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Cypress 滑雪场11月26日(周六) 9:00的雪况报道

发表于 2005-11-26 08:55:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大家周末好!今天是11月26日(周六),现在给您送上 Cypress 滑雪场早上9:00的雪况报道:

此刻,现在看到的Cypress 滑雪场是


THE DOWNHILL AND CROSS COUNTRY AREAS ARE OPEN DAILY FROM 9 am to 4 pm. 94.5 The Beat Snow Squad will be on Cypress this weekend. Bring a donation of an unwrapped toy or non-perishable food item & you'll be entered to win great prizes! Cypress Cares, lets do this for the kids! Night Passholders show your night pass at the Alpine or Nordic ticket offices and receive 25% off day lift tickets!

今天是个阳光灿烂的很好的滑雪天气! :lol:  

(2)雪场积雪厚度: 105cm( mid mountain )
(3)滑雪场天气情况:此刻气温是 -3 度;阳光灿烂的晴!(此刻):!:   
(4)24小时内下了 0 厘米的新雪;
(5)开放运动种类:滑雪、越野滑雪、Snowshoe、SnowTubing、Sliding Area (3-5 yrs):

  (7) 滑雪场共有滑雪道38条,目前开放 7 条道(够玩了)

自己坐车去怎么坐,在这里坐:The Shuttle Bus is running daily from Lonsdale Quay and Park Royal Shopping Centre.
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