发表于 2009-7-25 14:46:23
没有实际对比使用楼主的这两款 .300 Mag. 只记得当时自己在挑选点300的几款时。 手感等店堂里的摆乎,最后挑选了泊郎林点300。一直感觉不错!
300 Weatherby Magnum vs 300 Remington Ultra Magnum
http://www.gunandgame.com/forums ... n-ultra-magnum.html
Both the 300 Wby and 300 RUM have about the same power, with the RUM having the edge by a little, but individual loads will vary more than that difference. Same rim size, but the Wby is a belted magnum, so the case is a bit thinner than the RUM. Headspacing on the shoulder and having a straight, fat case makes the 300 RUM the more accurate design, but the high quality of 300 Wby ammo and guaranteed accuracy of Weatherby rifles make it a potentially better contender for accuracy. The Weatherby's case and throat design make it particularly more efficient than the 300 RUM, and the overall shape seems more conducive to feeding.
Rifle and choices are another issue. Far as I know, the 300 RUM is the round more commonly chambered in new rifles, with Weatherby being the only one to chamber for the 300 Wby mag. So even if the Weatherby was the better feeding round, could a more reliably feeding rifle chambered in 300 RUM make it the more practical choice if reliability was key?
建议各位如果有细节问题, 不妨也在西文猎网上搜,在猎事上, 毕竟他们是“地主”啊 |
From left to right: 1 .17 HM2, 2 .17 HMR, 3 .22LR, 4 .22 WMR, 5 .17/23 SMc, 6 5mm/35 SMc, 7 .22 Horn