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发表于 2009-3-3 09:23:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我现在要说的是第一次遇到conservation officer,专管打猎钓鱼的警察,一次不太愉快的经历。
去年11月,用枪猎鹿已经接近尾声,在port perry附近。朋友alvin住得不远,开车七拐八怪来到一处地方,中间是一条atv trail,两旁是几十米宽的树林,树林过后就是田地了。所以鹿频繁从小道穿过。但是,小道两旁的树林和田都是私有财产,只有这条小道和两旁不超过33尺之内可以打猎。可是被击中的动物很少有原地躺下的,于是猎人进入私人领地找鹿,警察接到很多次投诉。alvin曾告诉我这一带经常有CO检查,他因为朋友作伪证被罚过。
开车回家,ALVIN很是感谢我的电话,就在接到电话后几分钟,一只8 POINTS 鹿从20 他前面走过,他没敢开枪。前面的一枪是另外一个朋友开的,没打中。ALVIN给他警告,他绕道从地里出来,也遇到CO在停车处等他。很简单的事情过去了,但第二天那个朋友打电话给ALVIN,警察认为是我开的枪,不明白我为什么不承认。朋友让我今后小心,这位CO记忆力很好,不会轻易忘记我的。
我后来把这段故事讲给其他朋友听,很多人有类似的经历,有的警察很友好,有的就像是在审犯人。而我确实在撒谎,以他的经验,很可能早就看出来了,只是没有证据。何况没有人投诉,更没有任何伤害,也就罢了。 回过头再想想,打猎除了有野味吃以外,更主要的是一项运动,一种习俗,一种投身大自然的方式,真的没必要为了一只鹿而犯法。每年都有一些人被罚巨款,吊扣枪牌猎牌,不值。
发表于 2009-3-3 09:56:15 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for sharing.

Port Perry is close!
发表于 2009-3-3 11:24:40 | 显示全部楼层

调整心态: 打猎是娱乐, 和”阿环“周旋 也是玩!

调整心态: 打猎是娱乐, 和阿环周旋 也是玩!

古人云:常在河边走, 哪能不湿脚。 如今。我等要再加一句;打猎是娱乐, 和 ”阿环“ 周旋 也是玩!

老上我。 已经有过几次和 “阿环” 交手的经历了。第一次, 是和西人猎友老B。在”阿环“ 由远而近时。 老B轻声提示我们。”.....Take Easy !!“交道之中。老B 幽默 笑话不断。 事后,老B 解释:”阿环“ 比咱们谁都紧张。Who won win with Mood。

最近一次。 是和猎友老K。在列志文地方法庭里。 博弈将近三小时。 是为不服两年前 一张菲沙河口 过时间打鸭的罚款。 而上诉的。

老K他,庭上 面对法官大人,政府公诉人,法警,书记员,涉案的证人--老上我,以及两名”阿环“,在同声翻译的协助下, 侃侃而谈。层层逻辑。最后法官以 证据不足, 判我等胜诉。 最后当法官问 ”阿环“ 有什么要问老K的。 那个年纪大的, 就问了老K一句。 你是经验猎手?---Yes, Sir!

详细故事过程, 不便上网, 网友有机会 面见老上我 和老K。 记得提醒。容当面叙。

事后。我和朋友闲聊。 有人讲了一个哲理般笑话;
一个垂钓者,有获。后遭遇质问。渔者答曰。此乃宠物。 且有方法可证明。放入水中,可听我的召唤。
责问;鱼为何不听召唤?垂钓者反问:” 什么鱼?!“
-------刚才........无物证明?! 任何言儿 都无信也。 故事毕。

回到F159先生本题。即使是当时”阿环“ 听到枪声,ALVIN 过会儿只要 空手来见面。 也不能够 说明 就是ALVIN 放的枪。

事前。 我们当然要遵纪守法。猎事乃娱乐。 大可不必去”犯上作乱“。事后麻烦咄咄。 实在不值!

