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争取您那些 非猎朋友 之同情理解的好素材: 北美 HWY 撞鹿事故

发表于 2009-1-6 14:24:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
争取您那些 非猎朋友 之同情理解的好素材:  北美 HWY 撞鹿事故

开高速公路, 路见撞击野生动物大片血迹, 朋友间有些枪支收藏者,狩猎爱好者 等等 这些都是北美生活里, 司空见惯的基本元素。  

但, 在中国大陆里, 或者 面对从太平洋彼岸来的许多新移民。偶有听到我等,   啊--- 你, 你你 去打猎?! 违法吧!?  那惊诧的目光: 无异于看到一个 通缉之中 一潜逃的 杀ren犯!

老上我, 不管讲些什么, 也都难辩我之清白。 久而久之。 发现一 轻松解套的单口相声题材:  北美生态太好。 野生动物繁殖过度。 高速公路多有撞击事故。   

就在对方惊诧 且极力展开其车祸场面恐怖 想像力之余, 再谈及狩猎不失未 “正义之举”。 发现此 真乃一 争取对狩猎活动之同情理解的绝佳话题!  大家不妨一试之:

最近在 “国家地理” 杂志上看到一篇小文。该文章 统计了2007年美国全国死于穿过公路的鹿数(根据在保险公司报案的数字)。宾州撞死的鹿最多, 共98,313只。夏威伊最少, 57只。全国年撞死 五万只鹿以上的州有:宾州, 伊利诺,密执安,俄亥俄,纽约州。
这些数字只是有记录的案例。没有人报案的未统计在内, 实际数字应该更高。全国保险公司在撞鹿上的赔偿金(鹿把汽车撞坏了)总额每年约为1,500,000美元。

Did you know?
    * that the toll of deer involved annually in traffic collisions in the UK is estimated to lie between 40,000 to 74,000
    * such deer related RTAs result in several hundred human injuries and several human fatalities each year.
    * six main species of deer live wild in Britain with a combined population of over 1 million head.


NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Pennsylvania ranks first among the top ten worst states for vehicle-deer collisions, according to an insurance survey published Thursday.

Citing claim statistics, auto insurer State Farm said that drivers in Pennsylvania experienced more deer collisions than any other state between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2005.

State Farm estimates that 1.5 million vehicles collide with deer every year, resulting in 150 motorists deaths and $1.1 billion in vehicle damages.

With deer migrating and mating season occurring between October and December, the auto insurer says a higher number of deer are near roads this time of year.

Coming in second and third were Michigan and Illinois, followed by Ohio and Georgia. Minnesota and Virginia ranked sixth and seventh respectively, while Indiana, Texas and Wisconsin rounded out the list at eighth, ninth and tenth.

The insurance company said it based its rankings on the total number of deer-accident claims filed with State Farm and did not adjust for population.

The auto insurer says that attentive driving is still the best deterrent for such accidents.

In order to avoid such collisions, State Farm says drivers should use their high-beam headlights as much as possible to illuminate deer hiding on the side of the road and to not rely on car-mounted 'deer whistles,' which studies show not to affect the animal.

If a collision with a deer is unavoidable, according to the company, it is best not to swerve, which could increase the risk of injury and could cause you to lose control of your car

Every year, moose and deer collisions are all too prevalent on North American and Northern European roads. Colliding with these animals, particularly with moose, is potentially fatal for the humans and at the very least, is likely to cause a lot of damage to your car (let alone to the animal). Here are some suggestions for avoiding collisions in the first place.


for more information :  search at: Deer Collision  animal collision

Worst 10 states for auto-deer collisions Pennsylvania has the highest number of accidents, accordin

Worst 10 states for auto-deer collisions
Pennsylvania has the highest number of accidents, accordin

Animals on a collision course

Animals on a collision course
发表于 2009-1-7 20:53:02 | 显示全部楼层
说来惭愧, 我也为2007年Texas撞鹿数据加了一分. 那是2007年12月底, 我开车去打鹿.  4:20AM 出发, 4:45AM还没出城就撞了鹿. 赶紧打电话, 告诉朋友今天早上不去了, 我已经撞着鹿了. 除了保险公司付的, 我自己还要掏$1000. 我就是这样教育我女儿的. 鹿太多了, 对人有危害. 无论是爸爸鹿还是妈妈鹿, 都该打.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-18 01:36:15 | 显示全部楼层

我们猎友 有1001个理由。 减滅城郊 飞机场附近飞鸟!

