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陽光之旅 - May 24 & 25 陽光海岸 Mt. Steele Overnight

发表于 2008-5-20 19:57:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本週末兩天到 陽光海岸 Mt. Steele Overnight 住小木屋也可雪地露營, 上頂。
需要雪鞋, 帳蓬(optional), 團隊精神。
只限十二人, 詳情稍後續上。有意者現已可以報名。 :lol:
发表于 2008-5-20 20:02:52 | 显示全部楼层


抱歉,有事不能参加了,祝大家玩得开心 :cry:
发表于 2008-5-20 20:46:14 | 显示全部楼层
count me in

What should I bring, wine or tent,
Which is heavier  :oops:
发表于 2008-5-20 20:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-20 21:35:18 | 显示全部楼层
標題越來越有心思了! 可媲美專業舉辦的活動. :lol:

報名1人 + carpool. 謝謝!

露營. :)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-20 22:00:21 | 显示全部楼层
地点:Sunshine Coast Mt. Steele Cabin

Driving distance from Vancouver 85km, excluding ferry
Trip distance: round trip 18km to summit
Elevation gain: 690m

精神 - 共进共退,友爱互助
體能 - 有backpacking经历,近期有六小时以上負 35 lbs hiking经历

出發日現場: 604-781-9922


北温Exit 17的McDonald (集合/出发时间: 6:15AM), 去Horseshoe Bay 坐7:20am去Langdale的ferry

Carpool费用:$40 (车主付Vehicle Ferry Fare $37.25 & each passenger ferry fare $11)

木屋住宿费用:$10 per person per night, 選雪地露營也要付, 因大家會用木屋的火爐, 木柴及在內煮食。


因天氣和暖, 恐怕火锅原料容易變壞, 所以第一天晚上集体吃Potluck / 喝酒。参加者自备熟佳餚一度, 也可帶半磅豆制品、蔬菜类做湯和酒类(如白酒or wine等,可用hiking装水容器灌装)

请参加者准备好自己带的potluck食物/酒水/ 小食的单子后,跟贴说明一下,谢谢!


1> 1 breakfast, 2 lunch & snacks 及煮食工具,炉头/气自带.
2> Hiking boots 和 Snowshoes(雪鞋MEC有租)
3> 2升水
4> 兩對手套, hat
5> quick dry base layer 和 多套御寒保暖衣服(e.g. fleece/down jacket)
6> 防雨防风外套
7> 睡袋,睡垫 (at least -7 degree otherwise you might have to wear 保暖衣服 to sleep )
8> 头灯/手电筒
9> backpacking背包及rain cover
10> 防晒霜,雪地的紫外线反射很厉害

回程/ 離營地时间: 周日(5月18日) 8:30AM, 乘 2:30pm 船回 Horseshoe Bay


需要CARPOOL的朋友准备两双鞋(一双是登山鞋),在开始Hiking前和结束后,换上干净的鞋,这样省去车主打扫车内卫生,谢谢!还可以再准备一双备用的袜子。爬完山,能让脚舒服一下也是种享受 .






2007 Bachelor Cabin 雪屋迎近新歲

2006 Sunshine Coast的Edwards Cabin overnight两天雪鞋行

Camony 二人一車
Daisy 一人一車
Jinsi carpool
Gloria carpool
WanchaiBoz carpool
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-20 22:24:50 | 显示全部楼层
參加者三分 / FUN 手則:

1. 分工合作
2. 分甘同味
3. 有 FUN 同享


1. 一切計劃會跟據當時天氣, 環境作靈活變動, 隊友應跟隨團隊行進, 不能單獨行動。

2. 一定要三人一組結伴同行。每組必備對講機一部, 否則每組定要保持在視線範圍之內。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-20 23:02:03 | 显示全部楼层

Melting snow is the answer, and there should still be lots on the summit. There are some pots in the cabin for that purpose.

I would think it highly unlikely that you'll find the cabin fully occupied at this time. It's impossible to say for sure of course who's going to be there, but I would think that most winter trips would be finished at this point. Still, backup plans are good! :-)

問過Tet Outdoor Club, 山上還有很多積雪, 要溶雪化水用。
Service Road 上有很多potholes, 需要high clearance 4 X 4。
发表于 2008-5-20 23:41:45 | 显示全部楼层
Count me in + carpool.  Thanks.
发表于 2008-5-21 08:18:11 | 显示全部楼层
Please put my name down. Need car pool. Bring my single person tent. See ya!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-21 08:22:57 | 显示全部楼层
Please put my name down. Need car pool. Bring my single person tent. See ya!