如果您 临时遭遇了”阿环“, 自己心态要Easy。 此举 也可能帮对方缓和 ”今天一定要 抓案立功“ 的斗志。

老上我 苦劝诸位, 如果从未见过 ”阿环“的。 大侠您 下次一定要调整心态:轻松对话。 从容搭理: 打猎是娱乐, 和”阿环“ 周旋 也是玩 !
发表于 2014-7-10 08:56:51 | 显示全部楼层

小题大做 官样文章 警力滥用

小题大做 官样文章 警力滥用

悠久的麻将胡牌思维,厚重的插队夹三,我行我素永闯红灯。 善于乒乓擦边...

我天朝新移民, 初来乍到地进入枫叶部落丛林灌木有劲之中。满脑子都是“掌” “胆” “茸”的取宝拿贝...


殊不知,早在华工前辈,浴血奋战艰苦卓绝地,将加拿大铁路贯通落基山脉百余年前,形形色色的掌胆茸故事, 就演绎开来。为此BC省, 在全世界设立的独一无二的的“掌/胆”律法。由此官追贼逃的周旋,已经是世纪之争了。

老上我, 这里想力劝各位看官网友的是, 必须熟悉阿环的思维特质是 《小题大做 官样文章 警力滥用》

所谓“小题大做 官样文章 警力滥用” 是指环保官森林警, 一旦抓住野山鸡, 小野兔等”鸡毛蒜皮“违规, 一定是与走私贩毒/杀人放火一样。紧紧揪住不放!大作其官僚职场文章。洋洋万言地, 撰写其傲人业绩报告。 重罚,再重罚。以彰显其升官进爵的素材。

出山口, 码头, 加油站,阿环 以及便衣“协警”,以逸待劳。开猎之季, 都从各地调集非阿环CO,严阵以待。

一般启动程序是, 有人举报 /血迹招来的乌鸦凌空盘旋,off road 的山路,车轮毂压痕迹,调出附近加油站的监视录像,顺藤摸瓜的看车牌。一封信,直达您幽静的温哥华海景豪宅。


最近, WSJ载有文章 《当代美国警力滥用的政治肇因》

诠释了这种小题大做官样文章的深刻背景。 转帖借以告诫各位大侠,猎 也就是一玩玩而已。从长计议。悠着点来,慢慢的乐。 绝对不值得 ”铤而走险“的任何侥幸。十几万的罚款,没收车枪。吊销猎证枪牌。疏忽之间给急于升官涨薪水的阿环, 凑了他的业绩题材。以及警力滥用的玩偶!

说你有罪 并非山鸡小 黑熊大

说你有罪 并非山鸡小 黑熊大



阿环升官 必掘素材

阿环升官 必掘素材
发表于 2014-7-10 18:02:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-31 15:17:32 | 显示全部楼层



各国政府, 都极力宣传其国家机器, 永远是为人民服务的好子弟兵。
各位如果信以为真, 那就大错特错了

不信且看下面消息。 想告诫看官大人们的是, 你手里有枪,Cop 在没有接近你之前, 都已经从电脑资料里调出来了。 他们接近你的时候, 绝对是如临大敌, 稍微有点怀疑“被威胁”  开枪不误! 我们以猎为乐的高尚人士,千万当心了:


http://www.enews163.com/2014/10/ ... battered-88612.html

American tramp was eight police shot dead 46 : 14 was shot down after the battered

People October 31 hearing, according to the British ” Metropolitan Daily” news , recently , YouTube exposed USA Michigan 8 July 2012 police shot dead a 46 tramp video .

Reported that the name of the tramp called Milton , then 49 years old, suffering from mental illness , the incident is working with the staff of a shop dispute. 8 policemen wielding daggers and walked to see Milton parking lot , then fired 46 shots. This is not finished , the gun fell to the ground after Milton , was turned over handcuffed , leg torn to the back , ” rivers of blood .”

After that, eight policemen beat Milton 14 under .

