枪林弹雨淘汰剩下的鹿科3叉以上的老雄, 虽然平素精明狡猾无比。但在其年度母雌发情最高潮, 其全部注意力, 都倾注于繁衍大计。
这也正是猎手们最宝贵难得的 '唾手可得“ 秒杀良机!
Some people[who?] believe that the white-tailed deer rut is also controlled by the lunar phase and that the rut peaks seven days after the second full moon (the rutting moon) after the autumnal equinox on 21 September. However, study of white-tailed doe conception dates conducted in Minnesota between 1980 and 1987 showed no correlation between peak breeding dates of white-tailed deer and any lunar phase.[2]
A white-tail doe may be in estrus for up to 72 hours, and may come into estrus up to seven times if she does not mate. Cow elk may come into estrus up to four or more times if they do not mate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rut_%28mammalian_reproduction%29
在面前人人平等原则的发端;正当程序的起源;人权的诞生。诸如此类。对英国人来说,今年真正重大的纪念日并不关乎《大宪章》(Magna Carta)。我们其实应该庆祝1415年的阿金库尔战役(Battle of Agincourt)和1815年的滑铁卢战役(Batttle of Waterloo)。它们不仅涉及英国人最喜爱的历史性活动——击败法国人,而且是用最富有英国人特色的方式实现的:让敌人陷在泥沼里。