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近處的山色無限 - 5月9日登Mt. Windsor小記

发表于 2009-5-11 17:00:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
週六因工作關係趕不及參加Alex & Camony組織的牦牛峰之旅, 天氣很好, 便與Gloria到附近的Mt. Windsor走走. 景色如畫, 是不錯的路綫.

Mt. Windsor位於Porteau Cove與Lions Bay之間, 從温哥華出發約半小時車程. 我們那天較遲出發, 早上10:00h才扺達近Porteau Cove的Deeks Lake Trail停車場, 只有我們一輛車. 10:10h起程, 最初要走一段約4 km的logging road才到達Howe Sound Crest Trail的Trailhead (看到其他人把4X4的車直接開到Trailhead附近). 沿Howe Sound Crest Trail在林中上山, 路況很好, 沿途有清楚的路標, 到Deeks Lake前1 km才有點殘雪. 我們在途中稍停用午飯, 約12:55h到Deeks Lake湖邊.

Deeks Lake湖面仍是冰封, 但岸邊的冰雪已融, 不能走冬季的路綫踏湖而行, 而沿着夏季的山徑繞湖而走, 然後繼續上山. 約在1120m跋高處開始多硬雪, 較滑, 我們換上冰爪. 到Mt. Windsor和Peak 5400的岔口積雪漸深, 我們從那裏到Mt. Windsor峰頂都需要用雪鞋.

14:50h終於走出了林子, 到了Mt. Windsor前的山坳, 初睹山景, 賞心悅目. 從那裏開始有較陡斜的雪坡, 要用冰鎬輔助. 爬上山脊後的景色更佳, 四週一望無際, 在山群外更看到海岸與島嶼. 16:00h登上Mt. Windsor的峰頂. 那裏的山色無限, 襯着藍天白雲, 倍覺壯麗. 因時間緊迫 (出發太遲之過......), 我們在頂上休息一會便下山. 一路無事, 20:25h返回停車場, 是一次心滿意足之旅! :kx:


登Mt. Windsor頂途中一景.

峰頂上的風光, 可見Howe Sound, Mt. Brunswick等.

Thank you Sook for the GPS track! :D
发表于 2009-5-11 17:17:54 | 显示全部楼层
:sofa:  :hx:
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-11 22:12:49 | 显示全部楼层
上照片. :)

湖邊的冰開始融化, 不能在水邊行進, 要沿夏季的路綫繞湖行走.

湖邊的冰開始融化, 不能在水邊行進, 要沿夏季的路綫繞湖行走.

Deeks Lake, 湖依然是冰封.

Deeks Lake, 湖依然是冰封.

早上10:00h扺達在Porteau Cove的Deeks Lake Trail停車場, 只有我們一輛車.

早上10:00h扺達在Porteau Cove的Deeks Lake Trail停車場, 只有我們一輛車.
发表于 2009-5-12 10:59:15 | 显示全部楼层
:sofa:  :hx:
发表于 2009-5-12 11:18:25 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulation!!!   :D

Everydoby enjoyed hiking on last weekend in such a good wearher

Did you meet Simon on trail?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 18:54:06 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulation!!!   :D

Everydoby enjoyed hiking on last weekend in such a good wearher

Did you meet Simon on trail?

Thank you! Yes, we met him on our way up, he was coming down.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 19:36:07 | 显示全部楼层
續完了遊記. :D


從山坳開始有較陡斜的雪坡, 要用冰鎬輔助爬坡.

從山坳開始有較陡斜的雪坡, 要用冰鎬輔助爬坡.

走出樹林來到山坳, 初睹山景, 賞心悅目.

走出樹林來到山坳, 初睹山景, 賞心悅目.

沿途的指示很清楚. Mt. Windsor是我們的目的地.

沿途的指示很清楚. Mt. Windsor是我們的目的地.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 19:46:14 | 显示全部楼层
爬上山脊後的景色更佳, 四週一望無際. 圖右可見Mt. Windsor的山峰.



早上已有遊人路過, 我們跟着足跡前進.

早上已有遊人路過, 我們跟着足跡前進.


发表于 2009-5-12 19:50:08 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 20:04:32 | 显示全部楼层

頂上風光之三: 東北面的Sky Pilot Group. (謝謝Gloria的照片.)

頂上風光之三: 東北面的Sky Pilot Group. (謝謝Gloria的照片.)

頂上風光之二: 西面Howe Sound的海灣與島嶼. (謝謝Gloria的照片.)