Currently, eight police officers were not charged someone .

http://thinkprogress.org/justice ... y-shoot-man-coffee/

Police Fire At Mentally Ill Man 47 Times, Killing Him — But They Won’t Face Charges

Six police officers in Saginaw, Michigan fired at a mentally ill, homeless man 47 times — after being called for a stolen cup of coffee. Hit by 11 bullets, 49-year-old suspect Milton Hall died on site, but the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice will not charge the officers involved.

A federal investigation was launched in response to a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Hall’s mother, Jewel Hall, and District Attorney Hugh M. Davis. The fatal shooting occurred in July of 2012, after a convenience store called the police about the stolen beverage. In the lawsuit, Davis claimed that the Police Sergeant at the time, Anjanette Wojciechowski, was the first officer to arrive at the scene, after which she called for backup because the suspect did not ‘[look] so nice.’ Davis also alleges that Wojciechowski also said that she would ‘have to shoot [the] guy’ if the officers did not move quickly, without being provoked. When additional officers joined the scene, they allegedly surrounded Hall and intimidated him with a dog.

According to the prosecutors, Hall dialed 911 in search of help, and began waving a pocket knife in defense. The cops fired at him before he received assistance.

Before the verdict was reached, Davis raised the fact that Milton was known to have a history of mental health problems. “Hall had been approached, contacted, and/or detained by officers of the city on several occasions without incident prior to this date, largely as a result of behaviors related to his illness. As a result, (the officers) knew or should have known of his disability and had a duty to accommodate that disability in their dealings with him.”

Neverthless, it was concluded that neither criminal intent nor misconduct were involved. A news release issued by the Justice Department, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Michigan, and FBI stated that “Even if the officers were mistaken in their assessment of the threat posed by Hall, this would not establish that the officers acted willfully, or with an unlawful intent, when using deadly force against Hall.”

This was not the first instance in which police officers shot a mentally ill person, and similar stories have garnered national attention. Last January, a schizophrenic 18-year-old boy was shot dead after a cop rushed to use his weapon. Internal investigators cleared two of three officers involved, and the third is currently on paid administrative leave. In December, an unarmed, schizophrenic man was shot dead after a car chase in Los Angeles. In a non-fatal incident, a cop asked a mentally ill black man to sing and make animal noises.






《 我在美国和警察的几次遭遇》
https://www.crossna.org/forum.ph ... hlight=%BE%AF%B2%EC

《How to dealing with Cop 》
https://www.crossna.org/forum.ph ... hlight=%BE%AF%B2%EC

有两个以上的警察叔叔在场一起开枪, 事后任何律师都将无计可施

有两个以上的警察叔叔在场一起开枪, 事后任何律师都将无计可施
发表于 2014-10-31 18:44:17 | 显示全部楼层
这是两年前的事情了,媒体总是以博眼球为使命很多细节都没报道比如在餐馆吃完拒绝付款,辱骂其他就餐客人,还朝他们吐口水这已经范了严重侵害罪名,后来持刀还朝阿sir冲过去 这就是找死的节奏哦
发表于 2014-11-19 13:25:37 | 显示全部楼层

警察 阿环叫停?你须知--

警察 阿环叫停?你须知--

https://www.qld.gov.au/law/crime ... tody/being-stopped/

Being stopped

Police can stop you and ask you questions at any time. However, you don’t necessarily have to answer all their questions.

Police may use whatever you say to decide whether to arrest or charge you. They can use what you say against you in court. You don’t need to be at a police station to be interviewed and there’s no such thing as 'off the record'.

This page contains information about what to do when you are stopped by police.
Police rights

Police have the right to ask for your name and address in many situations, including when they:

    find you committing an offence
    ‘reasonably suspect’ that you have committed an offence
    think you can help them investigate an indictable offence or domestic violence act
    give you an order to stop making noise or being a nuisance
    stop you while you are in control of a vehicle
    trying to enforce another specific law
    where it is reasonable in the circumstances.

Although police can ask you to give your name and address, they must warn you that it’s an offence to refuse to do so.

If you refuse to give your name and address when police have a right to ask for it, and you have no reasonable excuse for refusing, you’ll be committing an offence and could be charged.

