On December 13, 1937, my hometown Nanjing fell into the hands of invading Japanese troops who launched a ruthless masscre, known as Nanjing Massacre, during Nanjing Massacre more than 300,000 Chinese were killed.
I think it is a good idea to let more people aware of what happened and what
is happening between China and Japan.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
An exhibition of photographs and missionary documents of the Nanking Massacre.
Listed below are some reasons for our past protests against Japanese Government:
-whitewashing history in their textbooks
(Imagine Germany teaches its youth it was forced to occupy Europe in WWII)
-worshipping shrines of war criminals
(They honor the KILLERs, who honors the victims?. PLEASE STAND IN OUR SHOES: What if German enshrined Hitler?)
-never saying a sorry to other countries
(We don't accept "Sympathy" as apology!)
-They call the MASSACRE of 300,000 Nanjing civilians an INCIDENT!
(The 300,000 massacred can no longer speak, WE CAN!)
-some Japanese do believe SEX SLAVES are VOLUNTEERS.
(Sex Slaves =x= Volunteers?)
I found some objective critic's reviews on this topic and several related WebPages.
First, this is a very comprehensively and objectively compiled website
collecting Japan's war crimes and some hot issues between Japan and its
neighbours (if you scroll down the webpage, you will find abundant
information, such as book intro and texts written by independent media and by
Japanese scholars)
Second, if you do not have time to go through the above webpage, you can also have a quick scan over the following short articles:
Infamous Unit 731 (Steven Butler in Tokyo)
The Rape of Nanjing (An BBC article)
A related link about Nanjing Massacre
Japan's move to change textbooks (An BBC article and an CBS article)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/progr ... pondent/4449005.stm
Japan's Nonstop Amnesia (An CBS article)
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2 ... st/main687759.shtml
Japan’s Revisionist History (An LA Times article)
http://www.howardwfrench.com/arc ... evisionist_history/
Third, here are two websites with many photos. It shows what Japanese has done during its invasion to China from 1937 to 1945. This page contains very disturbing pictures from WWII, viewer discretion is strongly advised.
http://www.nj1937.org/english/default.asp |