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楼主: jinsi

冬暖宜行–2月7-8日Manning Windy Joe Trail雪地露營寫意遊

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-16 06:26:50 | 显示全部楼层
謝謝WanchaiBoz的照片, 期待更多:wink:.

他的背包輕得令人羨慕, 而仍能夠自給自足, 實要向他請教一下那些超輕裝備.:qj:
发表于 2009-2-16 16:14:58 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-16 18:59:03 | 显示全部楼层

冬天露營給我的感覺是很清新乾淨, 沒有蚊蟲, 沒有塵土, 往往回家也不用清洗露營用品. 而且人煙稀少, 不擠擁, 比夏季更為平靜. 若論看日出日落, 一年四季皆有其獨特之處, 我想冬季的特色在於四周全是一片素白, 更能襯托出日出時天空色彩變幻之奇. 兼且冬季晝短夜長, 每天早上都期盼日出, 因而朝陽比夏季時更可愛.

至於冬季的露營裝備大部份跟三季的相同 (當然要視乎目的地, 天氣情況等等), 除了保暖的衣服外, 最大的分別在睡袋與帳篷. 其實若果天氣好, 不大風, 三季帳也可以勝任. 若想試試四季帳, 可到MEC租借. 睡袋也不用另買, 可用現有的三季睡袋加Overbag (通常用較薄的夏季睡袋, 或買專用的Overbag). 其他的器材可以慢慢添置.
发表于 2009-2-18 15:39:57 | 显示全部楼层
why can't you guys sleep in 瞭望台? :roll:
发表于 2009-2-18 16:13:56 | 显示全部楼层
why can't you guys sleep in 瞭望台? :roll:

The purpose of the trip was snowcamping, so they wanted to be more close with the snow.   :wink:
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-18 17:57:09 | 显示全部楼层
why can't you guys sleep in 瞭望台? :roll:

The purpose of the trip was snowcamping, so they wanted to be more close with the snow.   :wink:[/quote]

我們行前也不知道可以進入瞭望台的, 所以準備了在外露營. 瞭望台的面積很小, 地上是舊木板地. 我比較喜歡住帳篷的感覺, 覺得較乾淨和舒服, 如Alex/Camony所說, 此行的目的是雪地露營體驗, 所以盡可能也不躲進瞭望台裏. 8)



上層有一個山火定位儀, 在瞭望台上看到山火可用這儀器知道正確的位置, 然後通知山下派發救火隊. 但上層的面積比下層更小.

上層有一個山火定位儀, 在瞭望台上看到山火可用這儀器知道正確的位置, 然後通知山下派發救火隊. 但上層的面積比下層更小.

瞭望台的下層, 地上是舊木板地, 面積很小, 勉強可容納4-5人.

瞭望台的下層, 地上是舊木板地, 面積很小, 勉強可容納4-5人.
发表于 2009-2-18 21:11:10 | 显示全部楼层
我的"not so 輕"背包

This is my first real Winter camping trip and I have the chance to field test some of my gears. The first one is my new backpack and I wouldn't call it "lite" since it is close to 4lb but it has the capacity of 59L. It has external frame to distribute the weight evenly and it is comfortable!

http://www.backcountry.com/store ... pack-3600cu-in.html
发表于 2009-2-19 21:31:22 | 显示全部楼层

Mt Frosty

Mt Frosty
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-19 23:12:42 | 显示全部楼层
謝謝WanchaiBoz的照片, 也來湊湊熱鬧.

WanchaiBoz的有爪登山杖, 不知性能如何?

WanchaiBoz的有爪登山杖, 不知性能如何?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-21 06:32:43 | 显示全部楼层
從WanchaiBoz處增廣了不少露營器材的見聞, 謝謝!

舒適的保暖睡墊, 比我用雙睡墊佔的地方小, 而且輕 (是否?). 不知充氣的過程要多久?

舒適的保暖睡墊, 比我用雙睡墊佔的地方小, 而且輕 (是否?). 不知充氣的過程要多久?



輕巧的四季營, 謝謝讓我們進內參觀!

輕巧的四季營, 謝謝讓我們進內參觀!
发表于 2009-2-21 18:18:29 | 显示全部楼层
This is the 4 season (Light Winter) 2 person REI Arete ASL tent. Hence it is not meant for Alpine/Expedition type of condition but under 6 lbs package weight, I was able to carry it myself without much issue. SRP is $269 and to me I think it is reasonable for what it offers. Footprint is extra! Condensation was an issue coz I did not open all the vents to keep the airflow going! You must open all of them!

Floor Plan

Floor Plan

Two side vents

Two side vents
发表于 2009-2-24 20:12:26 | 显示全部楼层
"Replace your trekking pole baskets with DGI's Trek Talonz for greater grip and security over rugged terrain. The teeth on these heat-treated, alloy steel baskets dig into the dirt for greater security when hiking over slippery or uneven slopes."

So far my personal experience has been very positive! I found it more useful than your regular snow baskets!

DGI Outdoors Trek Talonz

DGI Outdoors Trek Talonz
发表于 2009-2-24 20:31:32 | 显示全部楼层
"舒適的保暖睡墊, 比我用雙睡墊佔的地方小, 而且輕 (是否?). 不知充氣的過程要多久?"

Exped Synmats 7 and Lulu has the Downmats 9. It is very very comfortable and warm. First time I used it on the snow and I did not feel any cold spot on my back! Lite weight? 31.5 oz. Your call! It takes about 5 min to inflate it!

SynMats 7 from Exped

SynMats 7 from Exped
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-24 22:15:10 | 显示全部楼层
......Lite weight? 31.5 oz. Your call! It takes about 5 min to inflate it!

謝謝WanchaiBoz的資料. 這個Exped SynMat比我想像中重 (31.5oz = 893g), 跟我的雙睡墊 (舊式3/4 Therm-a-Rest 510g + Regular RidgeRest 390g = 900g) 的重量差不多, 但收藏時的體積應該較小, 而且樣子很舒適! :lol:
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