集合时间改为周六早上六点(meeting time: Saturday, 6:00am),集合地点不变
活动召集:周六/周日两天 雪地露營(2月 23, 24号)
自带帐蓬(4 season tent, MEC有租)雪地扎营.带雪铲和Avalanche Beacon,我们会练习使用,(MEC和Valhalla Pure都有得租,周四下午三点后取周一还算两天,可以向Valhalla Pure要求相同的租凭时间/价格的Match,Beacon要早预定,不然周五才租可能已经没有了)
Russet lake---singing Pass--- musical bumps
联络电话: 778 858 6933
1> 1 dinner, 1 breakfast, 2 lunch & snacks 及煮食工具,炉头/气自带. (要化雪融水用, 一般早晚煮食,中午干粮)
2> HIKINGBOOTS和Snowshoes(雪鞋MEC有租)
3> 2升水 (請不要用吸水管水袋,氣温低會結冰)
4> 兩對手套, hat
5> quick dry base layer 和 多套御寒保暖衣服(e.g. fleece/down jacket)
6> 防雨防风外套
7> 睡袋,睡垫 (at least -12 degree otherwise you might have to wear all 保暖衣服 to sleep,睡袋/睡垫MEC也有租 )
8> 头灯/手电筒
9> backpacking背包及rain cover
10> 防晒霜,雪地的紫外线反射很厉害
12>帶冰斧, 帶鏟子, Avalanche Beacon(MEC有租)
集合地点:Broadway skytrain station旁边的Safeway停车场。
集合/出发时间:周六(2月23日) 6:00AM
这样省去车主打扫车内卫生,谢谢!还可以再准备一双备用的袜子。爬完山,能让脚舒服一下也是种享受 :lol: .
我们冬季还没有走过这个Russet Lake--musical bumps loop,冬季路线和和我们爬过的夏季路线略有不同,在piccolo附近往上走,这是一朋友(SAR member)给我的建议
here is our summer track
Here is the route back from Russet lake via musical bumps
1) Ascend Oboe summit from singing pass and follow centre ridgeline up to summit of Flute. continue on through Park boundary and ropes back into the ski area and connect with cat track straight ahead. Caution: Do not follow ski tracks turning onto the North descending ridge into flute bowl; continue straight ahead.
2) ascend cat track to top of piccollo summit and symphony Express chair. Their is a connector track which continues west under the chairlift and below the cliffs which will connect up with Burnt Stew trail.
3) head west up Burnt-stew trail (again a cat track) to top of Harmony Express trail then;
4) Descend a short distance down the harmony ridge ski run untill it connects with Pika's traverse.Go left on Pika's traverse which takes you back to the Gondola.
(Note: You should try and be back to the top of Piccollo/Symphony express waypoint no later than 2:00pm to arrive at Gondola before shutdown)
In the event of high wind lift shut down:
Follow same route as described in steps 1 -3 then:
1) Descend harmony ridge run right down to bottom of Harmony express chair
2) Go through rope gates behind lift and take Sidewinder cat track to bottom of Emerald Chair
3) Go through rope gates behind Emerald Chair and descend Olympic run to valley bottom. You will pass by the Gondola mid station as you descend and can take any runs from there to the valley bottom. they are all well marked and indicate "to whistler village". (Do not try to take a short cut by walking under the Gondola line).
This will make sense with your whistler Backcountry topo map and the complimentary ski area map.
http://www.whistler.com/includes_playhere/maps/trail-map.html |