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当心! 徒步寻猎 可能招致 大麻爱好人士之 灭口暗算?!

发表于 2009-5-27 12:39:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
当心!  徒步寻猎 可能招致 大麻爱好人士之 灭口暗算?!

几乎每年,都有猎人失踪的报道。   “ Missing Hunter ....."

除了尸骨全无以外,他们的猎枪,也没有任何痕迹: ---难道凶猛的野兽,也能够将钢枪吞噬, 埋没不成?

在那 “越是艰险, 越向前的!" 的老爷巡山  或者步行 , 偶然都会 遇见 其他猎人。 彼此间都 会有一个 热心的手势和 微笑!

但各位网友 也许你 都还记得与否, 也曾经遭遇些 似乎模样神秘兮兮的家伙,脏兮兮车, 匆匆而过。载的是乱七八糟的工具。目光往往回避 对视。天色已晚 其方却驶向更深的山里.....

都说BC省 是大麻种植的天堂。早春的前不久,老上我,和两个猎友 在驱车中途巡探之时,就发现 ”路边“ 的十好几个; 大麻野外种植好汉们 遗弃 ‘营养钵” !! 

回来 和各界朋友闲聊起此事。大家都恭喜我:...如果你老上 是在现场 遭遇了在那些狂热的 marihuana 爱好者 干得正欢的发财生意。 说不定一枪蹦了你们几个! 灭了活口。省去了他们的后续麻烦......

现奉上几张照片。务请本网看官大人,野外娱乐时 还得多加小心啊!

万一有谁”失踪不归?“ 猎途四周的大麻种植痕迹,也不能给排除在可疑线索之外也!

该作业现场 距离僻静车行小道 也就数十米的路程。居高临下的战术伏击之点!

该作业现场 距离僻静车行小道 也就数十米的路程。居高临下的战术伏击之点!

避风向阳之处。 小规模的"Green House " 大麻残根依然可见!

避风向阳之处。 小规模的"Green House " 大麻残根依然可见!
发表于 2009-5-27 19:55:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-27 20:15:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-28 00:31:36 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 当心! 徒步寻猎 可能招致 大麻爱好人士之 灭口暗算?!

当心!  徒步寻猎 可能招致 大麻爱好人士之 灭口暗算?!

几乎每年,都有猎人失踪的报道。   “ Missing Hunter ....."

除了尸骨全无以外,他们的猎枪,也没有任何痕迹: ---难道凶猛的野兽,也能够将钢枪吞噬, 埋没不成?

在那 “越是艰险, 越向前的!" 的老爷巡山  或者步行 , 偶然都会 遇见 其他猎人。 彼此间都 会有一个 热心的手势和 微笑!

但各位网友 也许你 都还记得与否, 也曾经遭遇些 似乎模样神秘兮兮的家伙,脏兮兮车, 匆匆而过。载的是乱七八糟的工具。目光往往回避 对视。天色已晚 其方却驶向更深的山里.....

都说BC省 是大麻种植的天堂。早春的前不久,老上我,和两个猎友 在驱车中途巡探之时,就发现 ”路边“ 的十好几个; 大麻野外种植好汉们 遗弃 ‘营养钵” !! 

回来 和各界朋友闲聊起此事。大家都恭喜我:...如果你老上 是在现场 遭遇了在那些狂热的 marihuana 爱好者 干得正欢的发财生意。 说不定一枪蹦了你们几个! 灭了活口。省去了他们的后续麻烦......

现奉上几张照片。务请本网看官大人,野外娱乐时 还得多加小心啊!

万一有谁”失踪不归?“ 猎途四周的大麻种植痕迹,也不能给排除在可疑线索之外也!

发表于 2009-5-28 06:32:26 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-1 23:26:19 | 显示全部楼层

加西 骑警又破获 一起大麻壮士及其武装

加西 骑警又破获 一起大麻壮士及其武装

在古往今来 人类最壮丽的毒品事业之中,那些大麻革命党徒, 可卡因好汉志士们, 都有与吾等猎人相同的一个爱好: 心爱的枪支! 不信?请看消息--

    Mounties seize drugs, cars, cash, weapons in raid
Guns, drugs, cash and luxury cars have been seized in one of Richmond's most diverse marijuana grow-op raids, the RCMP say.

About 17 kilograms of powder ecstasy, pot, hashish, five Porsches, about $80,000 in freezer-wrapped cash and a slew of weapons, including air guns, firearms, pipe bombs, nunchuks, a crossbow and a three-pronged blade, were found in a commercial building in the 12000-block Rowan Place.

Marijuana was growing on the second floor of the building and police also found a synthetic lab creating "sophisticated" fake driver's licences and licence plates.

"This shows the diversity of organized crime," RCMP Cpl. Jennifer Pound said yesterday at a news conference showcasing the seized items. "It's absolutely one of the larger, diverse cases."

Two men, both in their early 30s, were arrested May 30. Their names were not released and formal charges have not been laid yet, Pound said.

Both men were known to police. One man was arrested at the scene. The other turned himself in last Friday and was released on a promise to appear in court. Both are to appear in court the second week of June.

"It would be hard not to connect this to organized crime, but it's hard to say who they are connected to," Pound said.

She warned residents to be vigilant. "These criminals aren't just targeting other criminals. They're targeting kids, they're targeting your mothers, your friends . . . It's based solely on making money and they don't care about who they hurt."

Police were led to the home with the help of surveillance and investigation from the Richmond pot enforcement team.

Police say they were tripping over weapons, including dangerous homemade bombs, before they found the first suspect.

Bags of ecstasy were found in cars. Each kilogram is worth at least $7,000, an investigator said. When manufactured into ecstasy pills each kilogram is worth $30,000 at street value.

At least a dozen cars were seized, three of which were stolen, and police speculate the building was also used as a chop shop to sell car parts.

"We're happy with what we've taken off the streets here," Pound said. "Every day, we're investigating the war on drugs."

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---=-    http://www.theprovince.com/news/ ... /1634146/story.html

万一野外 与大麻热心人士 遭遇之。 心理不得不防!颜面上, 我们也许要突现:     咱们都是绿林 好汉 ,既然都在山里来玩玩 ,  井水不犯河水 !  否则,我手里的家什,也是不喜欢吃素的!

玩枪舞刀?! 只要我们猎人心理有些准备, 鹿死谁手的问题,毒贩子比谁都心虚!

玩枪舞刀?!  只要我们猎人心理有些准备, 鹿死谁手的问题,毒贩子比谁都心虚!
发表于 2009-6-8 19:26:46 | 显示全部楼层


被deer踢死也是很有可能的 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
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