
楼主 |
发表于 2008-12-8 21:27:44
當事人在Club Tread澄清他當時的決定.
I did not have time to read through in detail everyone's post. I'll write a trip report to show what I did and what I did not do when I have a bit of time.
But I would like to quickly explain about the calls I made. Before the call to 911, I thought about calling Anja first to let her know where I was, at least some one should know. However, I did not want to put the stress and burden on her to decide if and when I did need help. I was in the thick of it and I should be the one to make that call.
My intent was to call North Shore Search and Rescue directly to let them to know I was up there and the fog was so thick that I could not see anything. I wanted them to monitor the situation for me until 3 or 4 pm the next day and by that time, I should have been out. I did not have the number for North Shore SAR, so I call 411 for the directory three or four times, but I got no signal.
Then I decided to call 911. I was told that I tried 6 or 7 times. What I wanted to do was to explain that I was lost and that SAR please hold off until tomorrow. I got the first part through but the line would not hold long enough for the second part, so I kept on trying until the battery went dead on me.
Let me repeat and stress again how much I appreciate the efforts that the Search and Rescue team have put in to assist me. For that, I'll be forever grateful. We are so, so lucky to have such wonderful, wonderful people to assist us in time of need and crisis. I hope that I did not come across in any way as to diminish the efforts of SAR. If I did, I was wrong and I did not mean it that way.
Merry Christmas, everyone, and yes, Santa will be on its way to the Search and Rescue team.
Bye for now.
當事人不打電話給朋友, 打911或拯救隊要求他們留意事態至3pm或4pm才拯救他.
但要求他們留意事態至3pm或4pm才拯救他, 這做法好像有點問題.
他們的工作是拯救. 要是我們每次出發也打911或拯救隊要求他們留意, 這好像不是他們的工作. 我們每次出發也是找Lulu或其他同學幫忙.
要明白到911或拯救隊他們是專業的, 一收了求救電話, 一定會立時計劃行動. 怪不得911要求不是緊急,千萬不要亂打911, 但緊急,就要打. |