Giving a false name or someone else’s name could result in more serious charges.
Your rights

You’re allowed to ask the police why they want this information. The officers must give you their names, rank and station. If not in uniform, they must show you their identity cards or some other proof of identity.

However, if police suspect that you’ve committed an offence and need to arrest you to establish your identity, they can do so without a warrant. Therefore, if police ask for your details, you should:

    check their identity and ask why they want your details (making a note of what they say)
    state your name and address, as well as age if you’re under 17
    try to record the names of any witnesses to the event
    politely say that you’re unwilling to answer other questions.

Being stopped while driving

Police can ask to see your licence if they pull your car over for a legal reason, such as for a random breath alcohol or drug test, or to enforce transport or drug laws.

If police stop you while driving, they may conduct a roadside alcohol breath test (i.e. random breath test) or drug saliva test, and have you go to a police station for a blood test.

Apart from giving your name and address, and showing your licence, you can refuse to answer other questions.
Being searched

Police do not have an automatic right to search you and your personal property. They can search you or your belongings only if:

    you agree to the search
    they have a search warrant
    a law specifically allows them to conduct the search. Such powers are limited and apply only in certain circumstances.

Read more about being stopped for a search of you and your belongings.
Being questioned

Any conversations you have with police can be used against you. Until you’ve obtained proper legal advice, you should tell the police only what the law requires you to tell them.

Read more about being questioned or interviewed by police.
Further information

Police powers: Your rights (PDF, 2.6 MB)
A guide to your rights when dealing with police
发表于 2014-11-19 13:29:19 | 显示全部楼层

警察 阿环叫停?你须知--

警察 阿环叫停?你须知--

Being Stopped, Detained or Arrested by the Police

http://www.educaloi.qc.ca/en/you ... -or-arrested-police

Being detained or arrested is serious. Even if you've never taken part in a crime, it's important to understand what can happen when a young person has an encounter with the justice system.
Getting Stopped by the Police

A police officer stops you and asks you to identify yourself. This can happen. Stay calm! There is no law against the police stopping you to talk to you. They're always allowed to ask you questions.

However, you're not required to answer them. For example, imagine that you're walking your dog in the park and a police officer stops you because she wants to ask you some questions. If you haven't broken the law and the police officer is not arresting you, you have the right to say that you don't want to answer questions and to leave.

However, there are some exceptions. You must identify yourself in these situations:

    You are driving a vehicle (car, scooter, etc.).

If the police ask for this information, you have to show your driver's licence, insurance and registration. If you're only a passenger, you don't have to identify yourself.

    You have broken the law.

The police might stop you if you've broken a municipal by-law, for example, you were in a public park after closing hours. The police might also stop you for breaking a provincial law, for example, you were speeding while driving. If the police stop you for breaking a municipal by-law or a provincial law and ask for your name and address, you must give this information.

    You're detained or arrested.

If the police arrest or detain you because they saw you committing a crime, or they have good reason to believe you committed a crime, and they ask for your name and address, you must give this information. If you refuse, the police can detain you until they can confirm your identity.

You must identify yourself even if you're sure you did nothying wrong.

For example, if you match the description of a person who has just robbed someone's home, and you're the same height and are wearing the same colour clothes as that person, the police can ask you to identify yourself and not leave while they carry out the necessary checks.

Important! Don't be tempted to give a false name. It's a crime to lie to the police.

What Does It Mean To Be Detained or Arrested?

Being detained means not being free to go about your business. This could be the case, for example, if the police ask you to come to the police station for a breathalyzer test because they think you were driving over the blood alcohol limit.

If the police want to arrest you, they must clearly say: "You're under arrest".

In both cases, the police must tell you why you're being detained or arrested. From that moment on, you must cooperate. If you run or fight, the police can use whatever force is necessary to control you. And they might charge you with some other crime, such as obstructing justice or assaulting a police officer.
Immediately After the Detention or Arrest
Your Rights After Being Detained or Arrested

The police must tell you

    that you have the right to remain silent, and
    that you have the right to a lawyer.

