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发表于 2007-6-14 23:14:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
how to import a Vehicle into Canada


1) Why bother importing a car from the US?

- Partially of the recent strength of the Canadian dollar, many models are significantly less expensive in the US than in Canada. Also some models/trims are available in the US but not in Canada.

2) Can any car from the USA be imported?

- No, check the list at www.riv.ca . While many cars can be imported without any or with very little modifications, some might need modifications like the addition of Daytime running lights, and/or child tether anchors

3) Do I have to pay duty and taxes?

- There is no duty on cars built in North America. Cars from elsewhere will be charged 6.1% duty. You have to pay GST when you import the vehicle and PST when you register your vehicle as per your Province's regulations.

4) How do I know if I can import a car without paying duty?

- If the VIN starts with a number, it's made in North America and can be imported duty free. If they VIN starts with a letter, it's made elsewhere in the world and you will be charged 6.1% duty.

5) IS this only for new cars?

- Any car that can be imported (check point #1) can be imported new or used - does not make any difference and the process is the same (other than things like safety checks and clean air checks which really have nothing to do with importing the car).

6) Will the new car warranty be valid in Canada?

- This varies by manufacturer and you should contact the one for the car you wish to import. Some manufacturers (e.g. Subaru, Toyota) will honor the warranty, others will honor the warranty but under a few conditions (e.g. Nissan), while others void the warranty if the car is not registered in the US first (e.g. Honda)

7) Do I need a US address?

- No, but some dealerships (e.g. Toyota, particularly those near the Canadian border) may not want to sell you a car if you don't register it in the US first. In general dealerships very close to the Canadian border may not be as willing (because of pressure from the manufacturer) to sell to Canadians and you may have to travel further South.

8) I have a friend / relative / whatever with an address in the US, can I or they buy the car in the US and register it there before importing it to Canada?

- Yes but you may be charged sales taxes in the US and in Canada if you do that. Different states have different tax rates (and some none) so it may be possible to do it there. It has been confirmed that Canadian buyers pay NO sales tax in certain states like New York but are charged sales tax in Michigan. Also, there are certain conditions under which Customs Canada will allow you to import the car without paying taxes but this is only for those who are out of Canada for extended periods of time.

9) Can I get financing for a car purchased in the US?

- You cannot get financing through the dealership or manufacturer. You may be able to get a car loan from your bank but probably only once the vehicle is imported into Canada. Some Canadian banks are now offering US loans.

10) Can anyone do this for me?

- There are importers / brokers that will handle shipping and importing however they do charge a significant amount. Individuals can do it for themselve for the cost of a few hours time and the $200 RIV fee.

11) Are there any drawbacks from having a US car?

- Generally no. There are some inconveniences such as having an odometer in miles rather than kilometers and having the 'principal' display (outer ring) in the speedometer in MPH rather than KPH. It may be more difficult to resell an 'US' vehicle and you may get less for it. Dealer supplied bonuses (e.g. free oil changes for the first year) are usually not valid in Canada. Some automatic climate control and computer data information can also be in Imperial measurements. Some vehicles can easily switch between Imperial and Metric measurements while others cannot.

发表于 2007-6-15 18:57:03 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-17 02:29:17 | 显示全部楼层


美国买车记 - 从美国进口新车的经过

美国买车记现在加元升值,但汽车价格在加拿大和美国却没有什么变化。所以在美国买车可能能便宜很多,而且不用交美国税。我上个星期去美国买了一辆subaru outback。我把过程和体会在这里总结一下,和大家分享。
1.此车是否允许进口。大部分的车都是允许进口的。例如本田,丰田,subaru,宝马等。具体的情况可以查看www.riv.ca 。如果你要的车不在这个网站提供的list上,你还可以给他们打电话查询。
2. 车的产地。如果是北美生产的车,进口是没有关税的。如果不是北美生产的车,关税为6.1%。产地可以从VIN看出来。网上google也一般能找到。
4. 是否在美国容易买到。丰田车厂不允许美国dealer把新车卖给加拿大人。

