发表于 2013-11-6 22:32:57
进一步 海阔天空: 卫星电话
进一步 海阔天空: 卫星电话
在BC省 以及 落基山脉, 即使是全频道的无线电台, 也不能够保障急需时候, 有稳定的通讯!
时代在发展! 卫星通讯的民用市场日益经济适用。
性能价格比最低花费的投入, 应当是最近出台的 text 卫星服务手机了。
加拿大市场: Spot Global Phone 的recreation plan 似乎最低消费?
http://www.londondrugs.com/Spot- ... ne---Black/L7726540,default,pd.html
双向通话的 global star 服务费用最低廉?
美国市场, 都有哪些 推荐的?
无线电也好 卫星通讯也好, 虽然是以备不时之需。 但却没有了千古以来, 进入原野丛林里, 孤立无援的 感觉。那可是难得之极的 真正考验 一男子汉的环境啊
BTY,被熊袭击 三月后获救
Man found after three months in deep woods, stranded by bear attack
MONTREAL - A man has been rescued after spending three months in a remote forest during which he survived a bear attack, and wound up emaciated and clinging to life.
Police are sharing the improbable story of 44-year-old Marco Lavoie, an experienced hiker who set off on what was supposed to be a two-month excursion on July 16, 2013.
Police can't say exactly when that bear attack occurred. But it's believed that in mid-August, halfway through his planned trip, the animal attacked his encampment, ate his food, and destroyed his survival gear.
Given all his experience in the deep woods, his loved ones simply assumed when he didn't turn up last month that he'd extended his stay in the Lake Matagami region of northwestern Quebec.
But they became increasingly alarmed in recent weeks and called the provincial police on Oct. 21. Police sent out a helicopter to rescue him.
The helicopter couldn't land. So two police officers dropped down, and one carried Lavoie back up on his shoulders. They brought him to hospital.
Police say he was rescued just in time.
"We believe he might have died in a few more hours — 24 to 48 hours more," said Sgt. Ronald McInnis, a provincial police spokesman.
"He's in critical condition. He wasn't even able to drink water when we offered him some. He will be on an IV for several weeks.
"He will gradually learn to drink, and then eat, again."
The man had lost much of his body weight and was suffering from hypothermia when he was found: "It's already been snowing (up there) for two or three weeks. The nights are cold," McInnis said.
http://ca.news.yahoo.com/man-fou ... tack-163546591.html
又及: 杀食爱犬 野外死里逃生
http://www.foxnews.com/world/201 ... ate-dog-to-survive/ |