The police must also tell you why you've been detained or arrested. They must help you use a phone so you can call a lawyer. They must also make sure that you properly understand your rights. If you don't understand something, don't be afraid to say so. You can't be penalized for asking questions!

You're also entitled to ask the police to identify themselves.

Note that if you're under 18, the police are obliged to contact your parents promptly and tell them that you've been detained or arrested.

The police also have the right to search you. Generally, they will only pat you down on top of your clothes. But they can do a more intrusive search for security reasons or if they're looking for evidence, such as drugs. In these cases, they can also search your clothes, your backpack or your car, for example.

After your arrest, the police can detain you temporarily at the police station if. For example, they can detain you if you refuse to identify yourself or if they haven't finished collecting evidence.
The Police Officer's Options

The police officer might decide to

    apply an extrajudicial measure, or
    refer your case to the criminal and penal prosecuting attorney (government lawyer), who might bring criminal charges against you.

By law, the police must consider if it would be better to apply an extrajudicial measure instead of transferring your case to the criminal and penal prosecuting attorney. Extrajudicial measures are usually enough to make a young person accountable for her actions.

Extrajudicial measures are a way of dealing with your case without going through the traditional court process. If extrajudicial measures are imposed, you won't have to go to court.

However, if the police decide to transfer your case to the criminal and penal prosecuting attorney and this attorney decides to bring criminal charges against you, the police might give you some documents and tell you when you have to appear in youth court, or you might get a notice in the mail calling you to court. Depending on the crime that you've been charged with, you might be fingerprinted and have your photo taken.

The police could also have you detained in a rehabilitation centre if, for example, they believe it would be dangerous to let you go. In that case, you have the right to be brought before a judge as soon as possible, generally within 24 hours of your arrest. The judge will then decide whether to

    release you,
    release you into the care of a trustworthy person, or
    detain you in a centre until your court trial.

Stay Calm!

Whatever happens, if the police stop you, stay calm. But also remember: if you think your rights are not being respected (whether you're arrested or not), ask the police to identify themselves. Afterwards, you can file a complaint with the Commissaire à la déontologie policière.

Furthermore, if your rights are not being respected, don't hesitate to consult a lawyer. There's a strong chance that you are eligible for legal aid.

遥远一查车牌信息, 便知你有什么枪牌:

遥远一查车牌信息, 便知你有什么枪牌:
发表于 2014-11-19 13:36:28 | 显示全部楼层

警察 阿环叫停?你须知--

警察 阿环叫停?你须知--

“家里呆不下”篇 DO 和 DON’T
https://www.aclunc.org/our-work/ ... r-rights-and-police

If you are stopped for questioning, DO...

    DO give your name and the information on your drivers’ license. If you don’t, you may be arrested, even though the arrest may be illegal.
    DO remember you have the right to remain silent. You cannot be arrested or detained for refusing to answer questions. But it can look suspicious to the police.
    DO show an ID if you are getting a ticket so that you can be released.
    DO ask the police to see a search warrant if they want to search you or your home.
    DO make sure the officer knows you do not agree to be searched (they might search you anyway, but make your opposition known. You can say “I do not consent to a search.”).
    DO ask if you are free to leave. If they say ‘yes,’ leave; if they say ‘no,’ DO ask to know why.

If you are stopped for questioning, DON'T...

    DON’T disrespect a police officer. Although you have a Constitutional First Amendment right to do so, it could lead to your arrest.
    DON’T refuse to give your name, you could be arrested.
    DON’T agree to be arrested if you don’t know why. If you are arrested anyway...
    DON’T run away or physically resist a “pat-down” or search. The police can pat you down if they suspect you are carrying a weapon, but you can ask why you are being detained or arrested.
    DON’T lie. Don’t talk if you don’t have anything to say. Tell the police you don’t want to talk to them; you do not have to give additional information besides your name and basic identifying information.
    DON’T discuss your citizenship or immigration status with anyone other than your lawyer.

If you are stopped in your car, DO...

