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Carrying Capacity of the Habitat 征求新中文词解析

发表于 2009-7-6 12:47:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Carrying Capacity of the Habitat 征求新中文词解析

这个生态学的基本概念, 居然还不容易找到响应的中文名词, :生态载重? 生态承载? 负荷容量?
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_is ... by_limiting_factors

原始的两个理解: 是亚洲地区拥挤的都市生活----拥挤,拥挤,再拥挤。 和加拿大的旷野山林,政府 鼓励吾等打猎的娱乐, 将繁殖过度的黑熊和鹿科等 摆平。

下面, 是有关 “Carrying Capacity of the Habitat” 的英文资料。 还望猎友 大虾,给予新的,更好的中文,清晰简明的汉语解析。

为今后再有那些面临对我们打猎活动, 因为固陋寡闻而产生的疑问,质问之时,从容对答;

Carrying Capacity

Concept of carrying capacity takes several forms in both biology and anthropology

As Dewar reading explains, in bioecology concept usually refers to K = equilibrium population size (regardless of the factors producing this eqilibrium)

In anthropology, by contrast, carrying capacity usually refers to ability of environment to support human population on sustained basis (Dewar's "Cc")

Main uses of carrying capacity concept in ecol. anthro:

    a) to determine if population and resources are in balance

    b) to predict equilibrium or prehistoric population size

    c) to explain cultural features as adaptations that maintain equilibrium (population "self-regulation")

    d) to explain cultural features as adaptations allowing or responding to increase in population size ("population pressure")

Note that a) and b) are descriptive, while c) and d) are explanatory

Two basic problems in using carrying capacity concept:

    1) limiting factors (climate, food resources, etc.) subject to rapid & unpredictable fluctuations

    2) human populations can alter their own carrying capacity

First problem is complex, but its clear that given our long generation length and offspring dependency, humans can't track short-term fluctuations in limiting factors; at best, we are adapted to some medium-term minimum

Second problem relates to choice and flexibility, and capacity for behavioral and cultural change: alterations of technology, economic organization, rules of land use, even religious beliefs can significantly alter equilibrium population size in a given area

This means that K is niche-specific, not set by environment per se; according to Joel Cohen (1995:343), this is a uniquely human attribute

However, some would argue this is a matter of degree, since non-human species also respond to population pressure (N approaching K) with niche shifts and other behavioral and/or physiological changes that in turn alter

http://www.michigandnr.com/publi ... arryingcapacity.htm


http://books.google.com/books?id ... lt&resnum=8


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