选好了车型,下一步就是要找车,我住在多伦多,所以只找buffalo附近的dealer。联系了northtown 和west herr。都没有我要的车。而后联系了rochester的van bortel。他们有我想要的车。Van bortel的好处是直接了当不用讲价钱。他们卖invoice价格减去各种rebate。对于我的subaru来说,就是invoice 价格,减去500 van bortel rebate,再减去75 internet rebate(我通过他们的website 拿到的 quote),再减去1500 subaru 车厂的rebate。我最后拿到的价格是24600美元左右,加拿大MSRP 38000加元。

谈好了价格,有的dealer会要求付定金,一般1000元以内就可以了。但van bortel没有要。

下一步是保险。因为在美国买车还不是很普遍,所以保险公司不懂,可能不愿意给你办临时保险。这一步在整个每车过程中可能是最困难的一步。如果你碰到了一个糊涂保险公司,你只好契而不舍,你甚至可以和保险公司的legal council或ombudsmen谈,实际上从美国买车和从quebec买车在保险上没有本质的区别。这里是Ontario标准保险条款,里面没有任何限制美国买车的条文。你可以以此为依据去争取。我的保险公司是state farm,agency 是 ed wells。我顺利的拿到了30的免费临时保险。

拿到了保险,就可以去提车了。注意美国海关要求出口车信息提前72小时发到海关。在buffalo附近,只有Queenston-Lewiston bridge的美国海关办理汽车出口手续。一般大的dealer都是知道这些的。你一定要说清楚车要从美国出口到加拿大。而且出发前你或者dealer一定要和美国海关confirm资料没有问题。其他地方的美国海关可能不接受fax过去的信息,你只好把原件送过去了。

Queenston-Lewiston bridge美国海关汽车出口办公室周一到周五开门,节假日不开门。而且下午四点就关门。所以我只好前一天晚上做greyhound到rochester,在那里住了一晚上。我住在了east avenue inn。价格便宜,review挺好,离greyhound车站也近。从加拿大进入美国时,就和美国的officer说去买车,并且给他们看bank draft。

The title(也叫Manufacturer's Statement of Origin)
Purchase order from the dealership
Recall letter(要注明是车厂authorized dealer)

按说前2000km 是磨合期,不应该保持一定车速,但我急着要在一天把手续都办完,所以开着高速就回来了,只是没有用巡航,防止车速过于稳定。

首先要过Queenston-Lewiston bridge美国海关。一般回加拿大不用在美国海关停。但因为要办出口手续,所以需要找到在海关的汽车出口办公室。过美国海关办手续很容易,但办公室很难找,要横穿从加拿大到美国的车流。我画一个地图,他们在一层。他们在the title上盖个章,你就可以走了。  

过加拿大海关时告诉他们你要进口你开的车,他们会告诉你去那个房子去申报。申报时他们会要你填进口车的form 1,交gst和exercise fee。你不需要ontario的临时牌照。这些手续就包括了在加拿大临时开车的资格。注意当cashier问你要不要交riv fee时要说不交,你要亲自到riv办公室去交。否则你就要等两个星期才能上牌照。

离开了加拿大海关,直奔riv办公室。地址-405 the west mall Etobicoke,第五层。他们会给你一些文件,包括一个inspection form。交205元登记费。

找到最近的canadiantire做检查,新车检查不用交任何钱。不用emission test。不用safety check。只检查是否符合加拿大安全规范,如白天的行车灯,法语标签等。检查完毕,canadiantire在一些form上(form 1?)盖章。Canadian tire还会把一些文件用传真发到riv办公室,不过这和我们没关系。Subaru不需任何改动就满足加拿大规范,所以很快检查就结束了。

拿着所有文件去交通部的任何一个office去上牌照,交PST。注意新车不需要测尾气和安全检查。我在 MTO office关门前10分钟进去。终于在一天之内完成了所有手续。

发表于 2007-6-19 22:02:04 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 20:38:51 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2007-9-4 23:57:32 | 显示全部楼层

You may use a broker to import cars from the States

发表于 2008-3-18 22:02:28 | 显示全部楼层
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