    DO show your license, registration, and proof of insurance when asked (you have to if you’re stopped while driving).
    DO keep your hands on the wheel and let the officer know what you are doing (“I’m going to reach for my registration now, officer...”).
    DO make it clear that you do not agree to have your car searched (they may do it anyway if they suspect you have contraband or evidence).
    DO sign your ticket if you are given one. Otherwise, you may be arrested. Your signature only means you agree to go to court; you can always fight the case in court later. If given a ticket, do contact the court by the date written on the ticket; failure to appear may lead to arrest and a suspended license.
    DO take the blood, urine, or breath test, unless you are willing to risk your license being suspended.
    DO keep your car interior clear of unnecessary objects. It may give the police reason to search the car.

If you are stopped in your car, DON'T...

    DON’T physically resist a search, but make it clear you DO NOT AGREE TO A SEARCH (this may protect you in court later).
    DON’T refuse to sign a ticket. You can be arrested for it.
    DON’T search for your license or registration until asked. It may look as if you are trying to hide something.
    DON’T refuse a blood, urine, or breath test unless you want your license suspended.
    DON’T disrespect the officer. Although you have a Constitutional First Amendment right to do so, it could lead to your arrest.
    DON’T attempt to bribe the police.
    DON’T play music loudly when the police walk up to your car.
    DON’T have any objects hanging from your rearview mirror. It may provide a pretext to pull you over.

If you are arrested or taken to a police station, DO...

    DO tell the police your name and basic identifying information. BUT NOTHING ELSE.
    DO tell the police you want to remain silent and want to talk to a lawyer. They should stop questioning you after that.
    DO ask if you can park your car in a safe place or have a licensed driver take it away, to avoid towing or impoundment fees.
    DO make sure you get your 3 phone calls within 3 hours of getting arrested or immediately after being booked. You can call a lawyer, bail bondsman, relative, or any other person. If you have children under 18, you get 2 additional calls to arrange childcare.
    DO memorize phone numbers for three family members or friends who you can call.
    DO assume the police are recording your calls (except the call with your lawyer).

If you are arrested or taken to a police station, DON'T...

    DON’T give them any information except for your name and basic identifying information.
    DON’T give explanations, excuses, or stories.
    DON’T talk to the police about the situation without your lawyer.
    DON’T talk about your case on the phone; the police might be recording your 3 allotted phone calls (except those to your lawyer).
    DON’T forget the fact that if you cannot afford an attorney, one must be provided free of charge for you in court, if you are facing jail time.
    DON’T make any decisions in your case without talking to a lawyer.
    DON’T explain your defense in the police station. Do it in court, once you talk to your lawyer.
    DON’T discuss your citizenship or immigration status with anyone other than your lawyer.

Whether you are released or remain in jail, once given a court date, DO...

    DO remember that you have the right to an attorney and one must be provided to you free of charge, if you are facing jail time.
    DO ask the judge if you can be released without bail (on O.R.) or have the bail lowered.

This guide is meant to offer some basic "DO's and DON'Ts" when interacting with police officers.

This list applies to the state of California only.

This is not complete advice. Be sure to consult a lawyer.

https://www.ohiobar.org/ForPubli ... ctsPamphlet-21.aspx

https://www.aclu.org/drug-law-re ... ghts-what-do-if-you

http://www.nolo.com/legal-encycl ... led-over-30186.html
发表于 2014-11-19 13:50:32 | 显示全部楼层

警察 阿环叫停?你须知--

警察 阿环叫停?你须知--

Being stopped by the police while driving: your rights
https://www.gov.uk/stopped-by-po ... our-rights/overview

1. Overview

The police can stop a vehicle for any reason. If they ask you to stop, you should always pull over. You’re breaking the law if you don’t.

If you’re stopped, the police can ask to see your:

    driving licence
    insurance certificate
    MOT certificate

If you don’t have these documents with you, you have 7 days to take them to a police station. You’re breaking the law if you don’t show the requested documents within 7 days.

The police can also give you an on-the-spot fixed penalty notice for many minor offences and make you take a breath test in certain circumstances.

You can also have your vehicle seized if you’re stopped on suspicion of driving without insurance and for some other offences.

