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北美猎手必备: 加拿大,美国边境有关猎具的通关条款 (检索网页)

发表于 2008-8-1 01:14:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
北美猎手必备: 加拿大,美国边境有关猎具的通关条款 (检索网页)

美国边境管理局网页  http://www.ice.gov/

US Export Licenses and Regulations Sites
For assistance with US export licensing questions and current export licensing regulations. It is the responsibility of the exporter to be up to date on regulations and these agencies are here to help. Federal agencies that control exports are the US Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (formerly Bureau of Export Administration), US Department of State, and US Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
Bureau of Indusry and Security: Export licensing information from the US Department of Commerce including the Export Administration Regulations: http://www.bis.doc.gov1
Export Administration Regulations: On-line free access to the Export Administration Regulations from the Government Printing Office. Includes a searchable Regulations database and export license FAQ section: http://www.access.gpo.gov/bis2
Federal Trade Commission: Information on 'Made in USA' labeling requirements, standards and competition.Food and Drug Administration FDA
Office of Foreign Asset Controls OFAC: Embargoed country licensing information from the US Treasury Department:
Office of Defense Trade Controls: US Department of State office controlling defense related exports:
US Customs Service: Help with Shippers Export Declarations and other exporter information: http://www.customs.ustreas.gov6
US Department of State: The US diplomatic agency and service, Washington headquarters homepage:

http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trave ... ricted.xml#Firearms

武器 Firearms
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) regulates and restricts firearms and ammunition; and approves all import transactions involving weapons and ammunition. If you want to import or export weapons or ammunition, you must do so through a licensed importer, dealer, or manufacturer. Also, if the National Firearms Act prohibits certain weapons, ammunition, or similar devices from coming into the country, you will not be able to import them unless the ATF provides you with written authorization to do so.
You do not need an ATF permit if you can demonstrate that you are returning with the same firearms or ammunition that you took out of the United States. To prevent problems when returning, you should register your firearms and related equipment by taking them to any CBP office before you leave the United States. The CBP officer will register them on the same CBP Form-4457 used to register cameras or computers. (See the section on Register Items Before You Leave the United States).
For further information about importing weapons, contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20226; or call (202) 927-8320; or visit www.atf.gov ( Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ) .
Many countries will not allow you to enter with a firearm even if you are only traveling through the country on the way to your final destination. If you plan to take your firearms or ammunition to another country, you should contact officials at that country’s embassy to learn about its regulations.

鱼和野生动物  Fish and Wildlife
Certain fish and wildlife, and products made from them are subject to import and export restrictions, prohibitions, permits or certificates, and quarantine requirements. We recommend that you contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service before you depart if you plan to import or export any of the following:
•        Wild birds, land or marine mammals, reptiles, fish, shellfish, mollusks, or invertebrates.
•        Any part or product of the above, such as skins, tusks, bone, feathers, or eggs.
•        Products or articles manufactured from wildlife or fish.
Endangered species of wildlife, and products made from them, generally may not be imported or exported. You will need a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to import virtually all types of ivory, unless it is from a warthog. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has so many restrictions and prohibitions on various kinds of ivory—Asian elephant, African elephant, whale, rhinoceros, seal, pre-Endangered Species Act, post-CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), and many others—that they urge you to contact them before you even think of acquiring ivory in a foreign country. You may contact them at (800) 358-2104.
You may import an object made of ivory if it is an antique. To be an antique the ivory must be at least 100 years old. You will need documentation that authenticates the age of the ivory. You may import other antiques containing wildlife parts with the same condition, but they must be accompanied by documentation proving they are at least 100 years old. Certain other requirements for antiques may apply.
If you plan to buy such things as tortoiseshell jewelry, or articles made from whalebone, ivory, skins, or fur, contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Law Enforcement, P.O. Box 3247, Arlington, VA 22203-3247, or call (800) 358-2104 or visit www.fws.gov ( U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ) . Hunters can get information on the limitations for importing and exporting migratory game birds from this office as well. Ask for their pamphlet, Facts About Federal Wildlife Laws.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has designated specific ports of entry to handle fish and wildlife entries. If you plan to import anything discussed in this section, please contact CBP. CBP will tell you about designated ports and send you the brochure Pets and Wildlife, which describes the regulations CBP enforces for all agencies that oversee the importation of animals.
Some states have fish and wildlife laws and regulations that are stricter than federal laws and regulations. If you are returning to such a state, be aware that the stricter state laws and regulations have priority. Similarly, the federal government does not allow you to import wild animals into the United States that were taken, killed, sold, possessed, or exported from another country if any of these acts violated foreign laws

狩猎和猎物 Game and Hunting Trophies
If you plan to import game or a hunting trophy, please contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service before you leave at (800) 358-2104. Currently, 14 ports of entry are designated to handle game and trophies; other ports must get approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to clear your entry.
Depending on the species you bring back, you might need a permit from the country where the animal was harvested. Regardless of the species, you are required to fill out a Fish and Wildlife Form 3-177, Declaration for Importation or Exportation.
Trophies may also be subject to inspection by CBP for sanitary purposes. General guidelines for importing trophies can be found on APHIS Website under the APHIS Import Authorization System (IAS) ; ( Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service ) or by writing to USDA, APHIS, VS, NCIE Products Program, 4700 River Road, Unit 40, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231; or by calling 301.734.3277.
Also, federal regulations do not allow the importation of any species into a state with fish or wildlife laws that are more restrictive than federal laws. If foreign laws were violated in the taking, sale, possession, or export to the United States of wild animals, those animals will not be allowed entry into the United States.
Warning: There are many regulations, enforced by various agencies, governing the importation of animals and animal parts. Failure to comply with them could result in time-consuming delays in clearing your trophy through CBP. You should always call for guidance before you depart.

Items which require a license from the US Department of State to be legally exported
Non-automatic and semi-automatic firearms to caliber .50 inclusive (12.7mm)
Fully automatic firearms to .50 caliber inclusive (12.7mm)
Combat shotgun. This includes any shotgun with a barrel length less than 18 inches.
Weapons sighting devices manufactured to military specifications.
Barrels, cylinders, receivers (frames), or complete breech mechanisms for above listed articles.
Firearms parts not listed above, with an aggregate value of $100.00 or more
Ammunition for the above listed firearms

―――转引自:  Information derived from 22 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter M Parts 120 – 130 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)

A license or permit from the responsible agency is necessary to import:
alcoholic beverages
animals and animal products
certain drugs
firearms and ammunition
fruits, nuts
meat and meat products
milk, dairy, and cheese products
plants and plant products
poultry and poultry products
petroleum and petroleum products
trademarked articles

检索 http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/help-aide/az-eng.html
进口 http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/import/menu-eng.html
出口 http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/export/menu-eng.html


http://recherche-search.gc.ca/s_ ... mp;amp;S_url.value=*&S_url.specifier=WILD&S_url.textOperator=OR&S_S20RCH.l1ng91g3=eng&t3mpl1t34d=1&s5t34d=cbsa&l7c1l3=eng&S_08D4T.1ct57n=search&S_08D4T.s3rv5c3=basic

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