我们猎友 有1001个理由。 减滅城郊 飞机场附近飞鸟!

最近各个媒体, 都在谈论。 纽约纽约哈德孙河面上,一月5日,一架美利坚航空公司客机起飞过程中,因遭飞鸟撞击而动力全失,最后迫降的故事;

老上我。 倡导本网各位大侠。 今后在争取您那些 非猎朋友 之同情理解的”闲聊“之中 除了谈及《 北美 HWY 撞鹿事故 》等, 也将这个实际事故,稍带上话题!

您可知道:    据美国鸟击委员会统计,仅在美国,鸟类 以及其他野生动物撞飞机事件造成的经济损失每年超过6亿美元,自1988年以来鸟类以及其他野生动物撞飞机事件已造成至少219人死亡。

也请列位: 点击下面的链接;   用事实和逻辑。 来向公众证明:

全世界,我们猎友 有1001个理由。 减滅城郊 飞机场附近飞鸟!



Bird trouble: Nearly 1,300 fowl shot as they threaten jet planes at YVR

http://images.google.com/imgres? ... couver%2Bairport%2B,%2Bbirds.%2Bphoto%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX

当温哥华的人民群众, 每每平安地进出飞机场时候: 您可否想到这样一组数据:
he following is a list of species and numbers of birds shot by airport staff last year:

- dunning, 444
-鸭, 319
-椋鸟, 188
-海鸥, 111
-乌鸦, 66
-鸽子, 57
-鹬, 35
-雪鹅, 22
-加拿大鹅, 11
-燕子, 9
-鹰, 4
-大蓝鹭, 1
-猫头鹰, 1
-其他, 1
------------------ 你和您的的全家, 是在什么样的条件下。 ”一路平安“的?!

向 温哥华 机场安全卫士 ---致敬!

向 温哥华 机场安全卫士  ---致敬!

什么事情, 都有正反两个方面! 当过多的鸟儿。 与您乘坐的客机。 ”比翼齐飞“时, 那--也许就不是 那些“爱鸟热心人士” 都能够 憧憬的了!

什么事情, 都有正反两个方面! 

当过多的鸟儿。 与您乘坐的客机。 ”比翼齐飞“时, 那--也许就不是 那些“爱鸟热心人士”  都能够 憧憬的了!


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-15 07:08:01 | 显示全部楼层

日航客机机械故障 原因初定撞鸟

日航客机机械故障已排除空机返日 原因初定撞鸟

2009年03月15日 15:05 来源:新华网 






 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-29 11:30:16 | 显示全部楼层

猎眼看世界 又一架客机在遭群鸟撞击

猎眼看世界      又一架客机在遭群鸟撞击







----------- 大概 该机场的那几位负责 躯飞禽的 “鸟人”, 都休假去了?

http://bbs1.people.com.cn/postDe ... amp;amp;id=94853197
发表于 2009-9-30 09:21:29 | 显示全部楼层

宾州撞死的鹿最多, 共98,313只。夏威伊最少, 57只。全国年撞死 五万只鹿以上的州有:宾州, 伊利诺,密执安,俄亥俄,纽约州。

老上,此处数据有误。就说宾州巴撞死的鹿最多, 共98,313只,将近10万只。怎么全霉国的撞鹿赔偿金才150万美元。即便全美国的撞鹿赔偿金都给了宾州,那么撞一个鹿的保险理赔平均才15美元?15美元怎么修车?汽车撞鹿后光是风挡玻璃的赔偿就要几百,对么?
 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-13 06:23:57 | 显示全部楼层

加拿大汽车撞麋鹿再撞卡车 2死8伤

加拿大汽车撞麋鹿再撞卡车 2死8伤


  当地警方说,先是一辆厢型车与麋鹿相撞,而且看来像是厢型车的驾驶在和麋鹿相撞前想要避免撞到麋鹿,而做出急打方向盘的动作,结果造成不仅撞上麋鹿,而且冲过公路中线 ,与对面一辆卡车又迎头相撞。




How to Avoid a Moose or Deer Collision

Ten tips about deer

If you understand a little about deer then you can think about how you can change your driving to avoid them and know what to do if you hit and injure one.

