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list of skis

发表于 2008-9-12 20:04:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This is a list of skis out there. wish I can do the same with boards.

4 frnt : http://www.4frnt.com
ak : http://www.akski-usa.com
armada: http://armadaskis.com
atomic: http://www.atomicsnow.com/
black diamond: http://www.bdel.com/
boheme: http://www.boheme.fr
bumtribe: http://www.bumtribe.net/
capital: http://www.capitalskis.com/
donek: http://www.donek.com/
dynastar: http://www.dynastar.com
goode: http://www.goode.com/
edelwiser: http://www.edelwiser.com
elan: http://www.elanskis.com/pc.asp
extrem: http://www.extrem.se
faction: http://www.factionskis.com/
fatypus: http://www.fat-ypus.com/home/home.php
fischer: http://www.fischerskis.com/en/
G3: http://www.genuineguidegear.com
hagan: http://www.hagan-ski.com
head: http://www.head.com/
icelantic: http://www.icelanticboards.com/
igneous: http://www.igneousskis.com/
line: http://www.lineskis.com/#/home
k2: http://www.k2skis.com/
karhu: http://karhuskico.com/
kingswood: http://www.kingswoodskis.com/home/
kei-ski: http://www.kei-ski.co.jp
Kneissl: http://www.kneisslski.com/
kootenay: http://www.boomtownsports.com/powderstick.html
lacroix: http://www.ski-lacroix.com
liberty: http://www.libertyskis.com
movement: http://www.movementskis.com
ninthward: http://www.ninthward.com
ogasaka: http://www.ogasakaski.com
pmgear: http://www.pmgearusa.com
Prior: http://www.priorskis.com
rossignol: http://www.rossignol.com/
scottybob: http://www.scottybob.com
scott: http://scottusa.com/
salomon: http://www.salomonsports.com/others/#
stockli: http://www.stockli.com/
voile: http://www.voile-usa.com/
volant: http://www.volantski.com/index_language.html
volkl: http://www.volkl.com/ski/index.html

list goes on and on...feel free to add more
or make your own:


and here's for an unusual one:


all wood and lino stone edge(compress wood)
old school material new shapes. i used to have a pair of beatniks :D

发表于 2008-9-15 11:34:49 | 显示全部楼层
這個list真詳盡, 還有訂造的skis.
发表于 2008-9-25 19:44:23 | 显示全部楼层
one more :wink:

 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-25 21:17:08 | 显示全部楼层
the list is of ski manufacturers not online retails :P
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