You may come to my house with Gloria before 6:15am and leave your car @ my spot.  She knows my address.  See ya!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-21 08:49:17 | 显示全部楼层
Driving directions:

1. From Langdale Ferry Terminal, take Hwy 101 & drive 27km to the traffic light in Sechelt.

2. Turn right on Wharf Ave and then turn right on Porpoise Bay Rd, which becomes Sechelt Inlet Rd.

3. Continue for almost 10 km to Tuwanek, past Porpoise Bay Provincial Park. Just after crossing Gray Creek, turn right on the Gray Creek Logging Road.

4. After 1 km take the left fork (West). Follow the ski signs affixed to trees along the way. You will cross a bridge at about 7 km, and reach the parking lot at 11 km.

In summer you can continue about 1 km further to the upper parking lot, but the road is rough. The road is plowed as far as the lower parking area in winter (when possible).
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-21 09:05:06 | 显示全部楼层
Trail distances and times:

Distances and time are approximate, and will vary with conditions, gear, etc. Know your abilities and plan accordingly. Be aware that the distance markers in the park are not very accurate, and sometimes contradict each other.

Parking lot – Edwards Cabin: 4.5 km, 2 – 3 hrs winter

Edwards Cabin – Steele Cabin: 3 km, 2 – 3 hrs winter
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-21 18:50:42 | 显示全部楼层


請大家列上想帶的potluck食品, 供其他同伴參考。

Camony 帶紅酒、自制燒雞及蔬菜
Rick 帶白酒、醉蝦及腐皮
Daisy 帶自制冷麵及磨菇
Jinsi 會帶一磅叉燒 及米飯


請把你的emergency contact person & phone # 發到 Alex 的站內短信, 我們會把資料保密, 並送到俱樂部一位可信賴的同學保存, 以作備用。除非得到你的允許, 否則這些資料在活動後會刪除。


如你有 Mt. Steele 的GPS waypoints, 請發給我們,謝謝。
发表于 2008-5-21 19:23:27 | 显示全部楼层
Rick brings White Wine, Drunken Shrimps (take out???) and Fried ToFu skins.
发表于 2008-5-21 20:16:22 | 显示全部楼层

Re: Various

Info quoted from Bivouac:

Gray Creek Road (Tetrahedron road) GPS waypoints:

49°32' 42.0"-123°45' 24.0"=Tuwanek off Sechelt Inlet Road
49°32' 12.0"-123°44' 42.0"=Fork 1 (Keep left, some other road goes right)
49°34' 54.0"-123°43' 24.0"=Fork 2-Richardson Lake spur goes left
49°34' 54.0"-123°43' 24.0"=Bridge to S side of Gray Creek 503m (1650')
49°34' 60.0"-123°43' 00.0"=bend to north after bridge
49°35' 36.0"-123°42' 30.0"=sharp bend to the east (corresponds to creek)
49°36' 07.2"-123°41' 04.8"=Fork 3 Yellow Gate just beyond Lower Parking Lot Mayne Lake spur
49°36' 12.0"-123°40' 18.0"=Old Parking Lot (Upper Parking Lot), covered sign on left

Mount Steele Trail Waypoints

49°35' 36.0"-123°38' 18.0"=Edwards Lake, junction with Bachelor Lake Trail (Four Lakes Trail)
49°35' 43.0"-123°37' 25.0"=Edwards Lake hut 1120m (3675')
49°35' 46.0"-123°37' 13.0"=McNair Lake Trail
49°36' 24.0"-123°36' 36.0"=Mount Steele hut
发表于 2008-5-21 22:11:20 | 显示全部楼层
I will bring: cold noodle(home made), mushroom
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 10:04:00 | 显示全部楼层

以下資料謹供參與這次行程人仕參考. 不適合這次行程以外任何用途.
請留意普通民用和專業GPS資料有很大的差誤, 以下全是非專業GPS資料

Route finding is part of the hiking process and it is fun.
GPS is just an aid not an end itself.






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发表于 2008-5-22 11:09:34 | 显示全部楼层
我會帶一磅叉燒 (...外賣的 :oops:)及米飯 (Minute Rice)?!

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 11:15:04 | 显示全部楼层
我會帶一磅叉燒 (...外賣的 :oops:)及米飯 (Minute Rice)?!


Don't bring too much 'cause we always end up with leftover.
Maybe just for 2 servings.

P.S. We'll have 1500ml wine, that should be enough.
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