MC 迷彩基本包括了6种颜色,包括暗棕色,中性灰土棕色,卡其绿,中性绿,沙漠粉和亮灰色。面料采用了50%尼龙50%棉布的斜纹防刮尼棉布(NYCO)方便后勤管理和洗涤。
MultiCam is a modern multi-environment camouflage pattern developed by Crye Associates in conjunction with U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center (also known as U.S Army Natick labs). The pattern was on the race to replace the out-dated 3-color desert and Woodland patterns, but eventually lost to the Universal Camouflage Pattern seen in the Army Combat Uniform. However, it is used by some American Special Operations units and law enforcement agencies. US Army recently approved the use of Multicam for the next tour of the 173rd Airborne Brigade to Afghanistan. The pattern is available to civilians.