2. Breath tests

The police can stop you at any time and ask you to take a breath test (‘breathalyse’ you) if:

    they think you’ve been drinking
    you’ve committed a traffic offence
    you’ve been involved in a road traffic accident

If you refuse to take a breath test, or fail to supply a sample of breath and don’t have a ‘reasonable excuse’, you can be arrested. A reasonable excuse could be a genuine physical or mental condition stopping you from giving a sample.

The breath test gives a result straight away. If it shows you’re not over the drink drive limit, you may be allowed to go.

If you fail the breath test, you’ll be taken to a police station and given a final breath test. If it’s positive, you will be charged.

If the officer thinks you’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they can ask you to:

    take a drug test
    do a physical test (a ‘field impairment test’), eg walk in a straight line then turn around and walk back

You can be arrested if you fail the test.

If you fail a breath test you can’t drive your car until you’re sober. You can ask someone else to collect your car for you.

3. Minor motoring offences

The police can give you a ‘fixed penalty notice’ for less serious traffic offences, eg for:

    careless or inconsiderate driving
    using a mobile phone while driving
    not wearing a seat belt
    driving too close to another vehicle

You can be fined up to £100 and get penalty points on your licence if you get a fixed penalty notice - you may be disqualified from driving if you build up 12 points within 3 years.

The police can also decide to:

    take no action
    issue a warning
    offer driver training
    charge you with an offence

You can choose not to pay the fixed penalty if you believe that it was given unjustly, but you’ll have to argue your case in court.

4. Faults with your vehicle

If your vehicle has something wrong with it, eg a broken brake light, the police may give you a ‘vehicle defect rectification notice’.

You’ll need to get your vehicle fixed and provide proof that it’s been fixed (eg a receipt for the work from a mechanic). You have 14 days from the date of the notice to show the proof to the police.

5. When the police can seize your vehicle

The police can seize a vehicle if they think it’s being used in a way that causes alarm, harassment or distress (eg careless or inconsiderate driving).

They can also seize a vehicle if they think it’s:

    being driven by someone who doesn’t have a proper licence or insurance
    dangerously, illegally or obstructively parked
    broken-down or abandoned

If your vehicle is seized there’s a ‘release fee’ of up to £200 plus a storage fee of £20 for every day or part day.



最近接触了一些刑事案件,包括DUI(Drive Under Influences)也就是传说中的酒驾。
4th Amendment; 5th Amendment; 19 Amendment; US Code Title 18; Stop and Identify Statutes; Wiretapping Law

在美国被警察拦的时候,千万不要紧张,也不要急躁。在你觉得安全的时候把车慢慢靠近路边,停下来以后,拉手刹,并且双手放在方向盘上。由于美国是一个枪支 自由的国家,警察的工作也是极其危险。把手放在方向盘上表示你手中没有武器。在警察向你索取任何证件之前,不要做任何举动,否则警察会误认为你要袭击他。 一旦当他判断你对他的生命有威胁的时候,他是有权力击毙你的。

警察执法的时候都会有很多东西来记录他们执法的过程用来监督司法公正。 这种执法记录仪通常会安装在警车前面以及佩戴在警察的衣服上。但是这些视频通常是很难得到公开的。 所以在这里我强烈建议在被拦的时候,无论是用手机,或者是摄像机,一定一定要记录下来所有的过程。 但是录像的时候,一定要告诉一声警察你在录像。很多时候警察会告诉你不要录像,但是那只是他的建议。 警察没有权利阻止你在公共场合记录他的执法过程。所以你给全程录像的时候是完全合法的。

当你被警察拦下来的时候,你完全可以问他为什么拦你。如果他说你超速了,并且给你看他的 Speed gun,这时候没话说,你就配合。但是如果他也说不出原因,就是想检查的时候。你就有权利告诉他你拒绝任何询问。你甚至不需要告诉他你的名字。因为一个人 只有在被DETAIN 的情况下,警察才有权利询问。否则都是违法的。所以说,当你被警察拦了,又不是因为犯规,那么你只需要问他一句话”Officer, am I detained or free to go?“ 美国宪法保证居民畅通,无拦阻的在美国境内走动。所以在美国,除了海关,边防检查站以外,任何的CHECK POINT 都是违法的。这也就是为什么,很多CHECK POINT 只是威慑,并没有实际的一辆辆的查。因为那是犯法的。

