过Mt. Laughington路好走,路长坡缓,而且大多是logging road,应该没问题。


这样吧:四选一(day snowshoeing), 或者其它的提议?

Mt. Laughington
Brew Lake(winter route) 走多少是多少
Singing Pass 走多少是多少
Brandywine Meadow
发表于 2007-2-7 15:02:57 | 显示全部楼层
这周Brew hut BP吧,下周是春节呀。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 15:36:12 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 15:39:18 | 显示全部楼层
Roe Creek Branch R200  GPS info:

Waypoints: Geo-WGS84 UTM-WGS84 UTM-NAD27c Help
50:0:37.5-123:12:19.2=Junction with Roe Creek Mainline 936m (3070 feet)
50:0:25.7-123:11:40.4=Switchback #1
50:0:26.7-123:11:41.5=Start of Flagged route to Brew Lake
50:0:49.9-123:11:55.5=Switchback #2
50:0:40.2-123:11:42.0=End of Road (BC Basemap)

Route description 1


All distances are from highway 99.

+0.0km: Turn off highway 99 onto Chance Creek FSR about 1km south of the Garibaldi Lake road. This turnoff is near a pair of large yellow gates on the highway. Cross the cheakamus river and the railway tracks, then head left up a hill.
+1.7km: At the base area for the cat skiing operation is a big switchback, go left. The road is plowed to this point mid winter, so start skiing here if it's snowed in beyond this point
+2.3km minor spur on the right goes to freeman lake
+2.6km minor spure on the right goes to ????
+3.0km Roe Creek FSR / Chance Creek FSR Junction. Take the right fork. There are a new set of km markers for this road that start at the junction.
+3.1km minor spur road on right
+3.5km minor spurs on both sides. The one on the right has a yellow gate.
+3.6km branch road on the left. Keep right up the hill.
+4.0km minor spur road to the right. Keep on straight ahead.
+4.5km branch road on the left. keep right.
+5.2km minor spure road on the right.
+5.7km Take the lower right fork.
+6.0km Bridge over Roe Creek
+6.1km Take the left fork up roe creek. The right fork is R-100 and it ends after only 0.5km.
+6.7km continue straight through a muddy log sort
+6.9km big water bar than marks the end of 2wd and a good place to park. 4x4HC vehicle can continue, as the road gets gnarly and a bit bushy above here.
+8.4km take the branch on the right (R-200). Follow this one steeply uphill to the trailhead, which is just above the first switchback, about 1km up R-200 at 1030m elevation.
+9.3km Switchback
+9.4km The trailhead is on the right hand side an is marked with yellow flagging tape. It is about 3.6km to Brew Lake and 5.6km to the microbrew from here.


The flagged route traverses right through the clearcut and into the forest, crossing a small creek and then ascending to the bottom of an open bowl with a bluff on the left side.
Climb up the bottom of the bowl, keeping to the left of center. There are no trees to flag for this section, so there are no flags. Just follow the line of least resistance for 200m or so.
At the top of the bowl, the flagged route crosses a tiny lake and heads north traversing the bottom of 2 more sets of bluffs.
Beyond the third bluff is a flat section that crosses below a talus slope.
Past the talus slope, the trail goes up a draw and then climbs steeply up the forest to the left followed by a traverse to reach the start of a meadow system south of Brew Lake.
Follow the meadows to Brew Lake.

Route description 2

The start of the road is about 1km south of the rubble creek bridge on highway 99. It's the only road with a bridge over the cheakamus river. There are a lot of branches, here's what I can remember from the 2 times I've been up there (mileages are estimates):

1. cross the bridge, the tracks and turn left, and follow the road up a hill. This part is called Chance Creek FSR
2. at 1.5km is the base area for the cat skiing operation at a switchback, go left.
3. Pass a couple of minor spurs on the right. I don't think they go anywhere really. There is a major junction at about 3km, this is the start of Roe Creek FSR. Take the right fork. All distances beyond this point are measure from here and there are a new set of km markers for this road that start at this junction.
4. +0.3km A minor branch off roe creek goes, right, ignore it. This was blocked by a fallen log on feb 6th.
5. +0.5km A more serious branch road goes left. Go right (up a hill?). Stay right from here until the bridge over roe creek at about km 3.
6. just past the bridge turn left. The right fork is R-100 and it ends after only 0.5km.
7. continue straight through a muddy log sort
8. At 3.8km or so is the end of 2wd and a good place to park. 4x4HC begins if it isn't too snowed in to drive. The road get pretty gnarly and bushy above here, and there isn't a good place to turn around for another 1.5km.
9. At km 5.3 is a branch on the right (R-200). Follow this one steeply uphill to the trailhead, which is just above the first switchback, about 1km up R-200.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 15:46:51 | 显示全部楼层
要做好多走logging road的准备,最坏的打算是车就停在刚过99highway的坡下railway track旁,好在不是round trip应该没有问题,辛苦一些而已.

