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[转帖]平安夜困雪山 迷路情侶獲救 2008年12月26日

发表于 2008-12-26 23:11:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
平安夜困雪山 迷路情侶獲救 2008年12月26日

兩名年輕男女在西摩山(Mount Seymour)迷路,他們在山上度過寒冷的一夜,昨日終安全獲救;救援隊在搜索期間,在路上遇上另外一個曾迷路的登山者。

阿特金斯(Nicholas Atkins)與女友帕諾夫斯基(Sarah Panofsky)周三在西摩山進行野外滑雪,當時他們沒有帶備地圖,在出發前亦沒有向親友提及這旅程。他們經過第一個山峰後迷路,期間並遇上雪崩,雖然大難不死,但兩人卻被大雪所困,他們被迫在寒冷的野外度過平安夜。他們曾被雪崩埋住,幸好阿特金斯帶了一個小雪鏟挖開雪,後從口袋裏取出手提電話求救,他終在昨日上午與北岸救援隊(North Shore Rescue)取得聯絡。

救援隊接報後,先派出直升機在空中鳥瞰搜索,並發現兩人的位置,救援隊長齊拉希(George Zilahi)表示,他們曾經由西摩山的東面滑雪下山,後來到了泰塔湖(Theta Lake)附近。他說,由於該區屬於野外,直升機未必能接近,拯救隊要徒步搜索。期間,拯救隊在路上遇到另一個於山上迷路的男子,原來他打算上山尋找阿特金斯與帕諾夫斯基;3人最終安全獲救,度過溫暖的聖誕。
发表于 2008-12-26 23:53:25 | 显示全部楼层
Three skiiers rescued


A lucky cell phone call set off a chain of events that saved the lives of three people on Mount Seymour on Christmas Day.
A man and woman visiting Vancouver were buried in an avalanche on Christmas Eve and ended up in a treacherous area. No one knew they had even gone skiing, but they were able to find enough a cell reception to make a single phone call.
Rescuers launched a rescue chopper and found the pair, but had to ski in to retrieve them. North Shore Rescue's Tim Jones says while they were doing that rescuers stumbled upon a third skiier who was lost and hadn't yet been reported missing by his family.
Jones says the rescue has left crews rattled.
"Still reeling from this one. This shows you how the stars line up for peoples' lives and how one of their nine lives was used up tonight."
Believe it or not a security patrol elsewhere on the mountain found a fourth missing person, a snowshoer who'd become lost as well.
发表于 2008-12-27 00:00:30 | 显示全部楼层
借此機會, 呼籲大家在滑雪塲滑雪時不要out of bound

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