Cypress 滑雪场 12月2日 雪况报道:
现在看到的Cypress 滑雪场是:
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CYPRESS MOUNTAIN IS NOW OPEN FOR THE 2007/08 WINTER SEASON ! Both the ALPINE and NORDIC AREAS will be open today from 9am until 4pm. In the ALPINE AREA, our EASY-RIDER CHAIR will be in operation, ACCESSING THE BEGINNER AREA. In the NORDIC AREA, the LOWER TRAILS will be open.

(2)雪场积雪厚度: 102cm( mid mountain )
(7) 总滑雪道51条,目前开放 1条道(够玩了)

自己坐车去怎么坐,在这里坐:The Shuttle Bus is running daily from Lonsdale Quay and Park Royal Shopping Centre. |