Probable Cause:
在美国这个是刑法中非常重要的一个理念。 Probable Cause 的中文翻译是相当理由。其实它就是说,警察拦你之前他必须有一定证据能证明你已经犯法了,或者很有可能将要犯法。否则他是无权拦你的。那么警察如果没有这 个证据的话,他是完全不能拦你,也不能对你怎么样。不管他怎么吓你,不要怕。他们都是纸老虎。

如果警察告诉你只是例行检查,或者要搜查汽车的话,你有权利不接受搜查。因为警察没有法官签名的搜查令。所以当警察要搜查的时候,你只需要告诉他,I do not consent to searches. 在没有法官批准的搜查令的情况下,又没经过你的同意,他们是无权搜查你的汽车,也无权因为你拒绝搜查而定你的罪。 但是呢,警察嘛,也不是第一天混江湖了。他会开始撒一些谎,来诱导你来同意他们的搜索。譬如他们会说法律让你配合,或者你不配合,到时候你的量刑会重。宪 法给了他们撒谎的权力,在英文这个叫做(Tactic Interrogation, / Police Deception) 。所以说,无论警察怎么忽悠你,你只需说 I do not consent to search,然后就不用跟他多费口舌。因为,你从被拦截的那一刻开始,你有权利保持沉默,但是你所说的每一句话将会成为法庭上指证你的呈堂供词。
当然了,你有政策,警察还是会有对策的。那就是在你告诉他 I do not consent to search以后,他们会带来K-9 警犬来绕着你的车来闻味道。如果K-9叫了,不管你允许不允许,他都会去搜你的车,但是如果K-9 也没有嗅出任何东西,他又没有任何Probable Cause. 这时候问他,Am I detained, or free to go? 他就只有放你走了。
Am I detained, or free to go?
这时候你只需要告诉他, If I am not being detained, then I have the rights to go freely as I am in America and protected by the Constitution.

这个话题比较敏感,因为说出来,可能会被认为我在为酒驾的人开拓,对社会不负责任。但是我想阐明的观点是,我们要从司法公正的角度来看待这个问题。因为在 测试酒驾的程序中存在太多漏洞可以导致误判。我们不放过坏人,但是我们也不能冤枉好人。之前就有一个例子,一个人吃了一斤葡萄,由于天气热,发酵快,最后 被测出酒精超标。这种案子是不是很扯?
为了你的权益,以及之后法庭辩护的方便,当你被以D.U.I 的名义拦截的时候,只需要告诉他说,

I do not consent to searches, and I will refuse to take any tests.

结语:在美国被警察拦了以后,不要紧张。要有礼貌的和警察沟通。很多警察还是很讲理的。但是当警察不讲理的时候,也要让他们知道,我们不吃他那一套。美国 立法机构,执法机构以及监督机构还是相对独立和完整的。所以,如果你在执法机构这里吃亏了,不要怕,因为还有监督机构可以还你宪法应允你的合法权益的。

最后,遇到突发事件,记得,记得找律师!如果你自己没有一个,你可以要求法院免费给你提供一个!千万不要因为紧张,让警察钻空子。毕竟很多时候,我们会因 为紧张说一些言不由衷的话,而这些言不由衷的话是不应当成为呈堂供证来对我们不利。所以这个时候,沉默是金,然后找律师!

华人在美国仍是弱势群体,虽然现在的情况比以前好多了,但是很多时候由于语言的生疏以及对法律的陌生。 华人时常都忍气吞声。


据说 来自车里最美好的 反复一句话是:漏 阴 沟 里 洗!= NO ENGLISH

据说 来自车里最美好的 反复一句话是:漏 阴 沟 里 洗!= NO ENGLISH
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