    Accidents involving deer peak in May, October and November.
    Worst times of day are around sunrise and between sunset and midnight.
    Some areas have bigger problems than others. Deer accident hotspots include the A134 in Thetford Forest, A22 in Ashdown Forest, B4506 in Ashridge Forest, A4136 in the Forest of Dean, and M27 between Southampton and Portsmouth
    'Deer' or 'wild animal' signs warn you that deer accidents happen in that area.
    A deer can appear almost instantly - nature makes them hard to see and they don't follow the green cross code!
    Use high beam head-lights when it's dark, but dip them if you see a deer, otherwise it may freeze in your path. Don't dazzle other drivers though.
    If a deer appears suddenly it's safer to continue on your normal track rather than swerve or brake hard to try to avoid it. Sudden manoeuvres can result in a loss of control and increase the risk of hitting a tree or another vehicle.
    If you do hit a deer, try to stop somewhere safe. If you can't then do your best to ensure that your accident isn't hit by other vehicles.
    Report the accident to the police who will contact someone who can help the injured deer.
    Bear in mind that if you miss the deer (or any other animal), but hit something else, it will be very hard to prove that the deer ever existed.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-28 00:52:36 | 显示全部楼层

百余麋鹿撞车受害者告政府被驳回 上诉又被拒

百余麋鹿撞车受害者告政府被驳回 上诉又被拒

.....纽省麋鹿给政府惹官司 BC省灰熊让政府头疼

Moose collision lawsuit in Newfoundland alleges province was negligent


加拿大最东部的纽芬兰省政府正在面对一场集体诉讼。那些在省级公路上开车撞到麋鹿的司机们状告政府没能有效控制麋鹿的数量 。 家 园 新 闻



在加拿大西部的不列颠哥伦比亚省,目前正在为可以猎杀多少头灰熊争论。省政府鉴于现在全省灰熊的数量已增加到1.5万头,达到北美总数的四分之一,提高了今年允许捕猎的数量,增加到1,800头。 i a s k . c a


每年800宗麋鹿撞车 加国男被撞全身瘫 告政府

The public has a right to use the Trans-Canada Highway and other routes safely and unobstructed, a lawyer for the plaintiffs argued. Yet virtually everyone on the island knows somebody who has had a collision, he said.

纽芬兰省格罗莫讷国家公园(Gros Morne National Park),一头麋鹿在车前冲出。

-----(加新社) 家园论坛,forum.iask.ca

(纽芬兰省圣约翰斯2日加新社电)    麋鹿撞车集体诉讼案周三开庭,申诉人在圣约翰斯(St. John's)法庭怒斥省府疏忽,任由麋鹿在纽芬兰省公路上狂奔,与车辆碰撞,伤害他们的身心。

57岁的男子贝罗斯(Ben Bellows)坐轮椅上庭,他在纽芬兰省高等法院作证说,「我根本没时间反应」。


这宗集体诉讼案控告省府疏忽,未能控制麋鹿数量。它代表135名申诉人,其中最少15人是遗产信托人,案件涉及2001年以来的麋鹿撞车意外。 加 拿 大 家 园 网



原诉人的律师克罗斯比(Ches Crosbie)对法庭说,省府知道麋鹿构成公路风险,起码有10年,但它没有采取决策,执行具体政策,减低那个风险。 家园论坛,forum.iask.ca




http://www.news1130.com/2016/05/ ... sions-class-action/

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. – The lawyer who tried to launch a class-action lawsuit for victims of moose-vehicle collisions in Newfoundland and Labrador says an appeal in the case has been rejected.

Ches Crosbie argued before a panel of three appeal court judges in January 2015 that a trial judge was wrong to dismiss the lawsuit in September 2014.

Crosbie says the plaintiffs are now reviewing their options after that appeal was rejected.

The lawsuit was launched against the provincial government in 2011 on behalf of more than 100 moose-vehicle collision victims.

But a lower court judge ruled the province was not liable for the collisions and had taken reasonable steps to prevent them.

Crosbie says the appeal panel decision doesn’t prevent the government from providing compassionate compensation to the most deserving of the victims.

兽撞车事故率 是收放狩猎数目的重要依据

兽撞车事故率  是收放狩猎数目的重要依据
发表于 2016-6-29 04:35:05 | 显示全部楼层
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