I do not see Robin's name here. Who is the next "背瓜专业户 ". The difference is this time the watermelon is the biggest and the person would be the superman/superwoman. Remember we do not have much time left for this year and this time might be the last chance to be "super".
[quote="虎行北美"](8月16日 Mount Baker Heliotrope Ridge)Hiking活动召集
Trail名称:Heliotrope Ridge
Trail长度:单程2.5哩(约4.0公里) one-way to Coleman Glacier Viewpoint
I called the Ranger Station regarding this trail. 2.5-mile is to the view point and it can extend to the summit of Mt Baker. It means u can hike as long and high as u like. U are not limited by this 2.5-mile and 600-meter hiking. Does it encourage u more?