頂上風光之二: 西面Howe Sound的海灣與島嶼. (謝謝Gloria的照片.)

頂上風光之一: 南面群山, 從右至左: Hat Mountain, Mt. Brunswick, Lions, Mt. Hanover. (謝謝Gloria的照片.)

頂上風光之一: 南面群山, 從右至左: Hat Mountain, Mt. Brunswick, Lions, Mt. Hanover. (謝謝Gloria的照片.)




 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 20:11:46 | 显示全部楼层

Peak 5400又名Gotha Peak, 高5384尺, 是Mt. Windsor南面的另一個山峰. 我推想Peak 5400的山名由此而來. (資料從www.bivouac.com而來)
发表于 2009-5-12 20:25:40 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 20:45:49 | 显示全部楼层
Mt. Windsor頂上的無限風光. 8)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 20:56:09 | 显示全部楼层

回到停車陽時已日落西山, 黃昏時的Porteau Cove比早上更美.

回到停車陽時已日落西山, 黃昏時的Porteau Cove比早上更美.

回程時再看斜陽下的Mt. Windsor.

回程時再看斜陽下的Mt. Windsor.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 22:07:18 | 显示全部楼层

Google Earth圖.

Google Earth圖.

Vertical Profile. Elevation gain and distance as shown. Start: 10:10h, Lunch: 12:25-12:35h, Break on

Vertical Profile. Elevation gain and distance as shown. Start: 10:10h, Lunch: 12:25-12:35h, Break on

Mt. Windsor GPS Track. Lunch_1=我們用午飯的地方. Gotha J=Mt. Windsor與Peak 5400的岔口. Gully W=Mt. Windsor下的山坳.

Mt. Windsor GPS Track. Lunch_1=我們用午飯的地方. Gotha J=Mt. Windsor與Peak 5400的岔口. Gully W=Mt. Windsor下的山坳.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 05:23:20 | 显示全部楼层

休息時通常吃一點, 一路上需要不斷補充.


如平常旅行一樣, 一定要帶足夠的水.


因山火管制條例, 大部份地方都不能燒火.
发表于 2009-5-13 11:28:10 | 显示全部楼层
Jinsi, thank you so much for doing Windsor again.  

Two weeks ago, I joined Sook, Jinsi and others doing the same route.  I was in terrible condition and regrettably ruined the summit opportunity for Sook and Jinsi.  :oops:   They were very kind in staying behind and make sure that I’m ok.

Anyways, weather for Saturday was perfect.  Though Jinsi only slept for 4 hours (due to work), she was full of energy, zooming her way up the steep slopes to Deeks lake.  I followed her foot steps, huffing and puffing my way along.  At the junction, my energy was so low that Jinsi has to constantly encourage and motivate this poor soul.  At the final steep ascent, it took me forever to finish the last 20+ steps.  Whereas this speed demon was already at the summit finished recording the panoramic views of the surrounding beautiful mountains.  She kept yelling wondering what the heck was I doing down below...  :evil:

Thanks again for the company and help.  Mission finally accomplished in knocking Windsor off my list !  :P
发表于 2009-5-13 18:52:27 | 显示全部楼层
每次看Jinsi MM的游记都是一种非常的享受,谢谢分享
发表于 2009-5-13 18:55:58 | 显示全部楼层
Jinsi, thank you so much for doing Windsor again.  

Two weeks ago, I joined Sook, Jinsi and others doing the same route.  I was in terrible condition and regrettably ruined the summit opportunity for Sook and Jinsi.  :oops:   They were very kind in staying behind and make sure that I’m ok.

Anyways, weather for Saturday was perfect.  Though Jinsi only slept for 4 hours (due to work), she was full of energy, zooming her way up the steep slopes to Deeks lake.  I followed her foot steps, huffing and puffing my way along.  At the junction, my energy was so low that Jinsi has to constantly encourage and motivate this poor soul.  At the final steep ascent, it took me forever to finish the last 20+ steps.  Whereas this speed demon was already at the summit finished recording the panoramic views of the surrounding beautiful mountains.  She kept yelling wondering what the heck was I doing down below...  :evil:

Thanks again for the company and help.  Mission finally accomplished in knocking Windsor off my list !  :P

very respectful and polite reply! I couldn't agree with you more. Jinsi and  Sook are not only great hikers but also very strong team players.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-16 05:27:45 | 显示全部楼层
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