logging road叉路多常有人去过了还走错,我们要小心:
发表于 2007-2-7 17:30:24 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [活动召集]本周末(2月10,11号) Brew Hut overnight snow shoeing


唔...近期有超過六小时以上的滑雪经历, hiking经历就沒有了. :roll:
這週末將到Big White玩.

祝大家玩得開心.  (雪季後再參加大隊,累積hiking经历).
发表于 2007-2-7 20:10:45 | 显示全部楼层
LULU,就是呀,我跟大陈就每天到deer lake hiking,果然身心都比不hiking要强很多。hiking 就是好,坚持很重要。我精神上支持你!dayhike也许我能参加 :oops:
发表于 2007-2-7 20:35:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-8 08:40:59 | 显示全部楼层
想试一下新买的雪鞋,but can spare only one day... Anybody interested in Brandywine Meadows?
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-8 09:02:57 | 显示全部楼层
LULU,就是呀,我跟大陈就每天到deer lake hiking,果然身心都比不hiking要强很多。hiking 就是好,坚持很重要。我精神上支持你!dayhike也许我能参加 :oops:



唔...近期有超過六小时以上的滑雪经历, hiking经历就沒有了. :roll:
這週末將到Big White玩.

祝大家玩得開心.  (雪季後再參加大隊,累積hiking经历).[/quote]
也祝你们滑雪滑得开心,欢迎随时插队回归 :lol:

How come changed to 2 days hiking?  :kw:


英子一起走吧,不能没有你 :wink:
发表于 2007-2-8 11:24:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-8 13:30:42 | 显示全部楼层
Lulu改吧,我和爬手加入。晚上回城里吃火锅。 :D
发表于 2007-2-8 14:58:04 | 显示全部楼层
煽乎一下:Brew hut是去年整个雪季我走过的最美的地方(不是之一!),hut在较高的坡上,周围还有群山环抱,日出日落都很美,难度也不是很大。

发表于 2007-2-8 15:06:09 | 显示全部楼层
LULU,就是呀,我跟大陈就每天到deer lake hiking,果然身心都比不hiking要强很多。hiking 就是好,坚持很重要。我精神上支持你!dayhike也许我能参加 :oops:


LULU,你真贵人多忘事啊,大陈和我都跟你说过多次,大陈要2月11号才考完试,所以最快也要2月17号才能参加。因为我们现在都上早班,所以可以在下午早些时候走上一小时的短途hiking. 现在我们也都跟你一样了,晚上9点多睡,早上5点半起。下午3点半就可以开始hiking了。 8)
发表于 2007-2-8 15:17:58 | 显示全部楼层
up there is me ... pashou

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-8 15:32:08 | 显示全部楼层
LULU,就是呀,我跟大陈就每天到deer lake hiking,果然身心都比不hiking要强很多。hiking 就是好,坚持很重要。我精神上支持你!dayhike也许我能参加 :oops:


LULU,你真贵人多忘事啊,大陈和我都跟你说过多次,大陈要2月11号才考完试,所以最快也要2月17号才能参加。因为我们现在都上早班,所以可以在下午早些时候走上一小时的短途hiking. 现在我们也都跟你一样了,晚上9点多睡,早上5点半起。下午3点半就可以开始hiking了。 8)[/quote]

那你可以出来先走走呀 :wink:
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-8 15:34:29 | 显示全部楼层
煽乎一下:Brew hut是去年整个雪季我走过的最美的地方(不是之一!),hut在较高的坡上,周围还有群山环抱,日出日落都很美,难度也不是很大。


也是我去年冬天走过最美的地方 :wink:

发表于 2007-2-8 20:17:33 | 显示全部楼层
偶最恨BREW HUT!!!  :twisted:  :twisted:
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