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动物对人“爱”的疯狂 之新故事 ---Chimp sex attack a girl !

发表于 2009-5-7 19:05:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
动物对人“爱”的疯狂 之新故事 ---Chimp sex attack a girl  !

英国《太阳报》的报道,---  http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2414852.ece

 日前,俄罗斯罗斯托夫市警方 正对一起不寻常的性侵犯事件 展开调查:该市动物园的一只黑猩猩 竟险些强奸了饲养员。

这名被吓得魂飞魄散的饲养员 名叫瓦伦蒂娜·基里洛娃,正当她在笼子里喂香蕉时,黑猩猩奥黛罗 对她拳脚相加,并打算施暴。基里洛娃回忆当时的情景时说:

  动物园其它饲养员救下女同事  据称,笼子里的奥黛罗 当时按住了基里洛娃双手,是及时赶到的动物园其它饲养员 救下了可怜的基里洛娃。她受到的惊吓 并非一般人可以想象,事后,她不得不去寻求心理医生的帮助。

COPS are investigating a chimp after it tried to RAPE a female zoo keeper.

Terrified Valentina Kirilova had to fight off the sex-crazed primate when he grabbed her as she gave him a banana at Rostov Zoo in Russia.


Valentina said of the attack: They have spent a lot of time around the primates but I’d never imagined that a lonely chimpanzee could see me as a sex object.?

The lusty ape, called Otello, broke the horrified keeper’s wrist as he pulled her into his cage and began to attack her.

Then I tried to pass a banana to him, the chimpanzee grabbed my hand and pulled me into the cage and tried to rape me,?said Valentina.

She was only saved when her screams brought other keepers running, who pulled the furious chimp off her.

Doctors treated Valentina for shock.

Now police are to quiz zoo staff about how the attack happened.

One keeper said: It’s a serious matter. If that had been a member of the public we would all be in court by now.?

-----------  吾等猎人   一旦可能要 贴身 遭遇野生动物, 就请您 赶紧回忆一下; 这个骨折的 X 拍片吧!

什么才叫做 “热爱 ”! "强暴" ?

什么才叫做 “热爱 ”!  \
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