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熊肉卫生: 必须彻底煮熟

发表于 2009-7-24 17:36:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
野生野味 "会有" 寄生虫 吃时必须小心。

也许 这将是对我们猎人 最大的 烦恼 困扰 和 打击。因为我们大多数是 为肉而猎。

但我们必须接受 现实。这会有机会发生。因此我们要小心。

首先我们必须认识和了解它。然后正确处理。使问题发生的 可能性 推至 最低水平。

尽管 这寄生虫 让人 沮丧和恶心。但在了解它后。经过正确处理,它也不是 我们想象 那么恐怖。

parasitic disease

熊肉旋毛虫病 5 案例 -为什么熊肉必须彻底煮熟

人是由于食入含囊包蚴的生或半生的动物肉类而感染。 囊包蚴抵抗力强, 能耐低温, 猪肉中的囊包蚴在-15℃需储存20天才死亡,-12℃可活57天,70℃时很快死亡,在腐肉中能存活2~3个月。 凉拌、腌制、熏烤及涮食等方法常不能杀死幼虫。 发病人数中吃生肉者占90%以上。 此外,切生肉的刀或砧板如再切熟食, 人吃污染囊包蚴的熟食,也是传播的方式之一。


烹调时 必须彻底煮熟。

- 在温度165 °F ( 74 ℃ 摄氏 )最低限度煮15秒。


中文 旋毛虫 资料

在疾病预防控制中心报告说, 0.013 %的美国猪感染旋毛虫。

Prevention 面对和处理

- Cooking meat products to an internal temperature of 165 °F (74 °C) for a minimum of 15 seconds.

- Cooking pork to a uniform internal temperature of at least 144 °F (62.2 °C), per USDA Title 9 section 318.10. It is prudent to use a margin of error to allow for variation in internal temperature and error in the thermometer.

- Freezing pork less than 6 inches thick for 20 days at 5 °F (−15 °C) or three days at −4 °F (−20 °C) kills larval worms.

- Cooking wild game meat thoroughly. Freezing wild game meats, unlike freezing pork products, even for long periods of time, may not effectively kill all worms. This is because the species of trichinella that typically infects wild game is more resistant to freezing than the species that infects pigs.

- Cooking all meat fed to pigs or other wild animals.
Keeping pigs in clean pens with floors that can be washed (such as concrete).

- Not allowing hogs to eat uncooked carcasses of other animals, including rats, which may be infected with trichinosis.

- Cleaning meat grinders thoroughly when preparing ground meats.

- Control and destruction of meat containing trichinae, e.g., removal and proper disposal of porcine diaphragms prior to public sale of meat.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention makes the following recommendation: "Curing (salting), drying, smoking, or microwaving meat does not consistently kill infective worms." However, under controlled commercial food processing conditions some of these methods are considered effective by the United States Department of Agriculture.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) are responsible for the regulations concerning the importation of swine from foreign countries. The Foreign Origin Meat and Meat Products, Swine section covers swine meat (cooked, cured and dried, and fresh). The USDA and APHIS developed the National Trichinae Certification Program. This is a voluntary “pre-harvest” program for U.S. swine producers “that will provide documentation of swine management practices” to reduce the incidence of Trichinella in swine. The CDC reports that 0.013% of U.S. swine is infected with Trichinella.



Trichinella larval cysts
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