今年十月底去的Rohr lake,天气已转差,没能看到什么美景,想爬的Rohr Mount因气候和时间限制也没爬成,转贴几张相片饱饱眼福,明年再去一次。
Rohr Lake and Cayoosh from the East
Mount Rohr's summit cairn with the Joffre group in the background
Rohr Lake and the Joffre Group (Captioned) from the North
A western subpeak of Mt. Rohr 7400+ ft (50:24.0-122:25.8) is in left foreground, with Rohr Lake in the lower right. Mt. Joffre and Mt. Matier rise in the centre background.
Subject Mountain: Mount Matier Photo Value: 10
Range Hierarchy: Pacific Cordillera / Coast Mountains / Pacific Ranges / Lillooet Ranges / Cayoosh Range / Cayoosh Range West
Region Hierarchy: BC Coast South / Lillooet Ranges / Cayoosh
Date: 2000.08.05 Vantage Point: From Peak 7400 (50°25.7' 122°26.8' )
Subject Lat-Long: (50°25.7' 122°26.8' ) Photographer: Mitch Sulkers
For those who still remember the banner snow year of 1999/2000, this picture serves as a reminder of the heavy snowpack still remaining in the Coast Range in August 2000.
On this particular day, we took advantage of a half day off to climb from the Duffey Lake Road using the trail access to the Wendy Thompson Hut in Marriott Basin. At the meadows above the headwall, we pushed straight north up snowfields to access the ridge that provides the east and north rim of the Marriott Basin. Excellent conditions allowed us a few hours of ridge walking and great views. Each of the small summits on the ridge afforded near 360 degree panoramas.
At the end of the day, we retraced our tracks and dropped through old growth forest next to a recent avalanche scar that descended to the meadows above the headwall. Along the way we were surprised to find a red parachute canopy still suspended from the lower branches of a large tree and a decayed emergency kit half buried in the forest duff.
The lake in the foreground of the photo is easily accessed by the Mt Rohr trail. A pleasant camping spot is located just east of the lake about 400m along the trail towards Mt. Rohr.
Mount Rohr
The ski access route to the northwest side of Mount Rohr.
Subject Mountain: Mount Rohr Photo Value: 16
Range Hierarchy: Pacific Cordillera / Coast Mountains / Pacific Ranges / Lillooet Ranges / Cayoosh Range / Cayoosh Range West
Region Hierarchy: BC Coast South / Lillooet Ranges / Cayoosh
Date: 2002.02.24 Vantage Point: From a sub peak on the west end of the Marriott Basin. (50°29.5' 122°29.5' )
Subject Lat-Long: (50°29.5' 122°29.5' ) Photographer: Don Funk
This was a weekend ski trip to the Marriott Basin. Sunday was a stellar day, as this photo shows, and good powder could still be found in the basin despite the recent heavy snowfall, flucuating freezing levels, and high winds Saturday out of the Northwest and North. The snowpack was relatively stable with a moderate to hard shear noticed in one pit, down about 60 cm, within the recent storm snow. I did notice quite a lot of reverse powder higher in the alpine (a stiff windslab over quite a deep layer of softer powder). No activity to report. Overnight on Saturday was a rather chilly -20 C. and was a relatively balmy -12 C in my tent.
Access: From near Cayoosh Pass on the Duffey Lake Road, a spur logging road on the east side of Cayoosh Creek can be followed north for approximately 2 km's to its end. From here a marked trail takes one to the Marriott Basin. Mount Rohr can be accessed from along this trail. |